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Promoting With Voice Broadcasting

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Joined: 15 Feb 2007
Posts: 52

# Posted: 25 Oct 2008 16:46 · Edited by: bigmoneyPRO

Anyone use phone broadcasting to promote there home
business? if yes whats the start up costs? fees? results?
best tips? etc?


Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1632

# Posted: 27 Oct 2008 22:14

How does phone broadcasting work?


Joined: 15 Feb 2007
Posts: 52

# Posted: 31 Oct 2008 19:08 · Edited by: bigmoneyPRO

It works like this you get the leads from our back
office copy all the phone numbers save them in a
text file then upload them into the system pick what
message you wanta send and how many calls per
day and then start the campain and wait for people
to call you back


Joined: 15 Feb 2007
Posts: 52

# Posted: 16 Nov 2008 16:14

Any Tips?


Joined: 13 Jan 2008
Posts: 39

# Posted: 26 Nov 2008 17:28

You have to have a good lead list, and a good message to send out. As with any other program, get under a good leader who will guide and advise you.

Other than that, it's a fast way to get people to your site, provided you have contacted them via a good lead list and you have hooked them via a good message.



Joined: 10 Jun 2008
Posts: 38

# Posted: 26 Nov 2008 21:23

The key to Voice Broadcasting is creating a targeted message for a targeted list. The money is in the message, without a good 30 second message, you have nothing. You have to be able to catch the prospects attention within the first 5 seconds of your message.
If not, you'll lose them and they will hang up. I train all of my team members how to create very catchy opening lines to their messages. You have to hook the prospect right from the beginning.
No fluff, just get to the point. Figure that out first, then find you a good source for leads, and you literally have yourself a goldmine. I know. I've found it!

My Voice Boradcasting Formula:

Targeted Message + Targeted List = BIG BUCKS!


Joined: 15 Feb 2007
Posts: 52

# Posted: 30 Nov 2008 19:04 · Edited by: bigmoneyPRO

Yes great respones with phone broadcasting you must
have a great 30 second message and some great leads
then have the system call like 1000 to 3000 phone numbers
a day and you will be making some serious income in no time.


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