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Help with advertising

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Joined: 7 Mar 2006
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# Posted: 7 Mar 2006 13:15

Can anyone help me with marketing the 1stepsystem. I have google ads running, emailing to prosects and talking it up, but I can't seem to get a sign-up

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# Posted: 7 Mar 2006 23:16

Try to post classifieds ads in various sites like,, they are very responsive sites and free to advertise...

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# Posted: 8 Mar 2006 19:45

And DEFINITELY watch your Google ads. I remember when I first started looking for something to do on the internet, I lost a lot of money promoting an affiliate program through google. A LOT more than I made!


Joined: 10 Mar 2006
Posts: 2

# Posted: 10 Mar 2006 09:47

instead of advertising, i have been writing articles and posting it up for free everywhere in blogs and article website. it creates free links back to your sites. fact is, people normally find links back to an author (guru/expert) website more often than they click on an advertisement.


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Posts: 50

# Posted: 12 Mar 2006 04:42

What problem does it solve for people?

I don't generally sign-up for anything blind like that unless I know the person who's referring me.

There's nothing there about you or why this is something you endorse.

Perhaps some dort of an intro page that then leads to this would be a good idea.


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# Posted: 12 Mar 2006 11:11

Quoting: agoodsaid
I don't generally sign-up for anything blind like that unless I know the person who's referring me.

That is pretty impossible everytime... once you got the interest to join any program or to purchase the products, then you would dont look at the referral id, straight away goes to the next step...

I am affiliated with some products and earning a good amount of income every month from that and people who purchases under me never contacted me about the products and even they dont where I am putup...

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# Posted: 12 Mar 2006 18:11

Here's what one affiliate for that program has included in their advertising plans


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# Posted: 27 Mar 2006 00:46 · Edited by: getagrip

Dude (or Dudette),

If you are advertising with Google, be sure that you know what you are doing, or you are going to burn a whole in your wallet, quick.

There are good, legitimate programs out there like Perry Marshall's Definitive Guide to Adwords, Wealthy Affiliate, and Beating Adwords which teach about Google Adwords, and teach it better than other ebooks out there like Google Cash.

You may have gotten started with Adwords with other resources, but those are the ones which teach the most advanced techniques.


Joined: 28 Mar 2006
Posts: 9

# Posted: 28 Mar 2006 23:58

If You're Thinking of Trying Out Google Adwords...

I lost the majority of my money on Google AdWords by something quite simple really:

I started off with a keyword-targeted (normal) Google AdWords campaign. This was doing ok, but going rather slow, so I thought I'd try the site targeted.

I started a Site-targeted campaign, and waited. After a few days I had no impressions yet, so I thought my CPM or Cost Per 1000 Impressions was too low, so I raised it a bit.

Every day I kept checking to find that I still had no impressions so I kept raising my CPM, and over the course of about a week I was up to $30.00 per 1000 impressions, with a daily limit of $30.00. I also tried emailing Google to find out what was wrong.

Well I let 3 days pass before checking things over again (it was the weekend) and voila, I had racked up a bill of nearly $90, with very few clicks. In fact, my clicks had cost me over $10 each! Needless to say I shut this down real fast!

Don't let this happen to you - keep your CPM and daily budget low until your Google ad is approved for Site-Targeting. Talk about an expensive lesson!



Joined: 29 Mar 2006
Posts: 21

# Posted: 29 Mar 2006 21:10

Google is a very tough way to go if you don,t know what you are doing, you might want to try Perry Marshal he is the google guru, if your interested in some offline ideas that really helped me as well as some good online stuff here is a free ebook on how 45 sales were made in 20 days,

[Link removed - Admin]


Joined: 2 Sep 2006
Posts: 44

# Posted: 17 Sep 2006 19:32

I keep my adwords bids low(50 cents or less) and use about 50 or so keywords. This should never be your main source of advertising. Just build links on other people's blogs and forums. Write article's and submit them to article directories. And don't forget to promote your business OFFLINE where the competition is a little less fierce.


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# Posted: 17 Sep 2006 20:26

PPC advertising is expensive, you have to monitor your expenses closely. Till you make your first sale, you should try free advertising options like writing articles, classifieds, etc

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# Posted: 19 Sep 2006 11:07 · Edited by: malibumentor

| google ads | adwords | Pay-per-click advertising |

Nothing can replace the power of paid advertising. As soon as you
can afford it, do spend money on it. It should drive traffic not to an affiliate page, but a page about you.

Sell yourself, stop selling product.

I don't rely on paid ads for all my traffic by any means, but they are a great way to increase my brand awareness. Even when folks don't click, they still see my domain name, which is distinctive.

I'm all over the search engines too, so the combination makes it clear that I know how to market... which makes people want to join my business... because they want to know how to market...

and they don't.


Joined: 22 Apr 2006
Posts: 15

# Posted: 20 Sep 2006 21:42


When you are doing the advertising with PPC, one thing that is very important is your ad to PREQUALIFY prospects with your ad so you can weave out the tirekickers. I too recommend Perry Marshall's Course because he shows how to weave out the tirekickers for your home business.

Also, you may want to try other advertising media networks online. There are plenty of them online and the reason you don't hear about them is because not everyone wants to share who they are advertising with because **maybe** they think it's a secret or that the ad space will get oversaturated, I don't know.

All the best,



Joined: 23 Sep 2006
Posts: 1

# Posted: 23 Sep 2006 15:01

You should try using an automated system. Most professional online money earner usually try to put their business on auto pilot.
There are many automated systems out there that market your biz automatically with leads.

Hope this helps.


Joined: 15 Sep 2006
Posts: 38

# Posted: 20 Oct 2006 03:35

Quoting: roxbury
Can anyone help me with marketing the 1stepsystem. I have google ads running, emailing to prosects and talking it up, but I can't seem to get a sign-up

You can loose a lot of money on google, if you are not exactly sure what you are doing. Invest in a good book like Perry Marshalls and then take it step by step. When I first came online I had no idea of how to market on google and lost many hundreds of dollars. Most people do. You can also get a google expert to market the page for you, but you have to pay around $50/months and then your daily budget of $5-20 to be effective. Hope that helps

Don Mega

Joined: 23 Nov 2008
Posts: 7

# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 06:37

Here's my 2 cents on Adwords:

Target a Niche that the "Big Dogs" arent prowling around. Let them get into bid wars with other affiliates who have the finances to bid high for high searched key-words.

Bid on long tail keywords.

Experiement with different ad copies on TE's before you spend money on an unknown ad copy hoping for best results.

Research your target audience.

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# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 22:39

A great way to advertise free are all the social networking sites. There are LOTS of them, but now unlike Myspace and Facebook, they have several of them now that are a business all their own that you join free and get to advetise your business all over them and also earn money for getting others to join free, so getting on any of these sites is a total win/win!


Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 13

# Posted: 23 Nov 2008 22:59

Michael, 1stepsystem is a old program. I using ALS marketing resources to bring in thousands daily. You might need to join another program that provides you with co-op, display ads, postcards, phoneboardcasting ect.

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# Posted: 29 Jul 2009 22:13

Hi, I'm new to this forum and have lots to learn. I use text exchanges, traffic exchanges, solo ads, text ads, anything free! I'm a Minnesotan and enjoy people,quilting, piano playing, teaching the Bible, family, reading mysteries, working online. Virginia

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