Where to add a link to another lens in same niche?

Discussion in 'Squidoo' started by Lauram, Feb 13, 2010.

  1. Lauram

    Lauram New Member

    I have just finished another lens in my niche and wondered 'where' you would link it with the initial lens? When I create another one, I would like to just link all of them....


    Would you just add another text module and make a clickable link there?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you! [​IMG]
  2. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    Use the "Featured Lenses" module and add your own lenses - you can add up to 5 that way and it comes up really nice with that module.
  3. VictoriaNTC

    VictoriaNTC Silver Member

    I would do as above.
    Squidoo really has made things look very nice.
  4. Lauram

    Lauram New Member

    Thank you so much, mountainmom5 and victoriantc, I'll give it a whirl! [​IMG]
  5. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    I see you added it - that's what I love about Squidoo.... they make it easy to dress up a lens with all kinds of tools and gadgets.[​IMG]

    p.s.s Your lens is so pretty. I wish I had your "knack"!
  6. Lauram

    Lauram New Member

    Yes, I added it after reading the messages...I don't want to waste any time and having the support and recommendations of experienced people on the forum sure helps when you're as new as I am!!

    mountainmom5: p.s.s Your lens is so pretty. I wish I had your "knack"!
    Thank you!! I didn't think it was anything special....but coming from someone who has soooo much 'out there'....thanks....I just hope this 'knack' will bring in some money at some point!! Thanks for your direction, mountainmom5!

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