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Action Plan for Success

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Joined: 19 May 2007
Posts: 42

# Posted: 30 May 2007 18:50

Hello All! I have made my decision to join Coastal, specifically Coastal Synergy Group! I have met a fantastic L3 Director/CSG Leader/Transformational Speaker who has helped me significantly throughout my research process!

Something that I want to throw out to all of you to get your feedback on is are the following questions (these questions are geared to those of you who already have your business up and running and meeting your definition of success):

1) What recommended actions would you suggest I take in order to set myself up for success in my 1st week, 1st month?

2) If you were given the opportunity to start your business all over again, what would you do knowing what you know now?

Thank you all in advance for your input and best of luck with the future success of your busniesses!


Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647

# Posted: 30 May 2007 19:04

GREAT Questions...Here are my answers.... indicated by ~~

1) What recommended actions would you suggest I take in order to set myself up for success in my 1st week, 1st month?

~~ We have our first week set up for our team members. I provide 2500 leads to help my team members get started, so finish the first weeks training ( done at your own pace) and I'll get your rolling with my Unique system that allows members to QUIT CHASING LEADS.

2) If you were given the opportunity to start your business all over again, what would you do knowing what you know now?

~~ DO NOT get caught up in the politics of groups. There are groups with Coastal who are out there and want you to volunteer to be a part of their leadership group...DO NOT DO IT, it's a total waste of your time.

Jay NaPier
Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer
Coastal Vacations

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# Posted: 30 May 2007 19:27

Hey SAS78

Great advice from Jay who I have personally met and know has an incredible business. My suggestion is to take these questions to your director. Their job is to sit down with you and make a game plan where you get trained by whatever system is in place, learn the skills and apply them. They will work with your budget and time constraints and have a game plan to work with. That would be my suggestion. My advice about what to do different would be to get to level III asap and get qualified.

Adam Frederick
Coastal Level III Director

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# Posted: 31 May 2007 09:38

Quoting: SAS78
1) What recommended actions would you suggest I take in order to set myself up for success in my 1st week, 1st month?

2) If you were given the opportunity to start your business all over again, what would you do knowing what you know now?

WOO HOO! Welcome to the team! The first week is covered, as is the first 90 days. Just plug in! It is covered, and you will be released before you know it if you follow the system EXACTLY. Then, just do it over and over!

To answer your second question... That is exactly what I would do if given the choice over again!! Plug in, don't second guess, follow the SYSTEM and be CONSISTENT!

Jay- it was so wonderful to speak with you at length last night! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your time and sharing. You really DO have that awesome gift of time freedom! It is wonderful to have great and ethical people like yourself willing to reach out and support others. I can't tell you- my head was spinning with a migrane aura when I picked up the phone-- I thought you were a team member of mine when I was the area code (she is working her biz very hard right now and WINNING the GAME- so I picked it up to support her, regarless of my pain) and I very nearly DROPPED it when I found out it was you. I'm very VERY impressed with your kindness, personality, honesty and skills. I'm not a very easy lady to impress! Kudos to you, I know know in my heart exactly WHY and HOW you have been so successful in this business. I can say I am very proud to have people like yourself in my business, it was exactly the kind of boost that I needed, given some unfortunate experience as of late. I most certainly did not break down and cry after our conversation, as I have after speaking with other prominent CSG and Coastal family members I had respect and admiration for. You turned my mind right around. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I really needed that. As someone striving to be among the best of the best- I really needed to know that there is substance to my goal and more then just one decent person in Coastal who is a top producer. No point in getting to the top, in my opinion- if you are standing around all alone. Everything is richer when you can share it!

Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for YOU to return the favour!

Dude, you ROCK! Keep on being you and doing what you do!

Cheers all!

Jani Teeter
L3 Director, CSG

Jani Teeter
Platinum Executive Leader
Platinum One Destinations
Synergy Marketing Group
Co-Founder The Elite Synergy Team


# Posted: 31 May 2007 10:37

Quoting: SAS78
Coastal Synergy Group

Good luck to you!



Joined: 3 Apr 2007
Posts: 183

# Posted: 31 May 2007 17:05 � Edited by: goldmills

1) What recommended actions would you suggest I take in order to set myself up for success in my 1st week, 1st month?

a) Make a budget (how much can you risk each month, without putting you in the poor house later, by blowing your money)

b) which marketing method will put you infront of the most prospects so you can have the most personal touches and steer the lead into getting information, but at the same time, wont keep you on the phone explaning hours and hours to people.

Let your system do the work

1. Get leads to:
a. opt in to your lead capture page, and read each page on your
b. download and read a printable profile
c. come to a live call to ask questions
d. call them back and close them with your director or a call center
if you use one

So how do you get the leads? It's through your maketing methods.

