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Whats you're absolute favourite advertising method?

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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 37

# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 13:27

Of all your online advertising techniques, which one have you found absolutely most effective?

I'm looking for personal experiences. what have you PERSONALLY found most effective?

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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 16:05

Forum marketing works really well for me, although a lot of people do really well with Squidoo, and others do well with PPC advertising.


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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 18:50

Forum(not this one) and article marketing have worked out really well for far.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 19:33

SEO, directory submission, and forums.

Newbie Shield

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# Posted: 31 Oct 2007 21:32

Classified advertising, forum posting


Joined: 22 Oct 2007
Posts: 17

# Posted: 1 Nov 2007 10:58

I would say, forums and blogging, pretty much anything to do with Web 2.0(i.e. myspace, youtube, etc). One key you have to remember about forum posting is you actually have to contribute with useful information, not just posts which don't help anyone. Also be careful with what you post because alot of the forum admin's don't tolerate people just coming to advertise themselves, or their products. I would say blogging and article submitting are great ways also. With submitting articles, my recommendation is never try to sell anything in your articles, just write articles that are related to your type of business. These methods work for most of us, and best of all they are free! Best of luck to you and anyone else reading this thread.

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# Posted: 2 Nov 2007 23:05

Article Marketing works for me. And it is free!

Just remember which ever method/methods you use, it does require work. The biggest problem I see is people choosing a method to learn but they do not take any action.

My advise is to choose the method you are most comfortable with, do a bit of research and take action. Actually follow the steps and you will make money.

Yes, you will stumble along the way, but if you keep educating yourself AND keep taking action, you will see results.

To answer your question I personally use the article marketing (Bum Marketing Method) with good results along with some other methods.

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# Posted: 3 Nov 2007 08:08

Press releases are one of the most valuable and often overlooked ways of getting free traffic and noteriety.

Folks believe that the smaller things they are doing with their sites and their company don't matter.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

"We just updated our website to include (fill in the blank)"
Press Release

"We just switched our hosting service for better (fill in the blank)"
Press Release

"We are pleased to announce a new product that (fill in the blank)"
Press Release

"We are offering a new service that will enhance (fill in the blank)"
Press Release

Get the idea?

Newbie Shield

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# Posted: 3 Nov 2007 08:14

For me article submission, press releases, craigslist, forums, and some low cost solo ads. I'm about to explore Youtube and Myspace here soon, plus they're also free.

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