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RIOY (Retire In One Year)

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Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 29 Jul 2008 14:59

Hi all,

Since the RIOY changeover, the inquiries have increased so I wanted to post here the time and number of tonight's conference call.

Its at 9:00 EST and the number is 641-715-3300 and the pin is

This will be a great time to get those questions answered!

Take care,



Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 29 Jul 2008 15:24

I am definately going to try and be on there tonight! Thanks for posting Laura.

Kris Crosby

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 29 Jul 2008 22:30

missed the call I had a house full of people. Can anyone give me an update on what I missed. I was able to get my customers reserved so that was pretty exciting...Can't wait to see where all this leads.


Kris Crosby

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 29 Jul 2008 22:39

I got my first lead......YEA


Joined: 20 Mar 2008
Posts: 39

# Posted: 29 Jul 2008 22:45

Kris Crosby:
I got my first lead......YEA

Wow, you must a hot dog Good Job Kris Keep up the good work!!

RIOY is coming to a computer near you
Get On Board Today
Or Regret It Tomorrow!

My Review Site

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Posts: 183

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 06:34 � Edited by: LauraLicata

Kristina...Congratulations!!!! Coby got her first lead too. I need to get the both of you speaking to one another....she is a stay at home mom of young kids too!

I want to write up what I heard so it's all correct....let's just say I have not even touched on some of the things Karl mentioned last night. If someone doesn't see this as the most awesome opportunity ever then well....I have nothing left to say. There can't possibly be a more lucrative way of joining the company than this...its impossible! Think about of my BA's has 2 BA's all ready and he's been in the company 2 weeks! And we get triple our original investment in a year. How can you top that!

I'm going into Manhattan all day today but I'll be back later!!

Take care,



Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 10:39

I missed the call too! One of my best friends had a baby and I was at the hospital! I really wanted to hear it. Are they still recording the calls so we can listen in later?

Congrats on your first lead Kristina!


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 18:06

Hi all,

I wanted to post some of the highlights from last nights call. I honestly had no idea about a few of these things Karl mentioned so I was truly amazed.

About the guarantee...RIOY guarantees you will triple your one time payment in one year. If that does not happen you will be refunded the amount of your one time payment, your monthly payments of $35 x 12 = $420 and the initial cost of signing up for the company.

Also, I asked about what happens after the 2 years of the $300 payments and Karl said that if you continue to pay your $35 a month to RIOY, he will send checks for $100 for your product order or to buy customers, as long as it goes to "the company."

He also spoke about the parent company of "the company" who advertises for essentially anybody who is the NBA...and others...and has a firm reputation for keeping customers.

It was so awesome to hear Karl speak in his humble manner of what he is doing for RIOY members because I have never, ever heard of anything so generous.

This is not an opportunity to pass up or even wait on. It is the best opportunity hands down.

Take care,



Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 18:47

They did post the recorded call in the back office today. I listened to it and wholeheartedly agree with everything Laura said. It is truely an amazing program and opportunity!


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 22:05


They did post the recorded call in the back office today. I listened to it and wholeheartedly agree with everything Laura said. It is truely an amazing program and opportunity!

Thanks Cody and you are so right. I just spoke with someone tonight who has been reading this thread and he called because he was so amazed by the enthusiasm and the entire RIOY program.

That is the most important thing...let everyone know about this amazing opportunity!

Take care,



Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 31 Jul 2008 17:05

Hey team.....this continues to get better and better. I have spoken to 3 people in the past 2 days and we have new members coming in!

Each person undoubtedly saw the benefits of joining "the company" through RIOY (I don't see how anyone can't see it) and looks forward to being part of an amazing team.

This only makes me want to work harder at building this program and letting everyone know what an awesome opportunity we have going.

Take care,



Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 31 Jul 2008 18:07

YAY! That is so exciting. I am looking forward to speaking with them!


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 1 Aug 2008 08:39

YAY! That is so exciting. I am looking forward to speaking with them!

