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Save Time By Concentrating On One Task At A Time!

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Joined: 27 Jul 2009
Posts: 5

# Posted: 27 Jul 2009 17:27

This is what wastes a lot of internet-affiliate marketers time and were all guilty of it! We mean to get some work done but all of a sudden were sidetracked by myspace,youtube, or facebook for example.. And our work online suffers because were spending hours getting nothing accomplished when we could be promoting our websites, writing articles, etc... What has helped me stop this is making myself dedicate 3-4 hours a day doing productive work. Don't even open up your facebook or myspace page do one thing at a time and then when you put your work in for the day reward yourself by blowing off some steam and chatting it up with your friends etc... You'll be surprised how much more you can get accomplished in a day try it!

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# Posted: 28 Jul 2009 08:08

Hi jayorban,

I agree - it's easy to get sidetracked!

You offer a good remedy to avoid that - by not visiting the sites.

It's difficult at first but with constant discipline, it can be done over time.

It's the 80/20 rule. Weed out the time-wasters one by one.

~Newbie Shield~

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# Posted: 28 Jul 2009 08:32

Newbie Shield:
It's difficult at first but with constant discipline, it can be done over time.


The keyword here is "discipline" and that can be the most difficult behavior for some people to cultivate. But, once you tame the tendency to distraction and learn how to deliberately stay focused on the important tasks, you will see impressive results.

Plus, the satisfaction you experience from getting the job done, is a worthy reward.


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# Posted: 28 Jul 2009 09:56

Don't even open up your facebook or myspace page

...or even the forum, for some of us.

I was trying to decide what direction to go this morning and where to start so I clicked over here and lo - I get a sound piece of advice....thanks.

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Joined: 20 Jul 2009
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# Posted: 29 Jul 2009 16:35

I agree with you jayorban about getting sidetracked and sometimes we just make excuses not to do the work. I know I do. I find it easier to write down a list of what I am going to accomplish for that day and do it. Sometimes if the list is too long or the amount of work for a task is more than I expected, then I will just carry it on to the next day rather than not finishing it. Finish each task one by one and then move on. Don't start multiple tasks at once. It starts to get very confusing.


Joined: 3 Jul 2009
Posts: 15

# Posted: 2 Aug 2009 07:38

This is so true - and it's an issue that many online marketers have difficulty with, especially at the beginning.

There just seems to be so much to do that one tends to try and do everything at once - and then you just get overwhelmed and lost.

Doing one job at a time and not going onto the next thing until you've finished is not only more effective, but far more satisfying!



Joined: 20 Jan 2009
Posts: 88

# Posted: 3 Aug 2009 12:56

I agree, getting side tracked and off focus is a problem and can turn 2 hours worth of work into 4 hours very easily. I recently created a spread sheet with all of the tasks that I have to complete week in and week out for the next 8 weeks. It is a lot. Each week is stacked full and is challenging to finish. I have found that this has helped me become much more focused and efficient!


Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 112

# Posted: 6 Aug 2009 01:53

...or even the forum, for some of us.

lol, soooo true M5. I've been on here some days and only realized the amount of time I'd been on after my stomach started demanding lunch *giggle*.

It's a good point that we should pay attention to the time robbers. And A8ch makes a really good point that "the satisfaction you experience from getting the job done, is a worthy reward."

Back to work now... time to make the donuts.


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