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Automatic Money Vault

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Joined: 30 Dec 2005
Posts: 1

# Posted: 30 Dec 2005 06:22 · Edited by: DarkWulf


Im kinda new to these forums and I want advice about this website :

Also I want to know this, do you think this is a scam?



Joined: 14 Jan 2006
Posts: 20

# Posted: 14 Jan 2006 06:13

My mum purchased this programme, but I learnt its main purpose was to sell a programme to you and then you gotta sell it to someone and you get 50% of the profit, but only when you find the next available victim.
I found it didnt help me, but I learnt alot from the experiance in what to look for in a home based business.


Joined: 16 Jan 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 16 Jan 2006 22:36

Hey I was skeptical about this website too. Can you really make that much money? Or it is a scam? I also found it very difficult to contact that guy NIck.


Joined: 24 Jan 2006
Posts: 5

# Posted: 26 Jan 2006 23:52

Hello Darkwolf (& all)
I'm not familiar with the program you list. I have tried a (small) number of different ones. I "kinda" don't consider them a rip because they will give you a starting point. BUT....most of the info they sell is available for free on the web. Alot are affiliate programs and though they have never worked out for me, I do think they can be made to work.
But you know what? They all do teach you something.
I'd rather pay some guy to fix my car than spend 3 days researching, testing....musical parts!!! etc!
Wild money claims.
Think of what YOU want...not what someone claims THEY made.
It's better to build steadily than to top off & crash.
Bottom line? I've learned something from everything I've paid for.
But I haven't learned EVERYTHING from ANYTHING I've paid for.
Use stuff & do some research yourself.
When I find a "magic bullet" You'll be the first to know!
Much luck & many thanks

Silver Member

Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 1505

# Posted: 22 Feb 2006 23:37 · Edited by: getagrip

I have not puchased the site you mentioned, but I know what its about. Basically, it teaches internet marketing, which usually involves pay per click advertising through Google or Yahoo. What you basically do is promote products with affiliate programs through pay per click advertising, and when you usually get a 50% commission when you make a sale.

Its definately a legitimate opportunity, but the money does not come in instantly or easily. You have to work at it and "figure out" the Google Adwords system, which is not as simple as you'd think to learn.

If you do want to learn internet marketing, there are several sources I'd recommend instead of the above mentioned product. One of them is Wealthy Affiliate, which is a great resource to crack Google's code, so to speak, and the other is Adword 1-2-3 by Greg Heslin. If you read Greg's book, I highly suggest you join Wealthy Affiliate, though, because Greg's book isn't complete enough. There are other books on this subject, of course, but I know that some of these products are better written than others - and I could recommend a few products are good, but they sell at $97! Having said that, my guess is that the one you mentioned above is probably not the best place to learn internet marketing, and I'm not sure what kind of service they will give you.


Joined: 23 Feb 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 23 Feb 2006 13:15


The program in question is very well known throghout the work at home business and these types of programs are not for everybody.
They require more time and effort than it seems worth and can become tiresome very quickly.
Few people make the kind of money that is mentioned.

A note to Drew,
By the way, if your mum isn't happy with her purchace, I noticed this program offers a full money back guarantee.

Silver Member

Joined: 11 Jul 2005
Posts: 91

# Posted: 17 Mar 2006 00:24

Quoting: Drew
My mum purchased this programme, but I learnt its main purpose was to sell a programme to you and then you gotta sell it to someone and you get 50% of the profit, but only when you find the next available victim.
I found it didnt help me, but I learnt alot from the experiance in what to look for in a home based business.

This type of program is most definately a scam. The federal government ruled more than 25 years ago that it was illegal to exchange money under the false pretense of "business" when no tangible product or service is initially offered. Since another law defines membership as a tangible service or product many businesses prey on people under the assumtion that they will make money after paying for membership. All you are doing when you join a program like this and sign others up to make money is becoming one of the very same people who scammed you out of your money to begin with. Look at it like this. Imagine going to a McDonalds and asking for an application for employment. The manager then tells you that you have to pay an elite member fee in order to obtain an application. You do so and are then told that for everyone you get to join you will get 50% of that fee or if you wish you can begin working as a grill cook for minimum wage. There would be thousands of elite members selling memberships to obtain applications out there but there would still be a shortage of grill cooks. McDonalds would soon go bust. How do you think these companies stay afloat? From products and services or member fees? My advice... steer clear.