You should try to make next Tuesday's call Coby....I'm hoping everyone will be on it!

I think we had sign up number 4 last night but I'm hoping he signs with one of you rather than me.....We need to spread out the wealth here!

Take care,



Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 1 Aug 2008 09:28

I will try to make the call. It's hard since they are at 6 here. That's a busy time of night!

Kris Crosby

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 1 Aug 2008 13:13

I agree Coby this is all really exciting. I am going to be on the call. With the way Karl has designed this program it is a win win for everyone.



Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 2 Aug 2008 10:11

Hi all,

Talk about a win win situation! I was doing some research this morning and found this great article by two of the internet's top marketers, Brian Garvin and Jeff West.

I won't post it here but here is the link:

Its going to be a great day....even if its a bit dreary outside here!

Take care,



Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 2 Aug 2008 15:26

WOW! I just read that article. What a great review for the awesome RIOY program! It really says something when people like that put such stock in RIOY. It's by far the best opportunity out there right now!


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 2 Aug 2008 15:54

WOW! I just read that article. What a great review for the awesome RIOY program! It really says something when people like that put such stock in RIOY. It's by far the best opportunity out there right now!

Pretty great news Coby. It only makes sense if you are going to start out in a home business that you do it the right and most affordable way possible.

I wanted to announce as well that at the bottom of that page you can buy an ad for $50 for the year and add your name and link to it. These guys get traffic so its a pretty sweet deal.

Here's the link again.

I told you it was going to be a great day!

Take care,


Kris Crosby

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 2 Aug 2008 22:19

Hi all I am so excited I just read the article and am once again blown away by the program that Karl has put together with this "partnership" with RIOY and TV! If you have any questions of how the NEW RIOY system works this article explains it really well. What a great review of this truly remarkable program and a great opportunity for anyone who is wanting to start their own home based business. All I can say is do your research read the threads and if you have any questions please ask them because this is going to be a great opportunity for the ones who participate. The way Karl has designed the new RIOY system it is truly a no brainer!
This is a program designed for everyones success.

To Your Success


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 3 Aug 2008 12:15

Kris Crosby:

Hi all I am so excited I just read the article and am once again blown away by the program that Karl has put together with this "partnership" with RIOY and TV! If you have any questions of how the NEW RIOY system works this article explains it really well. What a great review of this truly remarkable program and a great opportunity for anyone who is wanting to start their own home based business. All I can say is do your research read the threads and if you have any questions please ask them because this is going to be a great opportunity for the ones who participate. The way Karl has designed the new RIOY system it is truly a no brainer!
This is a program designed for everyones success.

To Your Success

Hey Kristina...I am just reeling after all that has happened the past couple of days.

The response is overwhelming to say the least...understandably so! It really makes me happy to see new people sign on and then a week later all these great affirmations happen about what a great program we are involved in.

I feel very lucky and I know RIOY is truly the best program on the internet for building a team in "the company" and providing an incredibly generous way to do it.

Take care,


Kris Crosby

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 3 Aug 2008 16:10

I have to agree Laura this is a very exciting time and RIOY is by far the best way to jon "the company". I am so glad that after tryng many dfferent programs out there I have finally been able to find a program that anyone can find success with!


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 10:24

Hi all,

I wanted to post the article here by Brian Garvin of imreviewkings fame! He gave me the go ahead just this morning! Can't think of any way possible that anyone can out do this awesome program!

Read on.

"Retire in One Year (RIOY) Program Review"

Hey, it's Brian Garvin here with a very exciting message about a NEW automated system that's been created by our upline in TV, Karl Green. Karl is a retired IRS agent and a long-time TV BA (over 6 years)...

"In life, change is inevitable. In business, change is vital." Warren G. Bennis

Let's face it, there's no such thing as the "perfect business" out there. It doesn't exist. There are certainly businesses like TV that have more pros than cons, but the biggest challenge I've seen over the last year or so with the TV opportunity is that it doesn't generate a lot of cash-flow up front in the beginning. It requires more of what Robert Kiyosaki calls a "postponed gratification mentality."