1. Buy leads
2. generate them yourself via online and offline techniques which each system out there teaches their teams to do.

2) If you were given the opportunity to start your business all over again, what would you do knowing what you know now?

focus on the leaders in your group who want to work and do one on one's with them, show them the ropes then while participating with them, let them hold the ropes, after you show them... and coach them, so they know if what they do it right or wrong, good or bad... then let them out of the nest once they are profficient. This is now why I do one on one's with each person on my team who sets an appt with me. I don't want anyone left behind, and I found so many people are so differnt and they need a custom approach cause one way of marketing and advertising is not a duplicatable system. Only a few wil make it with what I call the "lowest common denominator approach - Buying leads"

Only one on one teaching I found can truely lock in this discovery for pointing people into a workable system, that they can do, within the other "large CSG, WCYS, OR BOD systems" but in a way that allows them to have fun and be profitable at the same time.

For there to be financial improvement, one must have self improvement and self movement. Otherwise they will never get going.

My 2 cents


Jeff Mills
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# Posted: 31 May 2007 17:35

Yes, Jeff.. very good advice, and my philospohy exactly! Your last point- keep it FUN is truly invaluable advise. This is a business, a real business and a serious learning curve-- as is ANY REAL BUSINESS. But the beauty of what we have here is that we are in business for ourselves but not by ourselves. I don't believe in turning people towards the system I use- just because its "so great" and all the answers and information needed for success is there. We all need help along the way and have questions or issues that NO SYSTEM can ever resolve. Its like how when you call an 800# for customer service- you NEVER seem to find the answer to how to make your gadget work so you NEED to speak with the "expert" customer service operator to figure it out. The recorded drone is great if you can't read the instruction manual- but I think if you are the entrepreneur in this business you have read and looked for the answer and not found it-- so you need your director to point you to it or its not there and s/he knows it!

Focus on the DO'ers and give them all you've got, one on one personal and personalized training.

I would also say (and this is from experience) try to really bring the RIGHT people into the business in the first place! That way, your team will really grow quickly. Its hard to really know who is all talk and who is go Go GO!!! But it gets easier with time!

Keep up the great work, I already KNOW your attitude is bang on and targeted for success!

Jani Teeter
L3 Director, CSG

Jani Teeter
Platinum Executive Leader
Platinum One Destinations
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# Posted: 1 Jun 2007 16:35

Great to see your post Jay. Have heard about the great time you and Gene had recently. Kudos. This is a great topic and it is a great resource to send a prospect to to see the diversity in Coastal right from the start. As we keep this forum on the topics and how Coastal can help an average Joe make a great living it will grow tremendously. What a place to use the market Coastal. Hmm sounds like a good plan. Now as I think over and over again what would I have changed, one part of me says nothing as then I wouldnt be were I was but.... I would change one thing. In training my team I would make it more obvious in the beginning that their success has nothing to do with me personally. It is really up to them. They must take control. Too long I held to many team mates hands and in the process really let us both down. So thats what I would change.


OnlineMoney24 7

Joined: 26 Feb 2007
Posts: 85

# Posted: 2 Jun 2007 00:20

This is an awesome post; definitely worth guiding prospects to. It doesn't matter how much support and guidance is available through any group/director, the X factor will always be the individual and what they do with the information. Take the right action and you will achieve your goals.

Quoting: matiasmommy
No point in getting to the top, in my opinion- if you are standing around all alone. Everything is richer when you can share it!

Jani, very strong words to live by. I feel the same way. No reason why we all can't have a piece of the pie.

SAS78 � my advice to you, consistency. If you can only dedicate a few hours a week, consistency over time will help you achieve your goals. Follow the system in place by your group and you will achieve the success you're looking for. Get your questions answered, learn from your failures and successes, and duplicate what works!

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Joined: 12 Mar 2007
Posts: 346

# Posted: 2 Jun 2007 14:06

Quoting: OnlineMoney24 7
No reason why we all can't have a piece of the pie.

Yup yup! We all have something unique and individual to bring to the table. We all "match" with different people differently, and we should always strive to learn something from one another. If you aren't learning and growing, you are dying after all!

Yes, consistency IS the key! You have a dupicable, proven system- so just decide on your action plan and BE CONSISTENT for that first 90 days. Do NOT change anything at all-- your director will have set down something with you and put great thought into it, just track your numbers to see where things can be tweaked. Failing major disaster (and there SHOULD be only smooth sailing) you just need to plug in and stay consistent. Re-assess after each 90 day cycle, look at your stats and see where you can work on tweaking.

Best wishes!

Jani Teeter
L3 Director, CSG

Jani Teeter
Platinum Executive Leader
Platinum One Destinations
Synergy Marketing Group
Co-Founder The Elite Synergy Team

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