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Before Buying Profit Lance, Know This...!

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Joined: 14 Apr 2007
Posts: 352

# Posted: 21 Jan 2008 19:10

Some people buy Profit Lance, learn, take action and make a decent
income from the material. Others buy the same course and still can't
make a dime...or at least not enough to support themselves.

Why is that?

Remember this...

#1 - Take ACTION!
#2 - Take the RIGHT ACTION!
#3 - Repeat

There's nothing worst than not taking action. However, doing
things wrong can hurt you equally. But don't let that deter you from
taking action.

As long as you know what to expect, if you make mistakes, that's
okay because you come out ahead with some experience. The
important thing is find out where you went wrong, correct it, and

There are so many variables involved that even learning from the
same source as everyone else, you're still not guaranteed to make
the money you wanted to make.

- market selection
- product selection
- traffic generation (seo, ppc, ads, articles, etc)
- copywriting
- etc., etc.,

There a lot to learn but the information you need is all there in Profit Lance.

You'll want to be able to identify what's working and what's not.
When you can find out what you're doing wrong, correct it, and

Keep everything manageable and don't do too much at the same
time too soon. For instance...

Pick one or two niches and one or two products to test only. Keep it
small so that while trying to find out what sells and how to sell it,
you don't lose too much time and money.

You should have a way to keep track of the number of people that
view your offer (article, ads, etc.) and be able to tell how many from
that bought your product. If you don't have a way to measure this,
you don't have a solid way to test, track, and measure the results
to the changes you've made.

If you know how many people out of 100 or 200 bought your
product, you'll know if the product is worth marketing. If after
making necessary changes and it's still not converting, dump it.

Make sure all links are working, including the order link.

You may not get it right the first time. Heck, you may not even get
it right the 10th time but as long as you know what you're doing
and where you went wrong, you can always tweak and test until
you do hit the jackpot.

If you do what everyone else does, it will get tougher and
competition will be stiff. Sometimes, it's better to find what works
for you.

Think of it this way...

Imagine the money you're spending is an investment into your

Let's say you go to a 4-yr college...

How much money would you have to invest?
How much time would you have to invest?
How much money could you expect to make after graduation?
How much job security do you think you'll have?

The money and time you're investing in building your online business
is peanuts compared to the money you would have to spend to go
to a college or university.

Millions of people spend all this time and money in school and at
the same time not making a single penny until the graduate and get
a job.

We have a chance to learn how to make money online for cheap and
while learning and doing our "homework" we can actually make
money at the same time.

If it took you 4 yrs. to replace your current income that you slaved to
make over all these years of working, is that worth it for you?

So why are we giving up and complaining after a few weeks of
learning something totally new to most of us?

Maybe our expectations were influenced by the hype surrounding
the success stories we often hear about? And when our
expectation isn't met we get disappointed.

The reality is there are more people not making or even losing
money trying to make money online than there are people making money.

But also know that a great majority of these successful people were
once in your shoes before they found their success. They just never

Heck, I've even lost a lot of money at first because I was too exited
and hopeful. I lost money on adwords because I didn't know what
I was doing and I continued to lose because my keywords were too
broad, and I kept thinking the next sale will get me into the green.
I lost money working with cheating in-house affiliate managers.

However, I learned and continued and that made all the difference.
Now I make $500+ per sale on adwords bidding $.10 per click. I try
to find products that have no or very little competition and bid on
very specific keywords.

Here's a tip:

One of my success came from promoting silver dollar coins after 911
on adwords for $.05 a click. I had the idea after watching an
infomercial about the WTC 911 Silver Dollar coins on TV. There were
almost no competition at all. It lasted a while until the company I
was promoting discontinued the 911 silver dollar.

So look for opportunity every where and not just ebooks and
making-money courses like everyone else.

Here's what you need to remember though...

Learn how to drive targeted traffic to where you want and always
build a list in the process.

Don't give up!

Good luck!

If you like what you're see from me, pay attention to this spot...(coming soon)
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Joined: 3 Sep 2006
Posts: 865

# Posted: 21 Jan 2008 22:33

Thank you so much for posting this. I can't agree with you more!!!! You literally took the words right out of my mouth. I think your advice will help a lot of people.

Profit Lance - How I make $200 per day

My Online Income System - 60 day step-by-step action plan for making money online - For Beginners!


# Posted: 30 Jan 2008 18:21

how do you recieve the money and when do get payed


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547

# Posted: 31 Jan 2008 18:18


Quiality post, a real eye opener and motivator for all viewers

Discover how I started

Black Belt Affiliate is My Free Online Course Teaching You How to Make Money Online
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Posts: 2232

# Posted: 31 Jan 2008 19:23


Well said. Things can be tested on free sites. A person who feels they have enough theory might spend 6 months or so figuring out all the angles on free sites and then host a site or two to really cash in.

»»» Newbie Shield ®


Joined: 25 Jan 2008
Posts: 17

# Posted: 2 Feb 2008 11:20

040107 that is a great post and so very true. If any of you here haven't gotten a copy of Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" you really owe it to your self to grab a copy and read it several times. It follows along with the theory in 040107's post. Failure is only an avenue to success. It teaches you what NOT to do again.

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