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Marketing Wisdom - Create a Rersource Guide For Maximal Profits!

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The Copy Connoisseur

Joined: 7 Jun 2006
Posts: 6

# Posted: 8 Jun 2006 02:56 · Edited by: The Copy Connoisseur

Boost Your Profits By Teaming Up With Other Businesses!

Here's a nifty little piece of marketing wisdom!

Create a resource guide of other businesses you work with and would feel comfortable recommending to your clients.

Include a brief summary of their services and highlight the major benefits of doing business with them (hint: work only with businesses that you really know to be reputable)

Include your business as well as a resource.

Have each partnering business make a really great introductory offer and create a coupon. This will enable you and the other businesses to track results.

Price the resource guide at $7.95 or $9.95 with the price being visible on the jacket of the guide.

An 8 page (8.5 x 11) folded in half will be 32 pages long.

The idea of pricing it is to create value.

You can then give it to your select clients as a FREE gift.

It can also open the door for you when you call your existing clients and tell them that you've just created a resource guide and that it's only $9.95 but you want to send it to them for Free because you truly value their business!

You can then enquire how they've been and that you haven't heard from them for a while and that you are always ready to serve them and that you sincerely appreciate their business and that you'd like to have the privelage of serving them in the future.

Of course, when you create your ad in the resource guide make sure it's a full page ad that lists all of the benefits your customers will receive by doing business with you.

Instruct other participating businesses to apply the same above rules.

These trusted resouces are extremely valuable to your customers and if you can arrange that these customers get preferred attention, as they are arriving from referrals of other local businesses working with you, your new customers will begin referring their friends, as well.

Note: You MUST provide OUTSTANDING service. Don't settle for just being okay. There are alot of other businesses like yours competing for your customers' business. But once people are comfortable with you... make sure they stay that way! Don't give them any reason to be disappointed with your professional services.

The resource guide can be funded as a joint venture with other non competing businesses that complement your services. Try to select one or two good choices of other established businesses, to include in each category.

Familiarize yourself with all of the businesses and don't hesitate to give away a FREE copy to a customer you know that will appreciate the business referral you are about to send them to.

And finally with a ball point pen, hand write a small personal note to the other business proprietor: "Bill, Please take good care of Sue, she's a good friend and a valued client!"

Each business in your resource guide should follow suit.

I look forward to hearing of your success from this idea. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!


The Copy Connoisseur


Ron Redner is

"The Copy Connoisseur"


"The Rabbi of Response"

Your feedback is very important! What's important to you? And what would you like to know? Please write. Time permitting, I will do my best to answer your queries. My schedule is very tight though. So please take that into consideration.


Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 444

# Posted: 12 Feb 2008 05:30

Quoting: The Copy Connoisseur
And finally with a ball point pen, hand write a small personal note to the other business proprietor: "Bill, Please take good care of Sue, she's a good friend and a valued client!"

This can be considered as personalized gift to the end customer.
Very thoughtful


Joined: 18 Jun 2008
Posts: 32

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 11:04

Sounds like a good idea!


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