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Is it worth to advertise on GPT site?

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Joined: 29 Jun 2009
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# Posted: 30 Jun 2009 17:01

Hi to all,
I'm just starting my internet marketing carrier and have one simple question. Is it worth to advertise my web site or affiliate product on GPT sites like neobux (.) com or treasuretrooper (.) com for example? Does promoting on GPT site will help me to increase traffic?
Thanx in advance for your help!

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# Posted: 30 Jun 2009 17:09

Yes advertising on such sites will surely see increase in traffic but not necessarily conversion. So GPT sites are good for some CPA and referal programs.

Most GPT sites will give you clicks but no conversion. So if traffic is what you want then go for it, but i wouldn't hold my breathe on conversion.

Just my 2 cents



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# Posted: 30 Jun 2009 23:47

Autosurfs, Paid to Click, etc are actually pretty worthless. Within the network marketing company that I co-Own and program for, autosurfs tend to have a 0.0000005% conversion ratio (actual statistic). Great for Alexa ranking if you're after that, but that's about it.

Save your money or use PPC in Google Adwords. Also syndicate your content as well, that's another great hitter right there.

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# Posted: 1 Jul 2009 01:10

Autosurfs, Paid to Click, etc are actually pretty worthless. Within the network marketing company that I co-Own and program for, autosurfs tend to have a 0.0000005% conversion ratio (actual statistic).

Great post. I'm glad that you threw an actual stat in there...I knew the stats were bad, but I didn't realize they were THAT bad!


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# Posted: 1 Jul 2009 02:32

low convertion unless you'll offer something that's FREE..


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Posts: 26

# Posted: 2 Jul 2009 09:11

Thanx a lot for all your answers! i'll better use some other advertising techniques

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# Posted: 2 Jul 2009 21:01

Take it from someone, ME, that was on the other side of this... clicking for pennies...

I never once looked at the ads, but only the timer until I could view the next one. Sometimes there would be two or three different sites showing ads at one time and I would go from window to window clicking never looking to see what was being advertised.

Your money would be better spent elsewhere.


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# Posted: 3 Jul 2009 05:45 · Edited by: weblearner

hi Vicky

Try posting your ad some free classified. Actually you will get traffic more than GPT site and absolutely free of cost.


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# Posted: 3 Jul 2009 20:36

I have found low conversions with such sites.

If you are looking for cheap advertising I like The cost for keywords are low compared to adwords, but I have had many sales using them.

You just have to be careful with the countries that you choose to send your ads. I only choose US, Canada, and UK. I think this cuts down on click fraud.


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# Posted: 4 Jul 2009 16:36

Yes advertising on such sites will surely see increase in traffic but not necessarily conversion. So GPT sites are good for some CPA and referal programs.

Most CPA campaigns forbid using "incentivized traffic", such as GPTs.

Vicky, your conversion from any source of traffic will depend on whether you did your home work or not.

GPT sites, like all "back alley marketing" methods, provide the worse kind of traffic if you want to sell something irrelevant to the mentality of the audience. Actually it applies to any marketing method. If you bid on the keyword "muscle" you have a low chance of selling a cure for baldness.

As mom of 3 (wow, one is driving me crazy) said, the audience is not after buying anything.

But ....

If you taylor your campaign to pefectly fit with the mindset of the audience you'll get there.

The right way to make moey in the back alley of the Internet is to build a list, send "pay per lead" offers to that list. Direct selling doesn't work in the back alley.


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# Posted: 10 Jul 2009 04:08

The ads placed in GPT sites are clicked by those who want to earn through surfing (pay to click) the website. They are not real customers who are ready to buy. Traffic without targeted customers or conversion is not worth a penny. It will be waste of time focusing on GPT sites.

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# Posted: 10 Jul 2009 09:36

Is it worth to advertise my web site or affiliate product on GPT sites like neobux (.) com or treasuretrooper (.) com for example?


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# Posted: 24 Jul 2009 18:32 · Edited by: gowriter

Not for me. I tried that. Everyone else in GPT sites are either getting paid pennies and credits to just click or are trying to get people to look at their sites. Nobody is there to buy anything.

This is not quality traffic. Don't waste your time. You're better off doing article marketing, Twitter, video marketing, PPC, etc.


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# Posted: 7 Aug 2009 11:12 · Edited by: TrinaJ

Oaky, this is driving me crazy -- What is CPA? In my world, that's a Certified Professional Accountant -- but what is it in this context?

I know GPT is Get Paid To ... but what is CPA?

In fact, I went through an entire promotional sales letter from some program that kept saying it's the greatest CPA program in the world, and never spelled it out.

It's in at least 2 posts here, and not identified.

So, what is it?

TrinaJ is exploring and testing several online income systems, creating Squidoo lenses and starting a blog, to chronicle her online adventures
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# Posted: 8 Aug 2009 01:08

I use about 8 different traffic exchange websites and thus far ive been converting 1/50 (sales) and as for my squeeze page 10/200 opt ins.

Just my results.... You couldn't pay me to stop...

I spent a lot of time making this! Please let me know what you think. Thank you! =]

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# Posted: 20 Aug 2009 09:38

I agree that marketing thru GPT or any paid to surf sites is a waste of time. Most of the poeple are there to promote their referral links and not so interested for others.


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# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 22:12 · Edited by: yahia

Oaky, this is driving me crazy -- What is CPA? In my world, that's a Certified Professional Accountant -- but what is it in this context?

It's Commission Per Action, or Cost Per Action, and it refers to affiliate networks that broker between us (the affiliates) and the advertisers. The network tracks the conversions (leads or sales) through our affiliate links, charges the advertisers, and pay us our commission.

Examples are clickbooth, roirocket, commission junction, neverblue, offeratti .. a really long list.


Joined: 18 Aug 2009
Posts: 20

# Posted: 26 Aug 2009 01:42

Hi to all,
I'm just starting my internet marketing
carrier and have one simple question. Is it worth to advertise my web site or affiliate product on GPT sites like neobux (.) com or treasuretrooper (.) com for example? Does promoting on GPT site will help me to increase traffic?
Thanx in advance for your help!

I would say yes. A lot of people who visit these sites are people who are looking for work-at-home jobs. If you have something to offer to these people, you can get targeted traffic.


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# Posted: 15 Sep 2009 02:52

GPT sites are great for advertising other GPT sites.

However, if you want free traffic, then get into an Ad exchange, similar to a GPT traffic exchange. They are free to join with the option to upgrade.

When you upgrade, it's usually a one time price. I recommend you get a separate gmail account when signing up for these because you will get about twenty solo ads a day from other members of that site. Those solo ads are worth points which contributes to advertising.

Biz opportunities, MLMs, Affiliate marketing products, website services and other ad exchanges seem to benefit from those ad exchanges.

If you're trying to promote your grandmother online flower store, I'd choose another mode of advertising.


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