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With the economy going downhill, how are WA members doing?

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Joined: 9 Jun 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 00:18

Well, we all know the economy in America is going downhill. People being laid off, banks failing, etc.

Obviously, people are spending less and less money.

So, I was wondering, how are Wealthy Affiliate members doing? I understand that there will always be people spending money, but have Wealthy Affiliate members noticed the amount of money that they are making start to go down?

I ask this because I am interested in joining Wealthy Affiliate but I am skeptical because I won't have tons of time to put into it combined with the fact that the economy is still going bad. So I'm wondering if I shouldn't wait a few months when I'll have more time... (Though who knows if the economy will get better or worse by then.)


Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 208

# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 17:52

I got an increase in sales in January, making more money that I had been making online in quite a few months.

A lot depends on what you are promoting.

Think... what are people looking for in tough times. Are they trying to save money on their electric bill perhaps. Are they looking to make thinks at home? Work at home on the side? Are they looking for cheap entertainment...

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# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 18:28

First of all - remember to look at WA as a tool and not a business...

But yes, people are always spending money on something - find a niche where people are spending money and products to promote and you should be fine.

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Joined: 23 Sep 2008
Posts: 41

# Posted: 9 Feb 2009 18:28

january was a good month for me.. feb not so good so far


Joined: 9 Jun 2008
Posts: 4

# Posted: 10 Feb 2009 22:58

Awesome, thanks for the responses.

Hmm... I see. Well it looks like everybody's not doing too bad then. I was sort of expecting people's online sales to be gradually decreasing.

Well, at any rate, like I said, I'm very interested in joining Wealthy Affiliate, but I've got a few questions...

I'm a full time college student and I work about 15 hours a week, plus my friends always pester me to do things with them on the weekend. Would I be better off waiting until after the semester ends (mid-May) to join when I'm not swamped and have time to put into it or should I join right away?

This eight-week course... will I be able to access it all right away or will it only let me do it one week at a time? The reason I ask is that if I have a stretch of time after I join, I'd like to sit down and read through all of it instead of slowly chipping away at it. That's not to say that I'll only read it once and rush through it; I will read it multiple times, take my time and do what it says. I would like to get an idea of 'the big picture' when I start.

Writing is not really my strong suit. (I prefer math, physics problems, things that require analytical thinking.) That's not to say that I can't do it. It just takes me a long time if I'm trying to make it have nice structure, flow really well, make sure I'm getting my points across, etc. Where it might take somebody one or two hours to write a paper, it might take me several. I don't know if writing for Internet marketing can be compared to writing a paper for a class or not, but will this be a hindrance in an Internet marketing career? Or am I comparing apples to oranges?

Anyway, if somebody could answer my questions, I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

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