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Is anyone familiar with the AmeriPlan home business?

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Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 43

# Posted: 2 Jun 2009 22:38

I recieved an email saying I could either work as a broker for their medical services, or as a recruiter. The start up cost of the program is a bit steep, over 100.00. I would like to find out more before I make a decision, Thank You

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# Posted: 3 Jun 2009 00:44

Make sure you can do it in your state. I am in Montana which happens to be one of the states that doesn't allow Ameriplan - we can not do it as a business or use the plan.

There are quite a few moms on that do Ameriplan so you might get more advice there. Beware though, they can be a bit overwhelming over there.

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Joined: 8 Jun 2009
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# Posted: 8 Jun 2009 00:46

Hi there, I'm new here, but I just wanted to put in my 2 cents... I work as an Ameriplan IBO (recruiter) and the price to join (depending upon where you are -- I believe there are a few select states that are the $95) is $50 plus the optional ($45 starter kit, which includes brochures, forms, and $75 worth of sales aid certificates, which I found very useful.)

Some states you must join at the $95 but some allow you to join at $50 and you get an E-kit, which you get instant access.

I can try to answer more questions, if you'd like. Just let me know!

Yuriko Hayashi
[email protected]
If I knew about Ameriplan, I could have saved over $2k on my husband's dental bill.
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# Posted: 8 Jun 2009 12:01

There is some threads about Ameriplan on the Ripoffreport, but they are all pretty old from around 2007: &submit2=Search!&q5=Ameriplan+


Joined: 8 Jun 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 8 Jun 2009 12:21

The BBB as well as is a place where anyone can turn to vent if they are not happy and no business in the world can make everyone happy at all times.

If you were to look up reports on Microsoft you'll find thousands of thousands of complaints but it doesn't stop people from using Windows or Vista.

The same here with AmeriPlan�. AmeriPlan� was working with a provider network in the state of Montana and the network was having some issues, so AmeriPlan� quickly resolved them. The BBB subsequently 'suspended' AmeriPlan's� status - the BBB is not allowed (by their OWN doctrine) to suspend any company unless that company has an open legal action against them (AmeriPlan� did not).

AmeriPlan's� legal team began the process of a lawsuit for wrongful suspension. When the BBB received the legal paperwork from AmeriPlan�, that's when they revoked their membership.

If all people that felt the need to put down a company had all the facts about a company, there might not be such a negative nature to people's attitudes regarding home-based businesses as being scams.

Being an Independent Business Owner myself, I find it disheartening to see that a non-profit organization like the BBB (who is run by several corporations), seem to have some sort of 'power' over people's perception of how a company works. It's obvious that the BBB's handling of this situation is not good business practice - what company is? All I ever ask of anyone looking into my business is that they make sure to have ALL the facts before passing judgement.

We as a company did what was asked and we are 100% satisfied with how we handled this and our integrity. There are currently 47 MILLION people in America who are underinsured or not insured and we are dedicated to helping these individuals. Many Americans are now dropping Dental Insurance simply because they can not afford it. We are here to help them.

I encourage you to review a site WELL KNOWN as a place to submit complaints. This company is Rip Off Report. This is what they have to say about AmeriPlan� and how we are committed to our members.

I'm sure there are people who are unhappy for one reason or another with Ameriplan�; this is bound to happen when you have nearly 2 million members and 70,000 business owners nationwide.

AmeriPlan� partners with HUGE companies, such as Health Trans, Coast to Coast Vision, and many fortune 500 companies. These companies has high powered attorneys who they consult with and I'm sure if AmeriPlan� was not a forthright company these attorneys would not allow their clients reputation to be jeopardized by partnering with us.

Yuriko Hayashi
[email protected]
If I knew about Ameriplan, I could have saved over $2k on my husband's dental bill.

Joined: 3 Dec 2008
Posts: 30

# Posted: 8 Jun 2009 17:55

I use to do Ameriplan it was ok i did not make any sales off the program so i pulled out of it after 3 months. I did everything no calls, no one was interested and you had to pay a over head fee of $50.00 dollars a month. So i quit

Angela Barnett

Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 43

# Posted: 15 Jun 2009 20:54

Thank you for the advice on stATES, I will check into it. Also, thanks for the referral to cafemom, ill check them out too!


Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 43

# Posted: 15 Jun 2009 21:06

Thanks for the advice, Ive invested in some businesses that sounded good only to turn around and turn out badly. It would be nice if business owners trying to sell their business plans or whatnot would be completely honest about the benefits AND drawbacks of the business and be truthful about what is necessary to succeed in the businesses. Had I known, for instance, that I was required to promote things in an already saturated market or that it takes 6 months or a year to see a profit instead of the "quick " profit, they claimed would be possible, maybe I, as a single parent would not have taken my last few dollars and paid for a "legit" business opportunity in hopes that it would be worth it, as I have on a few occasions, just to find out I spent my last 5,10,20,50 or 100 on a worthless "plan". This happens then company owners complain about people who post things like rip off reports etc.. about their companies. Its sad that in this day and age, the only way business owners seem to be able to profit is to outright lie and falsify information in order to rip others off. Hardworking people who cannot really afford to lose 100.00 or even 10.00 in todays sketchy economy. Im still not sure about Ameriplan, especially with the impending health care reform initiative, But if people have more information, I would appreciate any help I get, Thank you


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