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ATTENTION: Knicky. I Have A Question

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Joined: 4 May 2008
Posts: 12

# Posted: 10 May 2008 18:56 � Edited by: tossthatloot

Hey Knicky. I'm a newbie and I'm just starting to set up my new blog. Have you made money with your weight loss blog? I'm asking because It looks simple and to the point. I'm just needing ideas for my blog.

Thank you in advance.

I will post the link to my blog in my signature as soon as i'm done creating it, so u can see it.

[Post edited - Admin]


Joined: 4 May 2008
Posts: 12

# Posted: 10 May 2008 19:24

OMG! knicky...I'm sorry about misspelling your name on the title of this post. I feel


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 493

# Posted: 10 May 2008 19:28

Whe i set up a site i tend to feel it is much easier to base it round something you are interested in or have some sort of expertise in. eg, say you have a passion for train sets, a blog or website based around this would take you less time and you are more likely to enjoy it (i am not saying you like train sets though)

However there are some exceptions for example say you like fashion, creating a blog or site based around this is far to challenging due to the large amount of competition so it would be better to specialise in a certain brand.

Read through the project section of the profit lance course, here it explains how to do some keyword research and it is here you can identify good niches to tap into.


Joined: 12 Mar 2007
Posts: 20

# Posted: 12 May 2008 05:52 � Edited by: knicky

Hi fella, my name is Nicky by the way. I've made around $70 from the adsense stuff. I'm still pretty new at it myself and am mainly focusing on ways to drive traffic. I think a blog is a good place to start, as its pretty simple to set up and the all the coding is just copy and paste.

My advice would be not worry about making cash for now. Focus on developing your writing skills, and learn how to get visitors. You just need an idea to keep people coming back. Are you into computer games? You could do a game review blog, that way you could update it regularly. Sports blog on your favourite team? Anything you have an interest in really, as at this point you will be learning the basics.

Maybe when your comfortable with the basics you can think about a real website on your chosen niche. That's my plan anyway. Just need to push myself a bit harder. Mind has a tendency to wander...

Good luck anyway. Look forward to seeing your blog.


Joined: 4 May 2008
Posts: 12

# Posted: 13 May 2008 04:57

I've made around $70 from the adsense stuff.

Thanks for the response. How long did it take you to get the $70?
I'm still working on my blog. Where did you get your traffic from, that got you the $70?

I hope to get to that point soon.

Thank you again.

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