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My Raising Kid

Raising Kids Work at Home Forum / Raising Kids / My Raising Kid
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Joined: 8 Jan 2006
Posts: 234

# Posted: 25 May 2006 12:15

My kid Haripriya is almost 2 months old now, keep on smiling, crying, always shaking the hands and legs, its pretty much amazing feeling taking the 2 months old baby in hands, its great to watch and gives me more boost on work, now whenever I got tired or worries, I just plays with my kid and amazingly my tiredness and worries are gone for a while...

Its great time in my life and hope to see more happenings with my child..

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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 139

# Posted: 25 May 2006 20:02

Hey Jai,
The good times are just starting, wait til he starts walking and talking. Then before you know it, riding a bicycle.
It goes so fast, savor it while it lasts.

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 727

# Posted: 26 May 2006 00:14

And yes, if you can afford an handycam or even a voice recorder, get it immediately and capture those precious moments. Time flies fast and 2 -3 years down the line, you'll be more than gald you did capture those golden moments. Seriously, for me it was the most sensible investment I ever made


Joined: 3 Jan 2006
Posts: 227

# Posted: 31 May 2006 11:52

I wish I had had a digital camera when my kids were little, but when they were so tiny, I only had a Poloroid - remember those?! And the film was SO expensive!

Yes, capture those moments at every opportunity - you'll find yourself laughing and/or getting teary-eyed as you watch those moments years later - kids, despite the stressful moments, are a blessing - thank goodness for memories!


Joined: 18 Jul 2006
Posts: 8

# Posted: 20 Jul 2006 08:02

digital cameras are certainly fantastic

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