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I'm completely new to this...

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# Posted: 1 Oct 2007 16:04

What kind of work-at-home businesses should I consider? Are all those "work-at-home" programs a scam? How do I start? Where do is start?...
Any advice anyone can give for starting a home-based business is greatly appreciated.


Joined: 8 Aug 2007
Posts: 5

# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 01:28

Hello llg114

To answer your question it really depends on what you like to do.
Do NOT jump into anything, take some time and look around, check the signatures out see if there is something that looks good to you, if you find something that sounds good ask about it, and read everything you can.

Yes a lot of those work-at-home programs are scams.


Joined: 20 Sep 2007
Posts: 3

# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 18:04

I've just joined this wonderful MLM company and their products are excellent. You can start by paying $49 and then all you have to do is order/sell $100 worth of products a month and pay $30 a month for their training system which include books and audio CDs.

If you would like more information let me know and I will be more then happy to provide you with some.


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Posts: 479

# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 22:28

I would look for an actual business with an actual product, something tangible. Something that you enjoy doing or would like to do. How about getting paid to do something, such as travel.

Just read the signature lines, do your due diligence and you will find something that works for you. There is the key word though you do have to work at it. You still have to work but it is from the luxury of your home not some office somewhere.

Good luck,


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# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 22:54

Welcome to the forum. Yes, there are a lot of scams, but there are also legitimate online opportunities to earn money.

The most important thing to remember is this, If it sounds too good to be true, it more than likely is. There are a lot of ads for making big money with little or no effort or investment. If you think of it logically, how likely is that to be true? If it were, we would all be rich.

That being said, some people do make good money online. But it doesn't happen in 24 hours by filling in a few forms or placing a couple of ads. It takes a lot of consistent work and time. But it can really be enjoyable if you choose the right avenue.

I tried a few "scammy" things when I first started online (silly me), but then came across a company that sounded like it had some integrity and made sense. Basically, they provided me with the tools and knowledge to build my own web sites about something that I was really interested in. I was fed up with trying to promote everyone else's mlm or money making opportunity!

I had to invest $299 for the year, which included all the software, hosting, domain, video tutorials, etc., that I needed. I decided to give it a try and, boy, am I glad. I have learned sooo much through this program. I just started my second site last month.

I didn't have a clue how to go about building a web site that would actually make money (or even one that wouldn't for that matter ).
This program provided a step by step action guide to take me through the whole process. I love it - and yes, I am biased. I've seen how good it is, so how could I not be.

A final important thing I should mention is that whatever you decide to try, make sure it has a money back guarantee. And be willing to ask for your money back if you find out you've been had!

Feel free to ask me any more questions if you think this may be something you want to consider. You can look at the sites I am building with this program in my signature, if you want to get an idea of what I mean.

All the best to your future online success.


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1594

# Posted: 2 Oct 2007 22:55

Try to find out the subjects / areas you are interested in and look for business opportunities in those areas


Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 06:08

Try to find out the subjects / areas you are interested in and look for business opportunities in those areas

I agree with pcwork.
Do something that you are interested with.

It will bring you the passion to work and able to earn $ from it.


Joined: 6 Feb 2007
Posts: 547

# Posted: 30 Jul 2008 11:56 · Edited by: Hemjoe

Although this thread is nearly a year old people are asking themselves the same questions everyday.

First not all money making programs are scams there a few that are the real deal providing you with sufficient information and support to help you learn how to make money online. However there isn't a product that is going to make you thousands within the first 15 minutes. People mistake making money online, they think minimal work is needed however this is not the case, you have to work towards success, success want work to you.

As for where to start, you need to ask your self what your strengths are and what you enjoy, the last thing you want to do is get involved with something you struggle to get up in the morning for.

personally i am an affiliate marketer, however there are many opportunities out there and a wide selection carried out by members of this forum. Therefore i would start by asking questions, visiting links, reading threads taking note of what people have to say, sure enough you will find something that takes your interest and best suits your situation.