But I can tell you from first hand experience that once you've got a large enough MAP customer base, the checks do get larger and more consistent, and will continue to come in like clockwork.

The difficult part for most people that join Trivita is actually getting to that point before they quit or stop building. It's been one of the reasons why many of us have other income streams or opportunities we're involved with on the side.

The good news is I've spent the last several weeks evaluating Karl's system and after personally speaking with him and picking his brain, I'm convinced that his system will not only help you build a big TV business that will pay you for many years to come, but at the same time, it'll also create some much needed cash-flow up front in the short term.... and the best part is, this can happen for you virtually on autopilot. Even better is that your TV business can now be totally self-funded and Karl will guarantee you'll make money.

Karl has met with Gene Henderson, VP of TV's legal department and has received official approval for his system and website, so TV corporate has given him their blessing.

Karl calls his system RIOY, which stands for Retire In One Year. Now before you roll your eyes, let me clarify that Karl's not saying that we'll all be retired in one year if we use his system... his intention is to help his TV members generate a nice passive income within their first year in a very automated way, while their TV business grows at the same time. The goal is to help every BA on our team get 100 MAP customers personally.

Can you imagine how many MAP customers you'll have on your team within the next year as this is duplicated down several levels? It's already happening to other BAs that have been using Karl's system.

The RIOY system is proprietary to our team only. In other words, if someone is already in TV and they're not part of our team under Karl, then they can't use his system for building TV. They can however participate in a couple other cash-flow programs Karl's put together on the side, but he created this system as a primary tool to help us build our TV businesses.

There are two parts to this program - RIOY and TTV. Your membership in TV will be completely separate from your membership and agreement with Karl and RIOY.

Karl's whole purpose in creating RIOY was to enroll members into TriVita so they could build a true walk-away income that would eventually allow let them to retire on their own terms.

Here's How the RIOY System Works:

You sign up for an RIOY membership for $35 per month. Your monthly membership in RIOY will provide you with several replicated websites you can use to promote, get access to a top quality customer support helpdesk and message forum, weekly conference calls, and bonus program.

You'll then make an OPTIONAL One-Time Deposit - Loan to RIOY of a minimum of $500, with no maximum, in increments of $500. (Note: This is only required if you want to participate in receiving the $300 monthly payments, etc. covered below).

This option will have to be chosen at the outset and will NOT be able to be changed later. You'll then be guaranteed to receive payments in months 10, 11, and 12 equivalent to your one time deposit. So in effect, you're guaranteed to triple your one-time deposit. Keep in mind that this guarantee is strictly through Karl and RIOY and has absolutely no relationship with TV.

Since you're already a Trivita BA, if you want to participate in the optional $300 monthly program, the only other requirement is to set up an effortless order for $100 per month and purchase 4 MAP customers per month.

Once you're set up with the one time deposit/loan with RIOY and have joined placed your $100 effortless order with TV, RIOY will start sending you $300 per month to cover a $100 monthly product order and for you to purchase 4 MAP customers at $50 each or $200 total. Keep in mind that this check is coming from Karl Green and RIOY, and while it's to be used to help build your TV business, TV has no responsibility for it whatsoever.

RIOY will continue to send you a check for $300 per month until you have 100 TV customers. Once you have 100 customers the payment drops to $100 to cover your product cost and will continue as long as you're paying your $35 per month RIOY membership fee.

In addition, you'll be receiving the normal income from TV as RIOY works with you to get you to the level where you have 100 customers and three business builders under you. After the initial 12 months, your income from TV will continue to grow. Not to mention you'll receive your products from TV. Remember, no TVspecific income claims are given or guaranteed by RIOY or TV.

