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Market America

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Joined: 3 Jul 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 3 Jul 2009 14:36

My sister introduced me to Market America and now I'm doing some research. I have used and do like the products.
Has anyone had any experience with this company? Good or Bad

Newbie Shield
Gold Member

Joined: 22 Sep 2007
Posts: 2029

# Posted: 4 Jul 2009 21:25


If you like their products and find MLM appealing then you might like to try it out.

Personally, I wouldn't bother with that or any MLM program. Be advised that to get bonus level payouts, you have to consume X dollars of their own line each month (or week) to qualify.

I find that particular setup to be very annoying.

They are typically hyped like most MLMs. They focus far too much on the earning potential and don't talk much about their products.

I looked into it because someone I know was interested in it. I told them not to join.

But, like I said, if you really believe in their products and like the idea of network marketing, then consider giving it a go.

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 24 Jan 2008
Posts: 78

# Posted: 6 Jul 2009 19:00

Newbie Shield:
They are typically hyped like most MLMs. They focus far too much on the earning potential and don't talk much about their products.

I looked into it because someone I know was interested in it. I told them not to join.

Oh you see that too? Just like when i joined some 6startravellersclub and you know the rest of the story blah blah after 1 month. I got nothing and since then i kinda hate MLM with a passion...


Joined: 1 Aug 2009
Posts: 1

# Posted: 1 Aug 2009 17:36

We have 10 years experience with this company and its a sound company. They have always sent the checks that we have earned and I've been to corporate where I talked with vendors that produce the products. They all speak highly of the companies integrity(getting paid promptly ranks up there with me).

There are two basic ways to build a business like this 1)retail to recruit 2)recruit to retail. The way I suggest people to start out is finding a product(s) they like and they feel very comfortable (#1) mentioning to the people they know, at the appropriate time. In other words, if someone has migraines they most likely won't be interested in something for losing weight. And I don't give product away; its no way to run a business. Only wholesale or retail

If you have people that are open to trying the particular product, and like it, (say..3-5people) then- and only then-should you consider being a distributor. This company is a stickler for being in compliance with FTC regs and if you don't have regular customers you can forget making this work. Always lead with the products!

Craig Vollan
Managing Partner
The Vollan Group, Inc.

Joined: 31 Dec 2007
Posts: 99

# Posted: 2 Aug 2009 20:59

If you like it then pursue it. No reason to hate mlm, most just can't commit to do what needs to be done long enough to be successful. Mlm, networking has produce more self made millionaires then pretty much any other homebased opportunity.

What you want to looking for is what is the marketing success training and strategy. That is what dictates success.


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