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Joined: 12 May 2009
Posts: 35

# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 02:10

Woohoo, my site is finally up! It was so much prettier without the ads though, but I guess those are the artistic sacrifices we must make.

Thank you all for all your support throughout this process and I would certainly appreciate any feedback you can give me. (See sig for link)

I'm excited to move from the construction phase to promotion. Now the real fun begins.

Best Diabetic Dessert Recipes
Hundreds of low-carb, sugar-free, and diabetic friendly dessert recipes! Have your cake and eat it too! :)

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# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 09:55

Nice! Your site looks good, congratulations on a job well done. Now on to traffic!

Best of luck.


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# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 11:13


Congratulations on going live with your site! You've reached an exciting milestone, and as you correctly pointed out, the real fun begins now.

It was so much prettier without the ads though, but I guess those are the artistic sacrifices we must make.

That's the balance a web designer/marketer has to strike, and in my opinion I'd say you've done a great job.

Here's what I like:

1. The domain name is keyword rich and describes the site perfectly.
2. The header image of the slice of cake stirs my salivary glands.
3. The sub title header text complements the main title.
4. The site is very user friendly.
5. The content is varied, extensive and easy to find.
6. The colors contrast nicely.
7. The layout maximizes your monetization opportunities.
8. The Unit Conversions page is a very useful addition.

Now, as soon as you can replace the "under construction" sign with articles on the Articles page, you'll be firing on all cylinders.

Nice work, and I wish you all the best!


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# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 13:51

It looks good, but I don't know if I liked the brown color...

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 14:19

Hi Dr_Boo,

Wonderful site. I agree with Hermas and it was nice of him to take the time to go into detail.

I bet you feel great to have finally launched it. I'm in the process of doing so myself with my own site.

Feel free to reject any or all of the following advice. Here are three tidbits you might ponder:

1. Remove the W3C badges. Diabetics won't care.

2. Ditch the bit where it talks about browser compatibility.

3. Consider cutting back on your number of Adsense units. I'll leave the details up to you. Instead you might want to put some right in your content pages.

That's it. I like your site. Hey, your pages load quickly by the way, nice job.

Like the header!

Nice job on the ClickBank banner rotator.

Love the contact form - well done.

Keep up the great work :)

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 12 May 2009
Posts: 35

# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 15:47 · Edited by: Dr_Boo

Thanks for the input! (and keep it coming

To address some comments:

The original header used a very pretty picture of fruit which my wife said wasn't "tempting" enough for a diabetic. She had gestational diabetes during her last pregnancy (which prompted my interest in the subject as I looked high and low for a site like the one I just made) and the thing she craved above all else was chocolate cake. Glad to see it has the desired effect.

The brown is meant to keep the subliminal "mmm...chocolate" thought in the minds of the users. It may eventually be replaced. We'll see how it works.

The W3C badges are mainly there due to pride. For now, I like seeing them.

I absolutely despise what the top 728x90 Adsense unit did to the look of my site. I want it gone, but my research says that is prime real estate for an ad unit (dead center of the screen at 1024x768). If it makes me money, I may learn to like it.

The browser compatibility line will be gone momentarily.

Thanks for noticing the clickbank banner rotation. If I were to make a clickbank product I would certainly premake banner ads for my affiliates. Had to make those myself. I love Photoshop.

Anyway, thanks again for the kind words and feedback. If it wasn't for this forum (and of course the people in it) I could never have gotten this far. You guys (and gals) rule!

Oh, I almost forgot, if you're bored, take a look at the 404 page, had a bit of fun there.

Best Diabetic Dessert Recipes
Hundreds of low-carb, sugar-free, and diabetic friendly dessert recipes! Have your cake and eat it too! :)
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# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 16:17

Oh, I almost forgot, if you're bored, take a look at the 404 page, had a bit of fun there

Love your sense of humor. I'm still laughing!


Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 18:50

Oh, I almost forgot, if you're bored, take a look at the 404 page, had a bit of fun there.

Well done. Most webmasters don't even tweak their 404 pages. I see a 404 page as a valuable opportunity. Love your sense of humor and creativity with that one! :)

~Newbie Shield~


Joined: 31 Mar 2009
Posts: 342

# Posted: 17 Aug 2009 19:38

well i love the cake

t looks good, but I don't know if I liked the brown color...

It's suite the cake :p

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# Posted: 20 Aug 2009 06:23

Such a great idea and execution of idea. Well, between A8ch and NS the 2 things I would have said have been covered already (heavy on the adsense, it's very user friendly... and the units converter page which I'll just go ahead and be redundant by elaborating on).

I like the way things are categorized and the unit conversions resource is a helpful considering you'll have visitors from all over. As someone who regularly looks online for recipes, one thing I hate is then needing to head to other pages to convert things. In the end, I just plug things into my old Palm because there's a handy conversion program on there but, as a user, it's soooo much more convenient to have quantities/conversions listed on the site instead.

Great 404 page too. You cracked me up with that one.


Joined: 9 May 2009
Posts: 60

# Posted: 21 Aug 2009 20:49

This site is going to be a great asset to those who feel confined while suffering from this disease. I think it is great! Good Luck!


Joined: 24 Jul 2008
Posts: 128

# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 00:30 · Edited by: newbiz02

Woohoo, my site
is finally up! It was so much prettier without the ads though,

I have to say, i like your site. i really do.
so um... lol - who helped you with your home work? jk. heh heh


Joined: 6 Feb 2009
Posts: 146

# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 02:33

This site is going to be a great asset to those who feel confined while suffering from this disease.

Yep I agree, I passed a link along to my friend who isn't diabetic but is trying to ween herself off of an INTENSE chocolate/cake addiction because she's scared it could lead to health problems down the line. She found it to be really a great resource site (so you've been stumbled by both of us now) .

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# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 12:12 · Edited by: mountainmom5
Reply feel like an absolute dunce ...but... where is the 404 page...

edited to add that I really like the site - it feels warm and friendly

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# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 12:20

Just type any gibberish after the main url, hit the Enter key and it'll appear like magic!


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# Posted: 22 Aug 2009 12:23

OMG - I love it!!

WOW - I learned something brand new today.... and it's not even lunch time -

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