Who Wants a MAJOR Pick-me-up? Then Look =]

Discussion in 'Humor' started by Matt Zenittini, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. Matt Zenittini

    Matt Zenittini Silver Member

  2. talfighel

    talfighel Silver Member

    This is awesome. Kind of funny at first but thank God for his persistence. He did break it.

    This guy is great. More power to him. He also learned a good lesson. Never give up.....

    By the way, Tony will be on Larry king LIVE tonight. I love this guy ( Tony himself). He is #1 in my book. He was the first guy who mentored me through his tapes when I got started and I thank all to him.

  3. Matt Zenittini

    Matt Zenittini Silver Member

    Haha yeah it's pretty funny stuff.

    When he said "Maybe it's harder than I thought.. Or maybe I need another piece of wood". That just cracked me up!

    That's pretty cool I will check out Larry King. Tony is a pretty amazing dude.
  4. mountainmom5

    mountainmom5 Gold Member

    OMG!! Even my boys got a good chuckle out of that.[​IMG]
  5. A8ch

    A8ch Gold Member

    That video was funny, but you've got to hand it to the guy. He took action... persisted... endured the pain (they say it's necessary for gain)... and achieved his goal.

    Now you can look for him in a follow up video... breaking a brick over his head. [​IMG]

  6. Matt Zenittini

    Matt Zenittini Silver Member

    A8ch: Now you can look for him in a follow up video... breaking a brick over his head.
    LOL -- Thanks Hermas! You made this topic last give me yet another pick me up!

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