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Just *one* thing

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Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 132

# Posted: 9 May 2009 17:31

Just a ponderin', as I do quite a lot these days

If you were only allowed to do just one thing on/in your business each day, what would it be?

It could be anything, but only *one* thing and *one* thing only


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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1002

# Posted: 9 May 2009 18:44

Add more content to my sites.

Why? Because the more content I add, the more phrases I get found for in the search engines, the more traffic I get, the more income I earn, the stronger my business becomes.

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Joined: 30 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 10 May 2009 01:04

Amen - amen to what Angie has said.

My Blog keepin' you updated on my SBI progress :)
One Week Marketing .. a MUST for Squidooers!

Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 132

# Posted: 10 May 2009 03:53

Thanks for replying girls! I would say that too, except I don't have a site I think is worthy at the moment, so I would write more squidoo content because in the same act of publishing you can Twitter it.

Of course the next day I would re-write the srticles for Ezine and so on.



Joined: 5 Apr 2009
Posts: 26

# Posted: 10 May 2009 19:36

Hey!!!! Great to be on the forum!

I am a part of 10K Online Advantage Team and I would promote my team to receive spillover from my downline, direct and indirect referrals.

It really just involves promoting the oppurtunity to others.

Hope this helps...take care!!




Joined: 24 Mar 2009
Posts: 117

# Posted: 11 May 2009 01:21

Add more content to my sites.

May I know how often do you add content to your site? Once a weeK?

By the way, I am running few static sites and I have tried to narrow down the topic of the site.

Sometimes I just feel that I am running out of keywords. My other worry is that, the more content I add to the site, the less focus will be the site.


Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 132

# Posted: 11 May 2009 10:24

May I know how often do you add content to your site? Once a weeK?

By the way, I am running few static sites and I have tried to narrow down the topic of the site.

Sometimes I just feel that I am running out of keywords. My other worry is that, the more content I add to the site, the less focus will be the site.

Hi Gary

Probably once or twice a week is good, if you can do more that's great

What host are you using? Do you use Google Keyword Tool, SEOBook, Wordtracker, um, Search Based Google Keyword Tool, I'm sure there are a few more but I cannot think of them right now!

Don't worry too much about losing your focus, try to focus on the keywords which are related to your main keyword and continue on like that. You will probably find thatyour site may dilute a little but with the keyword tools I just mentioned, you should be able to find related keywords that aren't too far away from your main one.

I hope this makes sense!

R. xx


Joined: 23 Feb 2009
Posts: 68

# Posted: 11 May 2009 11:19

cash the checks! Duh!


Joined: 2 Mar 2009
Posts: 132

# Posted: 11 May 2009 15:14

the checks! Duh!

Well ya-a! But you have to do something first before the checks start rolling in!

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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
Posts: 1002

# Posted: 11 May 2009 19:26

May I know how often do you add content to your site? Once a weeK?

By the way, I am running few static sites and I have tried to narrow down the topic of the site.

Sometimes I just feel that I am running out of keywords. My other worry is that, the more content I add to the site, the less focus will be the site.

When I first start a site, I add content every day just about - somtimes several pages a day, if time permits.

As the site ages, I add content a few times per week. Once it's firmly rolling and I move on to other sites, I only have to add content occassionally.

I do have it set up so that my visitors can add content to my site, which saves me having to come up with fresh content all the time. I just answer their questions, or comment on their comments.

I don't worry about diluting my focus. I always seem to have WAY MORE keywords than I have time to use. If you are running out of keywords, maybe think about your niche from a different angle.

For instance if your site was about kitchen design you can do a search for phrases with the words kitchen design, kitchen remodel, kitchen remodelling, remodelled kitchen, budget kitchen, designing kitchen, kitchen cabinets, kitchen cupboards, kitchen floor coverings, kitchen appliances, redecorating kitchen, etc.

Each one of those searches would bring you back a bunch of keyword phrases to consider. You don't have to just stick with phrases that have your main keyword phrase "kitchen design" because there are a lot of related phrases that people would use to find the same type of information.

Think about what other terms people would use to search for info. related to your niche. As long as you are still talking about the same 'theme' you won't be losing your site focus, but actually building your site's authority.

Does that help?


Joined: 24 Mar 2009
Posts: 117

# Posted: 11 May 2009 20:37 · Edited by: garygoh

Thanks Angie and redsadie for your awesome advice!


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