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Are you REALLY playing to win?

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Joined: 16 Feb 2007
Posts: 3

# Posted: 27 May 2007 13:10

A post in another thread prompted me to post this...

It's my observation that many networkers are choosing to struggle because they're not really "playing to win". They're "playing NOT TO LOSE". And there's a big difference.

"Playing NOT TO LOSE" is a recipe for failure. These are the folks who are constantly focused on what might happen if they don't enroll someone. Or how much money they're going to lose if they buy leads and don't enroll someone. They're the ones who count the no's. They can tell you exactly how many people they've spoken with who did NOT get started.

They're focused on trying not to lose. As a result....they lose.

The other side of the equation is someone who chooses to focus on playing to win. S/he can't tell you how many people they talked to last week who didn't get started. Why? Because it's irrelevant. They're focused on finding people who are ready to change their life....they're not keeping score about the people who aren't.

They have no trouble spending money in their business because they have a belief level about what that money can do for them. They will happily spend $100 on an ad or $300 on some leads....because they know that they can earn far more than that by working their business with power and focus.

They're aware of the cashflow of their business....but they're not needless obsessed with the expense column. They're not afraid of it. Because they have very specific goals that they know are achievable. And since they control the game clock....they never lose.

Bottom line: most networkers are playing "not to LOSE". They're not playing to WIN.

And until they understand the difference, they're going to continue to get the same lousy results they've gotten in the last 6 companies they've joined.

You can't swim with one toe in the water. Jump in and focus on swimming...not drowning.

To your success!
Tony Rush


Joined: 30 Apr 2007
Posts: 5

# Posted: 10 Jun 2007 21:47

Quoting: TonyRush
"Playing NOT TO LOSE" is a recipe for failure. These are the folks who are constantly focused on what might happen if they don't enroll someone. Or how much money they're going to lose if they buy leads and don't enroll someone. They're the ones who count the no's. They can tell you exactly how many people they've spoken with who did NOT get started.

They're focused on trying not to lose. As a result....they lose.

Unfortunately, I like many people still have this belief swirling around my mind most of the time.


Joined: 17 Mar 2007
Posts: 70

# Posted: 28 Jun 2007 11:28


What a great comment about people who succeed in Network Marketing vs those who don't.

This should make a lot of sense to everyone reading this.

Maybe you should make this as an article and post it everywhere.



Joined: 6 Oct 2006
Posts: 115

# Posted: 13 Jul 2007 17:23


Great post!

The people I have worked with that have succeeded have chosen success and not let fear get in their way.

If you think you can and work with someone who is successful and duplicate their success you can be successful!

On the other hand, if you don't think you can be successful, you probably won't.

Industry trainer Dani Johnson once said, "What's between your two ears is the difference between you earning $10 or $100,000/month."

Just goes to show the mind is the most powerful thing we have... use it for your success!



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Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 71

# Posted: 24 Oct 2007 17:30

Your mind is so powerful.

Your thoughts really do become your actions.

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." �Thomas Jefferson


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