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# Posted: 31 Jul 2008 02:34

It depends on your skills. Many are business opportunities and sales will depend on your marketing skills


Joined: 25 Jul 2008
Posts: 5

# Posted: 31 Jul 2008 09:28

Hello there

I would suggest joining a number of high ranking forums, read as much as you can, learn from it and get the overall feeling of programs. Maybe click on links that interest you provided by members. Check out that opportunity and see if it suites you or not, if not, go to the next one. Build a list of possible ventures, then study each one and eliminate as you go along.

Do lots of research and make sure you can be passionate about what you will be promoting. Only you can determine that. Take your time - these things don't happen overnight.

Good luck

Several Options For Businesses From Home
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Joined: 6 Jul 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 31 Jul 2008 14:28

Hi Everyone,

I am completely new to this site and to work at home. I am a mom and I am looking to spend more time with my baby. I would like to try doing some data entry from home but don't know how to go about it, or which company to try. I want something that I can do and still be able to spend time with the baby and focus on my school work.

I've been scammed so many times that I am scared! I can't afford to lose anymore money.

Can anyone offer some advice?


Joined: 10 Jan 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 1 Aug 2008 19:25

I personally think it's important not to jump into anything that seems too good to be true. In many cases, these work-at-home programs are scams, or they earn you an amount that's not even enough to live on.

The best thing to do is to start your own business at home (i.e. work for yourself). Just think up of something you love to do, and if it's a craft for example, you can sell your products online or in your community.


Joined: 18 Jul 2008
Posts: 37

# Posted: 6 Aug 2008 11:14

The best thing to do is to start your own business at home (i.e. work for yourself). Just think up of something you love to do, and if it's a craft for example, you can sell your products online or in your community.

I agree 100% if your interested in what you do you're not as likely to give up as quickly. It takes lots of hard work but it pays off in the end. Just stick to it and believe in yourself! It helps to talk to different people on forums.



Joined: 18 Jan 2008
Posts: 209

# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 00:12

Yes, most of those "work at home" programs are scams?

How do you start? Well, my personal recommendation is affiliate marketing online. The benefits are you don't have to stock product, you don't have to deliver product, you don't have to deal with returns, you don't have to deal with customers, and you don't have to have any money to get started. Additionally you can work your affiliate marketing program any time and any where you have a computer with internet access.

However, if you're going to try affiliate marketing, you have to find some educational materials to start working through so you can get on the right track as soon as possible. Don't reinvent the wheel. There are some good products out there that provide you with a clear roadmap to follow...

Wealthy Affiliate Newbies Are Making $50 To $100 A Day!


# Posted: 12 Aug 2008 18:49

The best advice is to start an online business without paying any money to get in! One of the main keys to a successful online business is to keep your overhead costs low. Therefore, you should avoid any programs that ask you for up-front fees. There are only a few programs that require $0 for you to get started. Of course, they are legit and absolutely simple.


Joined: 27 Aug 2008
Posts: 5

# Posted: 27 Aug 2008 16:28

Well for starters, find out what it is you like to do. I've been told, that if you have fun at doing something, you never will work a day in your life.

Bottom line is to do your research. Once you have found a topic you like, search more on that topic. Best adice, is keep on keeping on.


I'm a single dad pressing forward with a great venture

Joined: 29 Aug 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 29 Aug 2008 11:37

Hi there,
I am relatively new to "work-at-home" experience as well. My first piece of advice is to read a lot of threads on forums like this one. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people out there, and most of them post on these forums. Second, start out small. Try something that is free to join, but won't make you a whole lot of money. My goal has been to earn a few hundred dollars in the next couple months, so that I can then invest that money in a bigger online business. So far (after 3 weeks), I'm doing well and will probably surpass my goal!
It does take time and effort at the very least, though. Anything that says you will make thousands in 4 probably a scam! Be patient and stick with it. And finally, find a mentor...someone who has succeeded in this business that can teach you and encourage you along the way!


Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 415

# Posted: 29 Aug 2008 21:35

I agree with everything said especially the research part and it helps to read the threads in this forum on multiple forms of IM so that you may get an idea on what appeals to you. After all if you don't enjoy it you're in for a long weary ride. Best of luck.


