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What do you think about Melaleuca-The Wellness Co.

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Joined: 13 Dec 2007
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# Posted: 13 Dec 2007 13:38

I've heard some great things just through this blog, can someone tell me how to contact a rep in Ontario,Canada for some products.


Joined: 6 Jan 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 6 Jan 2008 09:11

I have been a customer and using the products since April 1992. I enjoy them and yes, they cost a bit more upfront. however, they are very concentrated. I 96oz bottle of MelaPower laundrey detergent lasts me at least 6 months, sometimes longer. And I wash at least once a day, sometimes 2-3 times per day. A bar of soap lasts us at least a month, and really enjoy the smell of the soap.
As far as the business. The thing that people have to remember is that it is a business. If you started a restaurant or any other type of business, you have to put in the time and sweat to build the business. I was in the restaurant biz for nearly 20 years and I know. I worked many 100 hour weeks, from early morning until late at night getting things going. And once they were going, I still put in the hours to watch the business, advertise, deal with employees, ... Treat this like a business and it will work. Set regular hours to do business, act in a professional, ethical manner. And foremost, be completely honest with people. Do not try to get them to come into Melaleuca by not telling them everything or telling them something that is not honest. If you do not know, tell them so and that you will find out.
Over half of ALL non-MLM/Network Marketing business fail in the first 5 years. But they had to put up much, much more money to get things going. So look at what they lose. Not nearly what someone who comes to Melaleuca has to pay.
Yes, some people have the skills and ability to come in and burn the forest down and build huge income quickly. But most of us will not do that. Do not go in this with that expectation. Expect to have to work hard, put in extra time, and make some sacrifices. Wouldn't you be making that sacrifice if you worked a second job?
I hope, while reading all of this, and what other's have posted, you realize that this is a business that must be WORKED. It is simple, not necessarly EASY, but SIMPLE!!


Joined: 19 May 2006
Posts: 121

# Posted: 24 Feb 2008 14:35

Quoting: simonussher
What is melaleuca? Is it a berry or something?

Melaleuca is another name for tea tree oil.

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# Posted: 24 Feb 2008 18:36

Quoting: susaneng
Melaleuca is another name for tea tree oil.

Actually Melaleuca Oil is the strongest form of Tea Tree Oil, the most pure form. What is sold in the stores is a weaker form of Melaleuca Oil.
The company has two strengths that are stronger than the Tea Tree Oil & each is needed for different situations. For instance only the strongest form can beat a nail yeast infection.



Joined: 25 Feb 2008
Posts: 17

# Posted: 25 Feb 2008 09:14

Melaleuca is a great company. I have been a member for over 3 years now and love the products. They are all I buy. I never purchase any store products such as cleaners and detergents because I have found Melaleucas to be of much better quality and they even work better!

Julie P.

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# Posted: 8 Mar 2008 01:11

Quoting: Kip
I've heard some great things just through this blog, can someone tell me how to contact a rep in Ontario,Canada for some products.

Kip, call Melaleuca & they will link you up with someone in Canada



Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 21 Apr 2008 16:10

You can make enough, very easily to cover your monthly products.


Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 21 Apr 2008 16:12

Could take just a few months.


Joined: 11 May 2008
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# Posted: 11 May 2008 04:23

I am interested in discussing the petro-chemicals Melaleuca currently uses in their products and why some people would choose to continue buying Melaleuca products when they are not completely safe. Just because they are a little safer than some mainstream products doesn't make them totally "safe" by any means. I have reviewed some of the petro-chemicals they use in their patents and to be honest, I don't know how they can claim to be a "Health and Wellness" company when they are attempting to justify using certain chemicals and claiming they are safe to use. Of the 88,000+ petro-chemicals presently in use today, very few are properly tested especially over the long term. Chemicals they consider to be "safe" today can potentially be harmful 50 years from now. Fluoride is a prime example of what premature research can do. Until the industry changes (if it ever does) we cannot trust it to keep us safe. This applies to Melaleuca as well despite what they continually tell us about testing and their "word".

