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84% Rule

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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 29

# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 13:27

While driving home from Tucson to Phoenix yesterday afternoon, a news radio story came on which indicated that 84% of people don't like their jobs. Most people graduate from high school or college and end of in a career they do not like.

I've got to agree. I work in the insurance industry and have been very successful. While I don't hate my job, I could think of hundreds of ways to spend my time and make money. Even though I am paid very well by my company, I don't have the freedom of time I really want.

Since becoming involved with a network marketing company 1 1/2 years ago, my income continues to grow and I am growing closer to achieving my goal of getting out of corporate America.

Now, the 84% Rule bodes well for network marketers because around 8 out of 10 people you meet don't like their jobs. It is our responsibility to let them know there are options available to them - they can renew their mind and found something positive in their job; they can change jobs; or they can become their own boss and start their home-based business with a network marketing company.

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# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 13:51

Most people graduate from high school or college and end of in a career they do not like.

I think a lot of people who graduate from college are probably in a field unrelated to what they got their degrees in. I wonder how many life insurance sales people, for example, actually majored in life insurance???


Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 29

# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 14:00

Good question. However, if they like what they are doing, "more power to them"

Since I'm in the insurance industry, I've worked with several people who went to college and specialized in the study of Insurance.


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Posts: 99

# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 15:50

It took me over 12 years to actually get a job in the field I majored in. And now that I'm in it, it definitely ain't all it's cracked up to be. This is why I'm working diligently to succeed working from home.

De La Mente

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Posts: 39

# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 15:57

That's my fear. Ending up in a job I despise, but depend on it for survival.


Joined: 6 Jun 2008
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# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 15:59

I think a lot of people who graduate from college are probably in a field unrelated to what they got their degrees in. I wonder how many life insurance sales people, for example, actually majored in life insurance???

LOL, I agree. I know somebody who went to grad school for marine biology, and they now have a full time job working at a car rental store. Also, I am currently in college pursuing a degree in creative writing, but I am trying to find a job as a carpenter. Weird.


Joined: 20 Jun 2008
Posts: 29

# Posted: 1 Jul 2008 19:09

I earned my degree in Psychology and planned on being a Psychologist. I ended up in the insurance industry as a way to pay back my student loans. I thought I would work in insurance for a few years until I found something in the field of Counseling. 13 1/2 years later, I'm still in the insurance industry.


Joined: 18 Jun 2008
Posts: 3

# Posted: 14 Jul 2008 20:08

I think that actually very few people love the work that they do. It is truly a gift to have a passion for your work.

I think what happens to many people in my age group (40-50s) is that they get burned out, even in jobs they really enjoy. That's what happened to me. I just got tired of the commute, the hours, and the lack of recognition for doing a pretty damn good job.

I loved what I did, but I decided to get out. I believe I'm not alone.

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# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 10:57

Im not surprised by that number...most people I talk to are not even close to being satisfied with their careers. I opened my own business for a reason

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# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 14:40

Thats because there arent enough jobs but thanks to the internet, not all of us need to work a 9 -5....there are a lot of untapped recources online and a lot of money to be made, we just have to point them in the right direction


Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 19

# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 15:31

84% unhappiness among employees is an amazing statistic.

But, I hope you are using that information. I just created a capture page with that statistic as a headline.

Make sure you don't just listen and sit amazed when you hear things like that. Use information that touches people people to encourage them to opt in to your list.

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# Posted: 15 Jul 2008 19:04

The statistic that 84% of people don't like their jobs is indeed an eye-opener. It suggests many interesting (and unflattering) things about us as individuals, doesn't it.

Here are seven observations that come to my mind:

1. We tend to settle for less-than-optimum employment situations, rather than strive for those we consider to be ideal.

2. We become complacent quite easily.

3. We shy away from risks.

4. We deny ourselves substantial happiness as a result of our job choices, and rationalize it by telling ourselves we're doing it to "feed the family" and "pay the bills".

5. There is probably a bit of masochist in all of us.

6. We have become victims of inferior thinking and low expectations.

7. We have loss our passion or never discovered it.

I believe we can break out of this nasty rut by upgrading our self image and overhauling our belief system. When we truly accept that we are capable of much more and start acting accordingly, we set in motion the forces that can help us materialize all our dreams.

But we must take that first step!



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# Posted: 16 Jul 2008 09:08

I hate my job and one day I thought about the saying that sais if you don't like your life change it, easier said than done. I am finding that when I started recognizing my thinking process and started to know that I do not need to compromise and I can have both, things are going bettter.

you just have to keep your goal in mind

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# Posted: 16 Jul 2008 12:35

Everyone loves control but dislike risk, unfortunate thing is they come together.

When you work for somebody, you have no control, no risk.

When you have somebody working for you, you have both control and risk.

Wonder if that make any sense. =)



Joined: 4 Jun 2008
Posts: 23

# Posted: 16 Jul 2008 17:12

The 84% Rule doesn't surprise me at all actually. I would even add my own informal rule for discussion:

The 100% Rule: 100% of people don't enjoy 100% of their job.

That applies even to guys like luvinarizona who say they are now doing their dream job. Life isn't all peaches and cream people. Somebody has to buckle down and get the hard stuff done.

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Joined: 16 Jul 2008
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# Posted: 20 Jul 2008 14:37

Everyone loves control but dislike risk, unfortunate thing is they come together.

When you work for somebody, you have no control, no risk.

When you have somebody working for you, you have both control and risk.

Wonder if that make any sense. =)

That's pretty profound JTYS. I like it alot. Thanks for sharing!


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