Joined: 1 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 2 Sep 2008 07:38

i'm a newbie as well, and i have to say, its all mind-boggling! especially for those of use who were brought up with the firm belief that the only way possible to make an honest living is by working for someone else, at least 40 hours per week.

the problem i find is this: when you've never been game to look outside the square, you've also never been game to ask yourself "what do i like"! its always about making ends meet, because at the end of the day that's all most jobs do. so while its wonderful to see so many people offering encouragement (and i mean that sincerely), for some of us, we need something a little less 'creative' and a little more 'concrete'.

i can honestly relate to so many people in these forums who, to me, sound overwhelmed and lost. not all of us are business people or entrepeneurs at heart and we need someone else to tell us what to do, and how to do it. thats not to say we're not hard workers though, since speaking from experience, thats pretty much what we've spent half a lifetime doing, just not reaping the rewards. we just need someone to give us instructions, and then we're sweet!

so, the million dollar question... where do we start? is there anything out there that makes for an easy transition between paid employment (in my case with only secretarial skills and number crunching) and this wonderful world of home business?

sorry for the raving, but i really relate to people like sbabwah. i've been reading and reading and still dont know where to begin...


Joined: 2 Sep 2008
Posts: 49

# Posted: 2 Sep 2008 09:43

first of all i would just like to introduce myself and say hi to everyone! i've become a member here to see if i can give anyone some useful advice and to lern new things myself as i believe you learn something new everyday!

in answer to silverthorne i would like to ask what it is you actually want to do whilst you work from home? is it just affiliate marketing through direct marketing, developing your own website to make money from it or if you dont have your own website are you looking for a company that will provide you with one?

if you limit down what you actually want to do from home you may find it easier to find someone who can help you.

Do you want to quit your day job? Find out how i was able to earn money online.
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# Posted: 2 Sep 2008 09:59

so, the million dollar question... where do we start? is there anything out there that makes for an easy transition between paid employment (in my case with only secretarial skills and number crunching) and this wonderful world of home business?

I absolutely understand what you are saying.

The only problem is that we are not supposed to be openly promoting our own businesses in these forums - forum rules.

That is why we try to be encouraging without coming right out and saying, "Hey, bud, what you REALLY need is to get started with ME..."

We all have our websites in our signatures for the purpose of you being able to contact us individually with any questions you may have...

Believe me, if we were all allowed to blast you with our business opportunities - you would know what true confusion is!

Bottom line is here are several ways to make money online...

Affiliate Marketing: You set up a blog, or website and promote other products or services, and make a commission when someone clicks and buys.

Home based business: You get started in a small business for anywhere from a couple bucks to several hundred (or in some cases, several thousands)... with most companies, you will have ready made websites, free training, and a mentor to guide you and help you (this is huge!)... you make money thru retail sales from your websites and also bonuses when you help others sign up to get started...

In my humble opinion - getting started in a business is usually the easiest but then there are others that would probably differ with me - but it has been the easiest for me...

Hope this helps.

__________________ WAH Stuff
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Posts: 8

# Posted: 7 Sep 2008 21:44

thankyou so much for the info viola. wholeheartedly agree with it. just not sure that i'm up to the mentoring side of things at the mo. from what i can gather from this forum, what i end up putting my time and energy into needs to be something that sits well with me. at this point, i feel more drawn to something less 'personal' if that makes sense.

i'm very interested in trading, and have tried to find out about e-currency, forex, etc. alot of information to process, but i feel thats the direction i would like to go in to start out. (any suggestions would be great!)

who knows what the future holds, though. i was certainly inspired by the info you sent, and would love to see myself in that picture at some point in time.

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# Posted: 8 Sep 2008 07:55

thankyou so much for the info viola. wholeheartedly agree with it. just not sure that i'm up to the mentoring side of things at the mo

lol - I am actually not a mentor either - far from it! I just plug folks into the same system that has helped mentor me but I know what you are saying,though...

That is what I like about Ebay - it is less personal and a great way to make money if you can find a niche product.