With the rise in chemical sensitivities in today's workplace and home, people need to go a couple steps further than Melaleuca products and go petro-chemical free. Once the fatty tissues in your body is overloaded with synthetic petro-chemicals, the organs are next to bear the onslaught of synthetic tyranny. And since Melaleuca has refused to cease using certain chemicals which they currently purchase from various chemical plants, my fear is for the long term safety of their consumers.

However, it appears people are more interested in making an income than learning about the hidden dangers present in not only Melaleuca products, but many health food store brands as well. The difference between Mela and the health food store brands is that many companies have discontinued certain chemicals upon discovering new information whereas Melaleuca refuses to do so. As they so blatantly stated in one of their articles, they don't want to "perpetuate the myth."

I would ask people to scrutinize all food labels and personal care product labels. Learn about the ingredients/chemicals and become informed. Once you are armed with the knowledge, noone can deceive you in the future.


Joined: 30 May 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 30 May 2008 16:43

I just quit Melaleuca for the second time. The more recent time that I signed up to work the business. A women (not listing name) called me and started stating she worked for a wellness company and I asked if it was Melaleuca and she said yes. She inquired about how I knew the company, I explained that I had signed up before a few years before and didn't get really good training and didn't sign anyone up so, I stopped because I wasn't making money and to be honest I didn't have the money to work the business. We talked and I signed up again with this lady. Well as of 3:15pm on Friday May 30. 2008 I am no longer a customer or an I.B.O for this company. When I called to cancel my membership they asked questions about why and then stated I would need to fax and also stated that they may not receive it and or, I could mail the paper stating my name, phone, address, and statement and of course sign it. The fax they gave me is here:1.888.528.2090 I am including it here in case anyone needs it. I signed up about 2 to 3 months ago spent extra so, that me and my husband could advertise worldwide.
We had at least 1,000 advertisements out on the net in different cities and countries. We did receive a lot of responses but Thankfully no one signed up. To be honest I never googled their name or anything and I was and had just went by what I was told. The two women claimed that it was ALL NATURAL and SAFE. When I searched them on the net I found A LOT of Unhappy consumers and a child could have died by getting their so called safe toothpaste for kids on her had she swallowed it! She from the report had only got it on her legs, stomach, chest- her mother had gotten to her in time before she put it in her mouth. After reading that I knew I didn't want to be responsible for harming anyone in the mean time my husband went and got a bottle of their Tub & Tile cleaner on the bottom of the bottle it states: Caution: Eye irritant. Keep out of reach of children. In case of eye contact, flush with plenty of water. Call physician if irritation persists. If swallowed drink water and call a physician or local posion control center. avoid prolonged or repeated exposure to the sun. Do not mix with bleach or other cleaning agents. My question is if this is all natural and safe and non toxic then why the warning? I had told people who called me that it was ok because I honestly believed it. I am not telling anyone to not try it but, I will say this that I wont sell or buy from this company anymore. I want to know that what I am using is safe and I don't want anyone getting sick or dying from using it. I don't recommend this business or it's products. This is just my opinion you can take it or leave it.


Joined: 30 May 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 30 May 2008 17:20

I really suggest that you look at everything before you sign up and don't give a visa or bank account that you use all time time instead get one you put money on and use it if you do decide to sign up with this company. If you use a reg. visa or bank card you will get charged even if you don't want the products anymore! When I called to cancel my membership and told them I would fax the paper to them they told me they may not receive it (This tells me that the paper will most likely get lost l.o.l). I loved their products, I thought they were safe and they did a good job at cleaning things that I couldn't get cleaned with anything else. I never looked them up on the net to see any neg. feedback and I had always took the word of the person who signed me up (both times) but, I don't want to take the risk of hurting someone and so, I don't recommend this company, there are too many unhappy people out their for me and some could've passed away from what i had read- no thanks. I want to have a clean home but, I will look for things that maybe I overlooked before that is all natural and I know pretty sure wont kill me or the people I care about. Of course this is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.

