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How do you do your taxes? TaxBrain?

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Joined: 4 Dec 2006
Posts: 6

# Posted: 23 Jan 2007 20:31

A buddy told me about this program TaxBrain where you can do your taxes online--anyone tried it yet? I work at home for myself and am not totally clear on how to file.

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# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 18:13

Hi KelseyW33,

I am not familiar with TaxBrain, sorry!

I have used TurboTax, it was very fast and easy. They just sent me a letter saying that they have a bunch of new features this year. One of them is an online home and business schedule C for personal and self-employment taxes.

Good Luck!


Lora Moore

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# Posted: 26 Jan 2007 14:24

I use and have used online it does my Fed and state and is very easy to use. LOVE THEM Both. I think it is like $9.99 for both and you get your money back in 10 days.


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# Posted: 26 Jan 2007 17:13

I use Turbo Tax as well. It's very easy and walks you through. If you're not sure what package to buy, then you can click a link, answer a few questions and it will tell you which package is for you.

Lora....I just got that information in the mail, too. I plan on doing my taxes this weekend.

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# Posted: 29 Jan 2007 12:52

I used TurboTax last year too, but now i'm on a mac and turbotax doesn't run on it.
I checked out Taxbrain and I ended up doing my taxes on their site. It was super easy. Walked me through the whole thing. I also work for myself, don't let that intimidate you. it will que you for all the information regarding this.
Thanks for buddy for me


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Posts: 64

# Posted: 4 Feb 2008 21:58

I just did my taxes using TurboTax for the first time. I used the personal and business tax online. Normally I would file my taxes myself but since I incorporated my business last year, I need some help and TurboTax walked me through everything and let me know what I could use as a deduction for my business.


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# Posted: 12 Mar 2008 23:42

I use Turbotax every year and really like it. Getting ready to file mine this weekend. I definitely get my money's worth with them between small business deductions, stocks, etc.


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# Posted: 26 Mar 2008 00:08

I used taxactonline when it was free. When they started charging for it I quit using it. Now I just fill out the forms and mail them in. I know it's the old fashioned way, but the forms are not hard to fill out.

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# Posted: 27 May 2008 03:35

I use an accountant with years of experience. If you have the funds I recommend the same. I have done it on my own and it seems that I save a bunch more using someone that knows all the loop holes


Joined: 4 Jan 2007
Posts: 12

# Posted: 30 Aug 2008 21:51

Turbo tax is probably the best one. It might cost a little more, but it is worth it.

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