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email offering me employment to take receipt of their money and ....

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Joined: 22 Jan 2006
Posts: 17

# Posted: 22 Jan 2006 02:26

OK - I put my resume out on a few job site, looking for "work from home". I got this email from a gentleman who works for some research biz in Ireland. He got a grant from some group here in the US and is going to be traveling extensively and wants to send me actual money orders made out to me, keep 10% for my trouble and then send the remainder to him via Western Union - he will not have access to any banking or means to access this grant money otherwise???? Okay... now I know this sounds a lil strange... but how can I lose? HELP?

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Joined: 8 Jan 2006
Posts: 219

# Posted: 22 Jan 2006 04:39

Most of them are receiving these kind of mails, nobody will give away money just like that to any strangers, for my best concern just ignore it and continue your work...

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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
Posts: 179

# Posted: 22 Jan 2006 11:27

Hey beccala,

It really sounds like money laundering to me.

I'd stay away from it if I were you.

Good Luck,


Joined: 22 Jan 2006
Posts: 17

# Posted: 7 Feb 2006 03:38

Well an update on this - I didnt say no to this guy - but I didnt say yes either - he just kept emailing me and then sent me these "citibank travelers' checks via FedEx - 10 of them, each for $500! LOL... well needless to say, I then took them to the bank knowing full well what their answer was going to be. I spoke to a Mgr and told him the story and asked if he could tell if these were real or counterfeit. And low and behold - they are fakes. BUT ~ If I had gone somewhere - as the Emailer creep crook guy suggested - like a grocery store etc, to try and cash them, I could have been arrested! The Banker said - he knows all about this scam and he guesses that enough of the fake checks get cashed to make it worthwhile somehow... And this is the kicker! I then said to the banker - well I guess I am going to take all my emails and info to the cops or the FBI now... the Banker then said - nawh........ dont bother. They wont do anything about it. It is not on their list of things to do something about today list... Way too many out there for them to deal with.

Oh well...

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 491

# Posted: 7 Feb 2006 04:54

Thanks for sharing your experience Rebecca!

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