As I had stated before I worked this twice. The first time I had been in it for about 6 mo or so. I really didn't care for the smell of some of their products but, tried and used them a good bit. The toothpaste I got I really didn't like the smell or taste and almost everytime I used it I got ill when I went back to the store and got another tube of what I had gotten before I was no longer ill however, I didn't think the toothpaste made me ill but, after reading some of the things that I have found on the net I am know wondering if it had something to do with it. I lived in a very old home that the tub was awful and had taken bleach with very little water and let it soak overnight, got up the next day and looked into the tub and it hadn't done a thing!!! I had gotten some of the cleaning products from Melaleuca and used tub and tile on it , I admit it came out white it looked brand new but, doesn't it make you wonder if bleach didn't get it clean what melaleuca has in their cleaner to make it look brand new?????


Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 27 Jun 2008 10:30

Trish, Melaleuca as a home based business isn't for everyone especially without the belief that they have the best products and are truly non-toxic.

I joined Melaleuca 4 years ago because I was looking for something I could do from home. Well, it took me that long to realize that this business and the products were not for me. As a single person I found it difficult to buy every month as we are required to do in order to maintain our "preferred customer" status entitling me to the 30 - 40% discounts and the loyalty dollars. Minimum order is 35 (pp) product points which equates to approx. $55 plus tax plus shipping.

Since their products are concentrated they lasted quite a while, more than one month. So I found that I was buying stuff I wouldn't normally buy just to meet my 35 pp commitment every month. Then once I reached Director, which is having enrolled 8 preferred customers, I had to increase to 75 pp in order to get my Director commission checks. These checks were enough to pay for the products. I don't particularly like to be told I HAVE to shop every month.

Like you, Trish, I wasn't totally convinced that Melaleuca was as safe as they claim to be. Also, the cost is much much more than what I was told during my "presentation". It's 29$ to join; do this as a business there are other costs which were hidden from me until I was engrossed in the team I was part of. This business can't be done alone, it is forced team work. Melaleuca has rules. One rule I had difficulty with was not being able to advertise that I was a rep for Melaleuca.

I compare this business to car salespeople. If you can talk them into enrolling and keep them as a customer and/or business partner then you will make money. I didn't feel comfortable about it.

Those that are making money at this have only praise for Melaleuca. I was making money, I was a Director III, but was still not convinced myself that this was the best. Melaleuca's reorder rate has dropped; their sales are climbing. There are people who swear by them, I am not one of those people.

I liked the products. If I could buy them from my local store I would; at least them I could buy WHEN I WANTED and HOW MUCH I wanted.


Joined: 27 Jun 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 27 Jun 2008 16:27

I was in Melaleuca about 5 years ago.
I made a few bucks but not that much.

The guy who signed me did pretty well.
He earned a company car (leased).

He eventually got discouraged and doesn't
do the business anymore.

The guy who signed him up made a fortune.
He recruited by doing a lot of public meetings, getting up
in front of a large crowd and promoting the products.
(I don't know if he's still active or not).

I liked the products very much, especially the
Melaleuca oil and their dental floss... Top notch!

However, their prices are a bit pricey.

The company is now very well establishes
(which means that it is harder to make any real money).

I would suggest to you that you find a company that is
still in it's growing stages, unlike Melaleuca, Amway and
Herbalife which are all well established and already
doing Billions in sales.

If you'd like a couple suggestions, send me a message
and I'll get back to you.

Good Luck!
Carl Willoughby

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Joined: 7 Jul 2008
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# Posted: 7 Jul 2008 18:24

I have been a customer with Melaleuca for about 2 years now. I love the products. Renew lotion for dry skin is my favourite product. Although, I must admit that I have not experienced any prolems with the toothpaste.
Recently I have thought about the business side of Melaleuca. However, the problem I'm facing at the moment is that my sponsor doesn't take the business seriously and as a result the support I get is very weak. To top it off the person who enrolled my sponsor has quit and I've moved to a new area where I don't know anybody.
Now all my sponsor can talk about is building a list of people I know. Ok! So I introduced some of my friends to this guy. Big mistake!
Right about now I'm thinking of either quiting completely, or finding a local rep. I still think that the products are cool and Melaleuca has only been over in the UK for a few years. To me this is like a ground floor oportunity, but with an established company.
Are there any Uk based Melaleuca reps out there, particularly in Surrey with any thoughts on this matter?