I hear some of you saying something like, "I don't have $500, or $2500, or whatever." Not to worry. This part is optional. If you can't pay the one time deposit/loan to RIOY, and you want to participate in this part of the program, then you can choose to make whatever payments you find comfortable until you've paid the total due, at which point your system will be set up and you'll begin to receive payments as per the schedule of payments.

In addition, with each person who signs up for RIOY and takes advantage of the RIOY one- time deposit/loan from your site, you'll earn a fast start bonus of 20% on the twentieth of the following month from the date they receive their one time deposit/loan.

You can apply this commission to any balance you owe, buy additional MAP customers in TV, or put it right into your pocket. Keep in mind that this 20% bonus is offered and paid by RIOY and has no relation whatsoever to TV, nor is TV responsible for it.

The RIOY program gives you a money-back guarantee that your one time deposit/loan will provide you at least triple its amount by the end of month 12. Karl has his own proprietary system and uses several different financial vehicles that enables him to put your money to work and grow it in a big enough way to offer his guarantee.

If after one year, you haven't received 3 times your money back, he will give you your initial deposit/loan back (minus any profits you've made from TV).

Here are some examples of what you can expect to receive based on the amount of your one-time deposit/loan:

$500 = $1,500 by month 12.

$1,000 = $3,000 by month 12.

$2,500 = $7,500 by month 12.

$5,000 = $15,000 by month 12.

$10,000 = $30,000 by month 12.

$25,000 = $75,000 by month 12.

Payment Schedule

When RIOY receives your one time deposit/loan they'll send you $300 per month for twenty-five months for you to pay for four MAP customers and a 100 point product order in TV each month.

If your deposit/loan is $2,500 or more, RIOY will start sending your monthly payments immediately.

If your deposit/loan is $2,000, RIOY will start sending your payments after one month.

If your deposit/loan is $1,500, RIOY will start sending your payments after two months.

If your deposit/loan is $1,000, RIOY will start sending your payments after three months.

If your deposit/loan is $500, RIOY will start sending your payments after five months.

Again, this guarantee and 20% fast start bonus are strictly an RIOY offer and is completely separate from TV. All payouts to you are sent to you by check.

If you decide to use the RIOY system to build your TV business, it's extremely important that you do NOT sign anyone up, either online or offline, through your direct TV referral link. One thing that we've learned the hard way and that is all signups are permanent in TV. Once someone signs up they're, for all intents and purposes, permanently assigned to that position.

Instead, your prospects that you and the RIOY system generates, will use the TV registration form found in the RIOY back office under 'Get Started.'

RIOY is not promoting or supporting non US and Canada businesses, but international referrals outside of North America can participate in some of the other bonus programs Karl offers.

Summary of RIOY Program:

Member pays RIOY $35 per month for replicated websites, access to support help desk and message forum, and bonus program.
Member makes one- time deposit/loan to RIOY in multiples of $500 (minimum $500). For example $500, $1000, $2500.
RIOY offers a Money Back Guarantee - Triple your one time deposit/loan within one year.
Member signs up in TV (unless they're already a BA in TV).
Member creates effortless order with Trivita. This qualifies member for TV commissions.
Member creates a MAP customer order in TV at the appropriate time for 4 customers.
RIOY will send member a monthly check for $300 to help offset cost of $100 product order in Trivita and monthly MAP order of 4 customers from TV infomercials - $50 each or $200.
RIOY will continue to send member $300 month check until member has 100 customers under them in TV. Member buys 4 TV customers per month for 25 months starting in appropriate month.
RIOY is working to help build a 3 X 7 matrix downline in TV. Therefore RIOY will work with each member to help place 3 Business Affiliates (BAs) under them and help them get 100 customers. Once the member has 3 BAs under them, RIOY will work with their


Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 10:26

That review gets better each time I read it! What a great thing to have such respected internet marketers approve the RIOY system!


Joined: 22 Jul 2008
Posts: 24

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 11:50

The article is great except for one change:
"If your deposit/loan is $2,500 or more, RIOY will start sending your monthly payments immediately." That is now "after one month". instead of immediately. They changed this because of significant delays and hold times they have been having with banking transactions.


Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 12:12

The article is great except for one change:
"If your deposit/loan is $2,500 or more, RIOY will start sending your monthly payments immediately." That is now "after one month". instead of immediately. They changed this because of significant delays and hold times they have been having with banking transactions.

Yes, I got this email from the back office as well. It's understandable with the way banks hold funds.


Joined: 1 Jan 2008
Posts: 183

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 16:01


The article is great except for one change:
"If your deposit/loan is $2,500 or more, RIOY will start sending your monthly payments immediately." That is now "after one month". instead of immediately. They changed this because of significant delays and hold times they have been having with banking transactions.

Hey Jerry,

I had completely forgotten about that as well. I just emailed Brian about it in case he wants to make changes to his review!

Make sure you email your leads and send them the link to the review! They are sure to be impressed.

Take care,


Kris Crosby

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 51

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 16:25

Kudos to Brian for that GREAT review!


Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 66

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 21:27

I emailed the link to my leads and now I have a sign up! The sign ups are coming left and right now. It's going to take no time to build a downline. I also got my first 4 MAP customers today!

Go RIOY!!!!


Joined: 22 Jul 2008
Posts: 24

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 22:52

More changes:
Hi folks,

Effective Monday August 11th there will be a change in the TV
one-time deposit program. This change will not affect members
who have already paid their one-time deposit.

The program will be changed as follows:

For a one time deposit/loan of $2,500 or more you will receive
$300 per month for 25 months starting 1 month after payment is
received. This is to be used for a 100 point product order and
4 MAP customers. After 25 months you will receive $100 per month
for 100 point product order.

For a one-time deposit/loan of $2,000 you will receive $300 per
month for 25 months starting 2 months after payment is received.
This is to be used for a 100 point product order and 4 MAP customers.
After 25 months you will receive $100 per month for 100 point

For a one time deposit/loan of $1,500 you will receive $300 per
month for 25 months starting 3 months after payment received.
This is to be used foir a 100 point product order and 4 MAP customers.
After 25 months you will receive $100 per month for 100 point
product order.

For a one time deposit/loan of $1,000 you will receive $200 per
month for 50 months starting 4 months after payment received.
This is for $100 product order and 2 MAP Customers. After 50
months you will receive $100 per month for 100 point product

For a one time deposit/loan of $500 you will receive $200 per
month for 50 months starting 5 months after payment received
for 100 point product order and 2 MAP Customers. After 50 months
you will receive $100 per month for 100 point product order.

This change will go into effect on Monday August 11th. All payments
must be in Karl's hands prior to this date to be included in
the current program before these changes go into effect. This
includes those members who have started making payments towards
a goal of a certain one time deposit.

This change in the program does not affect those members who
have either already paid in full their one time deposit/loans
and those who complete it prior to Monday August 11, 2008.

If you have any questions about this change please submit a helpdesk
ticket or join us on the Tuesday conference call.

Thank you!

RIOY Support

Brian if he wishes has more things to change now Laura.

Preferred Member

Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 674

# Posted: 4 Aug 2008 23:21

I don't know if I'm just not reading this properly or what, but I'm a little (lot) confused by this RIOY promotion.

This is what I'm concluding - please tell me if I've got it right.

I pay RIOY $35 per month + $500 (for example)
That makes a total of $1375 for a 25 month period.

RIOY pays me $300 per month for 25 months for a total of $7500.

What is the catch? I realize that the $300 is going back into Trivita to purchase the products and MAP customers, but that is essentially the same thing as profit since I would be out of pocket for that anyway.

This doesn't seem like it could possibly be a viable business model for a company that wants to stay afloat. I assume I must be reading something wrong.

Who is getting the commissions for all these MAP customer purchases? I would assume I would be getting the commissions, but then maybe that is the catch.

Anybody want to clear the fog in my brain? Thanks


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