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source of pictures for my website, ligal or not!

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Joined: 21 Oct 2008
Posts: 7

# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 14:19

i just created my first website, i want to ask if it possible to copy they pictures of they products i will advertise on my website from the marchand webpage(i mean from the webpage of the owner of this product wich i will advertise on my website),
As i wonder if i can copy the same words or phrases from the merchand webpage to use theim within my webpage to identifie and advertise this product,
i am a new internet marketer, and i will appreciate so much your help!

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# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 14:52

People do this, but its probably not the best approach to do. I think you would be better off paraphrasing the sales copy of the merchant. Most merchants don't care if you use an ebook cover from their website, but they might mind if you copy other images. If you are looking for low cost images, check out


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# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 15:39

You can take your own photos of the products and use them


Joined: 21 Oct 2008
Posts: 7

# Posted: 22 Oct 2008 18:52

think you a lot freinds for your advises,
i want to say that since i still a new internet marketer i cant bay they picuters for now , but i will tray to find a way to make my own photos of the products i will promote
thikx again

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# Posted: 25 Oct 2008 22:10

Ask the merchant if you can copy the photos to help promote their products. I've done that and have always received permission since I would be sending them traffic.

It's better if you write the sales copy in your own words rather than copy and paste their words.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 26 Oct 2008 10:56

Hey all,

That's all good advice and I agree with it. I especially liked the advice that Angie gave about asking the merchant. It does work.

In fact, I was actually able to get the merchant to send me a series of pictures that he thought would work best. He sent them to me in a zip file. I thought that was pretty cool and I was pleased with myself for having the insight and courage to ask

It's okay and often effective to communicate your needs

It's also a good idea to ask questions on this forum rather than stumbling in the dark on your own.

~Newbie Shield~

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# Posted: 26 Oct 2008 17:29 � Edited by: NTC

That is what I do..ask the merchant.
Most of the time, I receive a prompt response.

Have a great Sunday Everyone!

I had fun with my last Lens with your Squidoo Tricks Newbie Shield!
Hi Yoda!


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Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 28 Oct 2008 10:38


Hi :) That's great news about your lens and glad to hear you found my tutorial lens to be helpful.

I'd be happy to rate, favorite, and sign your lens/lenses if you'd like to provide a link either in the forum or via PM.

You Have a great Sunday too :)

~Newbie Shield~

HTML Squidoo Tricks

Squidoo-specific HTML how to tutorials, tips and tricks to make your lens stand out from the crowd. Code samples and step-by-step all the way through. 100% free. Made by yours truly ;)

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