Joined: 2 Nov 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 2 Nov 2008 13:21

To aWellnessGroup,
your enrollment numbers are impressive. I've been w/Melaleuca for 7 months and average 4/month, but I'm struggling now to find folks that are looking for a great opportunity like Melaleuca. Can you give me any advice?


Joined: 4 Nov 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 4 Nov 2008 16:27

Hi All: I'm new to your forum, but not new to Melaleuca. I have been in the program 2 times, and have nothing bad to say about their product. If you are one to get out and hussel and know lots of people, that are interested in making some money. Give it a shot. My problem was, that I just didn't know a lot of people, and you do have to sign up other people to make money from the products they buy. It's a good company and never had any problems with the company. I also had great support people to help me out, but didn't make it both times I enrolled, due to the above.

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Shelly Allen

Joined: 31 Oct 2008
Posts: 19

# Posted: 4 Nov 2008 17:07

Can you give me any advice?

LivingGreener I will send you a private message!

Shelly Allen

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Joined: 2 Mar 2008
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# Posted: 9 Nov 2008 19:04

I have been using Melaleuca products for over 4 years now and just recently started to build a business. I know that my business will only grow if I put in the time and effort. This would be true with any home biz. If I do not let others know what I am doing, I cannot expect to grow and increase my income. I am constantly adding names to my call list. Not everyone I talk to about purchasing products from Mela. is going to switch over. Every time someone says "no" to me, I think up two new names to add to my call list. For starting a biz, Mela has an extremely low start up cost. You can do it for less than $100. This is biz you can start part-time or work it full time. The choice is yours. You pick what level you want to work. If you decide to start with Mela, make sure that you have a good support team to help you learn the ropes. This will help you get off to a great start.


Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 194

# Posted: 11 Nov 2008 19:36

Good products, have used the soap for years, but like most, it is a long haul to build up an income, never mind sustain it. I got up to a couple hundred a month when I started, but attrition is a killer, especially in a recession as people look to cut back on their budgets, and what goes first, sadly, expensive soap.

Success to all, Mike


Joined: 15 Nov 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 06:51

hi I just signed up as melaleuca preferred customer but I read on the internet that this company is a scam and that they keep charging to credit card even though products were not ordered. anyone of you have experienced this.?


Joined: 15 Nov 2008
Posts: 3

# Posted: 15 Nov 2008 10:23

I joined Melaluca many years ago when it first came out. I loved the products and like you wanted to sign up families to pay for my products. I worked my but off and in the first month I signed about 14 families. Then the second month they all dropped out. Go figure.I remained a customer for quite awhile then I dropped out too.

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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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# Posted: 17 Nov 2008 09:07

Whoever explained Melaleuca to you did not do it correctly. It is simply a shopping decision- do you want safe non-toxic products in your home. Well all you do is shop on a monthly basis for the products that you would normally buy elsewhere from Melaleuca to make sure you have a healthy home and body. To preserve your preferred customer prices and wholesale membership you select a the products you want to receive in a select pack that the company will ship to you if something comes up in your life and you forget to order. You should NEVER receive products you havent asked for. It is fully explained in the presentation and on the customer forms which you must have signed to be a customer. If you no longer want the benefits all you do is write and cancel It really is very simple. I have customers who really value our products ordering for five years and more. When you have life changing experiences like my daughter not having eczema any more you wouldn't change your brand .And if you really want to earn money at the same time it works I dont know where I would be today if it wasnt for my Melaleuca business. After all if you haven't got your health there really isn't much of a life for you.

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