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Awesome News!!!!

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Joined: 15 Jan 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 30 Sep 2008 08:15

Just received this this morning!!! Way to go GRN!!!!
GRN has been indeed listening to our requests and are making them come true to make this even better for all of us already in it and even more juicy for those who are looking at GRN. For those still looking at it, this is by far, the very best opportunity in the market place in the entire world! The product is PHENOMENAL and so is the pay plan. Anyone who gives this a serious and honest effort will be rewarded. Period. And the rewards here are not pennies are a few bucks. We are talking about $1000 per sale to infinity!

With the economy going bust, there has never been a better time to start a home based business and there is no better opportunity than the GRN one. Get in the game! The sooner, the better for you!



You asked, we listened...

Siempre atendiendo vuestras peticiones ...

Due to an overwhelming response, we have decided to implement an important enhancement in the GRN pay plan structure.

Debido a las abrumadoras peticiones, hemos decidido aplicar un cambio importante, en la estructura del plan de pagos de GRN.

Currently, a Gold or Platinum Affiliate is not paid a commission on their first sale which is their Qualifying sale.

En la actualidad, a un afiliado Oro (Gold) o Platino (Platinum), no se le pagaba comisi�n en su primera venta, la venta de calificaci�n.

The change in the pay plan will go into effect on October 9, 2008. Gold and Platinum Affiliates will begin earning a commission on their very first (Qualifying) sale equal to � of the normal commission. That means a $250 commission for a Gold Sale or a $500 commission for a Platinum Sale. The other half of the commission ($250 for Gold and $500 for Platinum) would roll up to the first qualified up line Affiliate (qualified to receive the commission). The second $500 or $1000 commission will be paid out as before to the second upline Affiliate qualified to receive a commission.

El cambio en el plan de pagos entrar� en vigor el 9 de octubre de 2008. Afiliados Oro y Platino comenzar�n a recibir comisi�n desde su primera venta (La venta de Calificaci�n), por importe del 50% de una comisi�n normal. Esto significa una comisi�n de $250, para una venta Oro o una comisi�n de $500, para una venta Platino. La otra mitad de la comisi�n ($250 en el caso de una venta Oro y $ 500 en el caso de venta Platino), se le pagar� al primer afiliado cualificado en su Upline. La segunda comisi�n de $500 � $1000, se pagar� como siempre, al primer afiliado calificado para recibir una comisi�n, de la segunda l�nea de su Upline.

Of course, on all subsequent sales (sale 2 on) the commission earned will be the full $500 for a Gold and $1000 for a Platinum as usual.

Por supuesto, en todas las ventas siguientes ventas (2das. ventas) la comisi�n obtenida, ser� como siempre, $500 por venta Oro y $1000 por venta Platino.

We feel this change is an exciting enhancement to our compensation plan.

Consideramos que este cambio es una mejora emocionante a nuestro plan de pagos.

Al Morales, President and CEO

Silver Member

Joined: 16 Dec 2006
Posts: 603

# Posted: 30 Sep 2008 09:04

This really is great! Now new members can have some capitol right off the bat to help with advertising!


Joined: 15 Jan 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 30 Sep 2008 18:21

Absolutely! It is amazing to see all the things that GRN have been putting into place to making this business (which is already amazing) even more powerful! GRN is truly listening to us and making everything as easy as possible for us to be successful with this phenomenal opportunity!


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