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Joined: 3 Jul 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 4 Jul 2006 04:56

Hi Drew,

Quoting: Drew
My mum purchased this programme, but I learnt its main purpose was to sell a programme to you and then you gotta sell it to someone and you get 50% of the profit, but only when you find the next available victim.
I found it didnt help me, but I learnt alot from the experiance in what to look for in a home based business.

Can you give us the members area url to us so that we can look at what they offer. I figured that they used a directory

where ---- is the member name or some random word/number. Your help will be appreciated..


Joined: 15 Aug 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 15 Aug 2006 07:38

I'm glad I found this forum on Automatic Money Vault.
It came to my e mail via SPAM a few months ago. I've looked at it, thought about it and....guess what? Not gone ahead with it!
Things that read like this are too good to be true. The only way to make money - is to work hard and be wise when you've made it.
Very, very few people get rich quick! Those that have, have been in the right place at the right time, grasped an opportunity and made their fortune. Then they've STOPPED and invested wisely.
No doubt there are a few ways to do it but most have been exhausted by the time it comes to your door.
There no harm in trying - if you have the hard earned cash to risk but its better in your pocket than in some 'rich' boy from Nowhere Land!
Take care & keep wise


Joined: 24 Feb 2007
Posts: 1

# Posted: 24 Feb 2007 22:25

Believe it or not, I have actually bought this program. At first I was very motivated and did exactly what the program said. I started off by simply advertising the programs link, which promised a 50% commission off each sale. Well, after spending about $30 dollars on advertising and no sales, I gave up. The program was very confusing so I would not suggest it to beginners. Could I have made money in the long run? Maybe. But I simply didn't have the money to chance on it. Meanwhile this guy got free advertising for his site. Seems like the rich just get richer if you ask me.


Joined: 22 Feb 2007
Posts: 9

# Posted: 24 Feb 2007 22:54

"Very, very few people get rich quick!"

There are over 7,000,000 millionaires in the United States. Building wealth through running a legitimate business requires hard work, but is certainly not rare. Getting rich through the thousands of scams and fads is nearly impossible. Let's face it, any scheme that involves a pyramid is not going to make you rich unless you are at the top of the pyramid.

If you really want to be wealthy and get out of the 9-5 lifestyle, you've got to run your own business. Make yourself rich, not somebody esle.


Chaz T

Joined: 17 Dec 2006
Posts: 122

# Posted: 25 Feb 2007 02:12

Quoting: propertymanager
If you really want to be wealthy and get out of the 9-5 lifestyle, you've got to run your own business. Make yourself rich, not somebody esle.

You're definitely signing my tune Mike!

The truth is when you have a 9 to 5ver, you're making your superiors rich........not yourself. Believe it or not I know alot of people that are fine with this scenario. They'd rather just keep things simple and work for someone else, do their daily duty and collect a check every two weeks or so and not worry about anything else.

I've found it REALLY DIFFICULT to get ahead in life by having this type of mindset. And it stands true that if you want to experience any type of financial freedom, you need to start investing time and effort in making that happen for yourself!

(BTW) the automatic money vault site seems to no longer exists.....hmmm..... Interesting.



# Posted: 19 Mar 2007 07:11

The site is working for me...
"What Did The $7 Dollar Secrets Created?"


Joined: 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 222

# Posted: 27 Mar 2007 13:23

The red flag for me would have been the title itself -- Automatic Money Vault??? Oh brother. The problem is that these so called companies tap in to our desires and take advantage of people. You have to make sure the underlying product will stand the test of time - not just some fly by night organization which promises you instant riches!



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