__________________ WAH Stuff
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Joined: 1 Sep 2008
Posts: 19

# Posted: 8 Sep 2008 08:32

i'm very interested in trading, and have tried to find out about e-currency, forex, etc. alot of information to process, but i feel thats the direction i would like to go in to start out. (any suggestions would be great!)

I haven't seen anything on this forum concerning trading, but I haven't really looked either. I am a trader myself. This thread isn't really toward trading, but here is a little advice for what it's worth.

1. Learn Learn Learn
Learn as much as you can. There are all kinds of different ways to trade and you will get 5 different answers on what to do from 5 different people

2. Cut your losses
Do not fall in love with a trade just because you are in it. Have a set of rule that tell you when to get out BEFORE you get into a trade.

3. Take your profits
Cutting your losses are the more important of these two, but knowing when to take your profits is important too.

4. Did I say LEARN as much as you can?

I hope this helps a little.

Good luck,


Joined: 1 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 8 Sep 2008 21:33

Hi again, another long one...sorry!

I really didn't get it when all the advice seems to be 'find whats right for you'. I read info that was kindly forwarded to me (thanks mountainmom5!) and was still racking my brains trying to understand how so many of u guys had direction when I was running in circles! So I narrowed down my search for where to start and thought trading would be it. Always been interested in it, so seemed like the way to go (and I will still do it when I find the right program and support).

But two things have jumped out at me in the last 24 hours: start small and simple. its not just about what i 'would like to do', but 'what i am able to do' is just as important. circumstances play a large part in getting started, and some things take alot more time to learn than others. (FOREX aint no stroll in the park!)

having read more and more posts from all you guys, i read one from happywife that just caught my eye and finally decided to look up SBI. Seems like a great system for someone like myself with no experience. So I'll give it a go, and see where that takes me!

Second: support is invaluable. in my very limited experience on forums, i can honestly say that the support here is fantastic! i visited some forums more focused on the trading aspect of working from home, and they sure weren't there to support the new guy.

We all have to start somewhere, and some of us do a few more circles before we figure out what direction to head in. so i just wanted to let you guys know that you've made a really great environment for us newbies! somewhere to come for the support and the encouragement you need to take your first step. thanks heaps!

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Joined: 14 Aug 2007
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# Posted: 8 Sep 2008 21:59

having read more and more posts from all you guys, i read one from happywife that just caught my eye and finally decided to look up SBI. Seems like a great system for someone like myself with no experience. So I'll give it a go, and see where that takes me!

I'm glad to hear that SBI makes sense to you like it did to me when I was getting started. I think you'll be more than pleased with the program. If you think this forum is helpful (and it very much is!) wait till you see the SBI forum. Unbelievable!

I'll look forward to seeing where your brainstorming takes you and which niche you decide to start with. Do keep us posted.



Joined: 1 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 8 Sep 2008 23:35

Thanks Angie! Looking forward to getting started. Do you have a link to sign up through? I checked out the client websites and found some had the option to join SBI from their website, but since it was your post that led me there, I'd rather check with you first.

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# Posted: 8 Sep 2008 23:49

Thanks Jodie,

You're a real dear to want to give me the credit. Unless you picked up a permanent 'cookie' from one of the other sites, if you use the third link in my sig. that refers to Site Building you can sign up under me.

You can clear your cookies first if you want using the browser tools. If you don't know how to do that, don't worry about it. If I miss out, I won't complain. I'm just happy for you to be taking a really worthwhile step in the right direction.

Either way, your kindness in thinking of me really makes my day!



Joined: 1 Sep 2008
Posts: 8

# Posted: 9 Sep 2008 00:17

if you use the third link in my sig. that refers to Site Building you can sign up under me.

thanks angie,
i tried that link but it comes up with an empty tab with nothing but the following:
Future Home of

is it possible to send me a link?

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# Posted: 9 Sep 2008 00:46

Hah! You found a typo for me! I updated my signature recently and typed the link incorrectly. I'm glad you told me because everyone would be getting the same error message.

I did send you the link via pm, but I also fixed my signature (naturally) so now it should work.

Thanks again for letting me know!



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