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New Year Resolution

Profit Lance Work at Home Forum / Profit Lance / New Year Resolution
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Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 166

# Posted: 26 Dec 2007 20:35

This is my new years resolution for 2008.

If I have not made at least a $200.00 profit by this Aug, I'm calling it quits. If I can't make at least $200.00 after one year, that should tell me, I was not meant to be in this business.


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# Posted: 27 Dec 2007 01:19


Giving yourself till August is a sound notion. Now, do you have a plan?

What are you going to do to get to that goal? You need to have a definite plan of action.

When I joined SBI I gave myself 1 year to see if I could pull a profit. I ignored everything else and followed their Action Guide step by step. There are an awful lot of distractions that pull your attention away from what you really need to do.

I could see my site progressing and gaining ground in the search engines every month. I didn't get my first check until August! But, I've been getting checks every month since. The year is up and as you know, I'm a believer.

My new year's resolution is to keep working on the two sites I have up and to build a third incorporating some mlm products - a big enough challenge for me. At the rate I am progressing, I expect to be making well over $1000 a month by the end of 2008. I may exceed my expectations by a great deal, or I may not quite reach them. It will be interesting to find out. Watch this space.

I challenge you duckbird to scrap everything else that hasn't worked for you and tackle SBI wholeheartedly. I'd love to see you succeed and start singing a different tune...

Happy New Year!


Joined: 3 Sep 2007
Posts: 166

# Posted: 27 Dec 2007 06:22

Quoting: happywife
Giving yourself till August is a sound notion. Now, do you have a plan?

What are you going to do to get to that goal?

First of all, I can afford to get my own website or use pay per click or adwords or any other type of investment.

What I have done in the last few weeks is to focus on just two niches fitness and golf. I've learn the trying to promote courses to help you make money is not the way to go. Hopefully when a can fully afford it, I would like to start my own website but like I said, I can afford to do that at this time.


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 478

# Posted: 27 Dec 2007 08:54

nice to see you have set yourself a goal and you are so determined you should clear $200 by then if not there is just no justice, good luck and remember any queries their are many people here to help


Joined: 25 Nov 2007
Posts: 11

# Posted: 30 Dec 2007 11:05

Hey Duckbird,

Give yourself some credit for trying most folks won't even take action. Big deal you failed haven't we all. Forget the mistake but not the lesson and then you'll make much more than $200 by Aug. 2008.


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