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PL users, share some insight with me

Profit Lance Work at Home Forum / Profit Lance / PL users, share some insight with me
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Joined: 3 Apr 2008
Posts: 5

# Posted: 3 Apr 2008 14:29

I've been lurking around reading up on many posts here. Profit Lance seems like a good resource for those willing to go the distance.

About myself: I am a recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration. I majored in Computer Information Systems. I have a lot of experience building websites. Theres a list of my sites on [Link removed - Admin] I am currently working full time, making less than $21,000 a year, which is really disappointing considering the hard work I went through to earn a college degree.

My question: Based on my background, web design skills, and the willingness to earn what I feel that I'm worth.. Do you, the experienced learners of Profit Lance, feel like someone such as myself could succeed from it's teachings, or is it possibly too late to enter into the game?

Thanks for taking the time to answer what is probably a very repetitive question.


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 460

# Posted: 4 Apr 2008 12:24

Nerry first things first place the link into the signature so it doesn't get deleted, all you need to do is a little html which i am sure you can d o

Well with you kind of experience you will have a head start over people who nothing about building websites and i mean i dont know anything about html and therefore it takes away a lot of my time adjusting my site to what i want it to look like and it become a little restricting so in that sense you should be fine. As for profit lance i feel it is a great resource and one anyone would benefit from.......

I will pm you with further details


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