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My site was on the top 10 listings and all of a sudden it vanished!

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Joined: 1 May 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 1 May 2009 09:10


My site was in the top 10 for different keywords and all of a sudden it disappeared.
What could have happen?

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Joined: 27 Jun 2006
Posts: 342

# Posted: 2 May 2009 10:44

Happens all the time. if your backlinking practices
have been good you should see your site re-appear,
climb back onto page 1, and probably stay there.

Google shuffles things up periodically but the basic
criteria that get a site ranked well stay the same -
quality backlinks and relevant content.


Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 463

# Posted: 2 May 2009 11:38

Please PM me with details like.

1) URL
2) What SEO work you have done before the listing went down.

I will do a research and tell you....


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Joined: 5 May 2009
Posts: 4

# Posted: 5 May 2009 00:18

There are many things that can affect your site negatively. If you had a site with a high PageRank that was linking to you, and then they stop linking to you, you lose that vote, therefore you go down in the list. Google also bans sites based on negative practices, such as paying for links (if they find out).

If you changed anything on your site, especially your title, this can impact negative for the keywords you left out. Same with < h > tags. If you had a heading with those keywords and then you changed or deleted it, it would negatively impact for those keywords. If you decided to do a little keyword stuffing (such as repeating your keyword over and over on the page, or hiding the keyword behind graphics), this could also give you a negative mark.

I hope this helps.


Joined: 5 May 2009
Posts: 2

# Posted: 5 May 2009 16:44


I am not sure if paying for link is consider as a negative practice.
Can you please explain terms of paying link. Are you considering advertisement space offered by top rank website as a paying link as well?


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Joined: 26 Feb 2009
Posts: 20

# Posted: 18 May 2009 22:45

Did you maintain it? I mean getting more back links and other SEO strategies?

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# Posted: 22 May 2009 16:18

Hi BBT_Translation,

That's normal for new sites.

Google assesses new sites for various reasons.

It can also happen when a page gets indexed and you change something - especially the title or permalink.

If you're creating duplicate content or masking too many URLs on your site, you can get sandboxed.

It could be a number of different things that cause a drop in SERP position.

It's nothing to worry about.

Just create a few more quality backlinks and keep adding pages to your site.

As a last resort, you can contact Google.

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 6 Aug 2009
Posts: 16

# Posted: 18 Aug 2009 20:31

You have to continue build links. Back links helps your site/blog remain on top positions.


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