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Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647

# Posted: 18 Jun 2007 21:38

If your plugged into the "Official" Coastal info - You'd already have this.

3 New Vacations - All Walt Disney World

Level 1 - 6 Day 5 Night for 2 Adults includes 2 tickets to Disney Park Universal or SeaWorld -- There is ONLY ONE of these bonus vacations in this membership

Level 2 - 8 Days 7 Night for 2 Adults includes 2 tickets to Disney Park, Universal or Seaworld

Level 3 - same as above

Changed Unlimited Travel Services - Mail your old Unlimited Travel Services Card into the shipping center with a request for the new card.

There was a Leadership Luncheon with the Leadership on the BOD

Break Out Sessions with areas such as Marketing/ Business to Business

Video Clips will be available on the official website - DVD may be available soon

Doug Firebaugh spoke at the event ( on a personal not- he's great)

Announced the new date for the September event at the Nashville Convention Center September 8th.

Jay NaPier
Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer
Coastal Vacations

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Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 187

# Posted: 18 Jun 2007 22:47

since we've changed our unlimited travel services card
do you know who the new card will be with?

video clips of what? the seminar?
and what will the dvd be composed of?


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# Posted: 18 Jun 2007 23:59

Hey Jay I hear that the unlimited travel services card is with a vendor that there has been alot of talk about lately. Do you have anymore info on it?



Joined: 4 Jan 2007
Posts: 169

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 07:52

Adam...that would surely make sense after all this discussion. I still can't believe there was no talk of it at the seminar. I'm confused!



Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 09:20

Quoting: wapahm
video clips of what? the seminar?
and what will the dvd be composed of?

Hi Cindy,

The June 16th event was video taped and clips will be available online soon. There may be a dvd coming in your package with the updates.

Jay NaPier
Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer
Coastal Vacations

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Joined: 6 Apr 2007
Posts: 53

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 10:10

hi there everyone i havnt been on here for so everyone knows all the new vacations, travel agent program, the new unlimited travel services card, benifits program, condo card, hotel card, discount cruise card,and more is all being done by ...........funtime. which by the way makes them the biggest vendor in the coastal package . isnt that incredable. not bad for a company that wasnt mentioned at the vegas seminar. and thats not all wait till you see what in comming later. all of you out there need to realy sit back and think of the opportunity that is in front of you see you soon


Joined: 6 Apr 2007
Posts: 53

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 10:20

hi there again after reading some of the last posts i want to point out that im sure that there is a stratege in place that is not being shared. remember that the words......we do not condon......were used at the seminar which makes total sence. so you have to read between the lines. everyone i talk to who needs to make money all have something other than there primary business that makes them money. if the bod does not condon you making money outside of coastal then why were we able to sign up for intelatravel and make commissions.


Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 12:35

Quoting: sportsnut
we do not condon......were used at the seminar which makes total sence. so you have to read between the lines. everyone i talk to who needs to make money all have something other than there primary business that makes them money. if the bod does not condon you making money outside of coastal then why were we able to sign up for intelatravel and make commissions.


That's a great question. You are an independent business owner and can choose to do whatever you wish with your business. I personally do not do much promoting on inteletravel - They ARE a great travel agency program.

Here's what I think happened and why there's been a change. I understand that there was a challenge with commissions and the commission structure and that "some" were given special treatment. I'm totally against that and I believe the Coastal BOD decided to pull it from the pkg. Can't confirm that, but I do know this happened.

If you choose to do other businesses...your welcome to do that, but AGAIN...The Coastal Board of Directors do not condon or endorse any other business opportunity associated with any part of the membership.

Jay NaPier
Level 3 Director/ Master Trainer
Coastal Vacations

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Jay NaPier's YouTube Channel

Joined: 4 Jan 2007
Posts: 169

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 12:55

That's interesting. The question I have is how did a 'few' coastal directors get notified of this other program and jump on the band wagon before everyone else. It should have been made available to everyone at the same time. I guess that is typical of MLM programs...there are always a few people who get to get in at the top.


Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 13:05 · Edited by: decker2006

It was my understanding that each of the vouchers can be serviced by about 5 different vendors. When they are activated, the shipping center rotates through the different vendors. For example, no one vacation is exclusive to one vendor. Maybe one travel group is equiped to service more vacations, but they were not exclusive to one vendor. If you like a certain travel agent, you can request them. I did not think there were specific venders on our vacation vouchers. I understand the BOD made that perfectly clear at the seminar. Can anyone clarify that?

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# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 13:13

I think the members that joined FTV were simply searching on the internet and got on an autoresponder or something like that. I don't think they were "pre-selected" for anything special.


Joined: 6 Jun 2007
Posts: 139

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 13:38

I can tell you that Aviva and I have known about FTV for a very long time. There are many Coastal directors who joined Funtime way back and we were exposed to it then. It wasnt the right time for us and we really didnt realize what it could do for our business as we hadnt even mastered Coastal. I finally got to a point where this is exactly what I needed to make my business well rounded. So I jumped aboard. I have always found that if I look hard enough and surround myself with successful people (whatever group they belong to) That info like this flows easily to us. We simply do like we do with everything. Hear the information. Do Some research. and move forward or not.
This is certainly a great place to stay plugged in to. I have learned a great deal from these forums.



Joined: 11 Dec 2006
Posts: 800

# Posted: 19 Jun 2007 17:35


What travel agency is the offical BOD Coastal travel agency? I am with JoyStar travel agency and heard that was the official agency.



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