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Paid Surveys Work at Home Forum / Paid Surveys / - Anybody heard of them?

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Joined: 23 Aug 2007
Posts: 9

# Posted: 11 Apr 2008 09:03

Just got an email today about them. Was wondering if this could be different than most of the other survey companies. Opinions/reviews, let's here them.

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# Posted: 11 Apr 2008 13:09

Why would it be that different? I know that some people make money from surveys - although I don't think they make very much - but for me, even when I tried out GOOD paid surveys companies, they were a total waste of time.


Joined: 2 Apr 2008
Posts: 36

# Posted: 11 Apr 2008 13:36

The link doesn't work as written here, but beyond that fact. I have to agree with 'getagrip'. You can spend countless hours doing surveys, most you will not qualify to earn. One time I had someone tell me they made over $250 on surveys, but then he told me he had to sign up with over 100 sites to do this and some he had to 'pay' for the premium account. When I asked him the actual return on his investment, he disappeared, so I never got an answer. I guess no answer - was the answer.

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# Posted: 11 Apr 2008 16:46

I agree - I think they are all the same... different flavors, but same results...lots of time spent... accounts to cancel for the next 90 days...and then, even if you do it all right, you don't qualify for half of them... and you end up with a ferocious head-ache

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WAH Stuff that works. I actually have something other than zeros in my clickbank acct. now!:)

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# Posted: 20 Apr 2008 08:25

One time I had someone tell me they made over $250 on surveys, but then he told me he had to sign up with over 100 sites to do this and some he had to 'pay' for the premium account. When I asked him the actual return on his investment, he disappeared, so I never got an answer. I guess no answer - was the answer.

Usual story.
Everyone is quick to say how much money they make.
But slow on the qualifying details.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 579

# Posted: 20 Apr 2008 08:29

I agree - I think they are all the same... different flavors, but same results...lots of time spent... accounts to cancel for the next 90 days...and then, even if you do it all right, you don't qualify for half of them... and you end up with a ferocious head-ache

IF you are LUCKY that's all that happens!

Usually you will have charges that come due that you forget about too.

Then there's tons of spam, unwanted phone calls and stuff you will have to return in order to not be charged for.

And of course your spouse/lover/friends/family members will probably leave you for being so stupid...
which hey, could be a GOOD thing!


Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 9

# Posted: 21 Apr 2008 13:30

for me, that will take along time for you..


Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 21 Apr 2008 16:14

Is it reasonable possible o make 50.00 a day doing surveys? What about these surveys that pay out 15.00 but cost 4.95, are they safe.
thanks for time

Michael Jones

Joined: 20 Feb 2008
Posts: 14

# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 23:33

Never pay for a list of surveys and I would think $5-10 per day is about average for an inexperienced survey taker. Some make more after years of learning the system.


Joined: 19 Mar 2008
Posts: 2

# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 22:36

I've been paid probably about $120 in 3 years with ACOP. I've done hundreds of screening surveys and probably qualified for 3 or 4. One was a 3 day panel discussion and paid $100 which was a lot of work. The others paid between $4-8 each.

It's didn't cost anything to join but I certainly don't rely on that for income....just fun money. It's also the luck of the draw as to who they are looking for at the time.


Joined: 10 Jun 2007
Posts: 99

# Posted: 1 May 2008 13:20

One thing to remember: Real legit paid surveys are always FREE to do, no fees whatsoever.

Second, no need to pay a membership site just to get a list of paid survey sites (I have done that, turned out to be a waste of time and money).. I have done surveys over 3 years, and well aware which ones are legit and pay.

Also if you sign up with legitimate paid survey sites, you will NOT get spams.

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# Posted: 5 May 2008 22:00

The site in question is a parked site and not a paid survey site. It is full of sponsored links and nothing else. No Value.

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