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Doing a Grand Opening for your Coastal Vacations Business

Coastal Vacations Work at Home Forum / Coastal Vacations / Doing a Grand Opening for your Coastal Vacations Business
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Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647

# Posted: 29 Sep 2007 15:58

Every business should have a grand opening event.

One of the things I see all the time is the number of people who don't want to sell to their friends and family..and I agree, but there's something you SHOULD do...and that's to make sure your friends and family know your in the travel business and give examples.

When I was in the restaurant business I always picked up the check for my friends. I even picked up the check for a Doctor I worked for when I was fresh out of my one quarter of college.

Let your friends know your in the travel business with a grand opening doesn't have to be too fancy. Some punch and cookies...maybe some items you get at Sam's club...keep it simple.

Every Coastal Membership comes with the DVD. You'll simply put it in your player and click PLAY. Let the DVD do the work for you. First show the Product segment. Have your upline at the event or on the phone and allow them to speak briefly after the presentation.

Anyone who becomes a member can stick around after for a business presentation that will show the benefits of become a Coastal Director. might not want to sell to your friends and family, but I'vge got to tell you THEY WANT TO BENEFITS YOU HAVE. A good examply is the dinner we had last night with some friends. We're going to Orlando in 8 days and it's going to run us $355. Our friends who'd never taken their 6 year old to Disney World were very interested in know how we can do it.

Use the tools to do a grand opening. Many Coastal Directors have become directors very quickly doing these in home presentations.

Jay NaPier
Platinum Director
Coastal Vacations

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Joined: 15 Sep 2006
Posts: 137

# Posted: 8 Oct 2007 12:24

Hey Jay, it was great meeting you at the Coastal event in Nashville!

We totally agree, never underestimate the power of word of mouth marketing. Our whole family is impressed by our ability to travel and still make money while we go all over the country, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

People just love the idea of traveling for pennies on the dollar, and guess what? EVERYBODY travels! The average American family spends close to $3000 every year on travel and vacations, how would you like to show them how they can save on all their travel for life while YOU get a very wealthy commission for helping your family and friends?

We've got MANY sales through word or mouth with VERY little effort! And guess what? If they NEVER make a sale with Coastal, they STILL have the amazing travel membership package for life!

Coastal is NOT MLM or a timeshare, and this is what people love so much about it, they never have to attend a timeshare presentation to get their vacations.

On our website we have comparison of Coastal with other businesses, MLM and timeshare under "Compare Coastal".

Matt & Catherine Willis

BREAKING NEWS! Changes in the travel industry: Click here

Joined: 30 Aug 2005
Posts: 647

# Posted: 9 Oct 2007 09:09

Quoting: victorious
Hey Jay, it was great meeting you at the Coastal event in Nashville!

Great meeting you as well!! See ya'll in Orlando in March!

Jay NaPier

Are you getting Official Coastal Vacations Information?
Jay NaPier's YouTube Channel

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