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Help with Yahoo Search Marketing

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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 37

# Posted: 8 Nov 2007 09:02

I'm having a problem that I hope someone here can help me with here.

I've been using yahoo sponsored search for a few days promoting a certain product and i've had a pretty good conversion rate and ROI.

But then all of a sudden my clicks just stopped. I'm getting alot of impressions but no clicks. And no matter what i do it doesn't seem to help. I even tried increasing the bid. Actually I doubled it just to see what would happen, but i'm still not getting any clicks, just impressions.

Can anyone explain this to me? or suggest how I can fix it?

Thanks in advance.

Making Money Online Doesn't Have to Be Hard - 30 Day Plan (Guaranteed Results)

Joined: 13 Sep 2007
Posts: 44

# Posted: 8 Nov 2007 11:03

A few things to check:

1) Quality score. Yahoo has recently implemented something similar to Google's QS (quality score) and that may have tanked your keywords.
2) Position - perhaps another advertiser is outbidding you
3) Ad copy - check the ad copy for any obvious mistakes, changes, etc.
4) Account balance - If you don't have any money in the account (or if your credit card has been deactivated) your ads may show but not record when used (if they're used at all).

Hope that helps!

__________________ - Over 500 offers that are all free to the end user. What's that mean for you? Unreal conversions!
The resident affiliate manager - PM me if you want some guidance.

Joined: 1 Jun 2007
Posts: 106

# Posted: 8 Nov 2007 11:45

also your daily budget can put it on hold for example if you have a daily budget of say 50.00 then when the clicks reach that it will stop the campaign.

call yahoo customer service they are great, I have always been satisfied with their help..


Joined: 15 Aug 2007
Posts: 37

# Posted: 8 Nov 2007 14:19

thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into that.

Making Money Online Doesn't Have to Be Hard - 30 Day Plan (Guaranteed Results)

Joined: 12 Aug 2006
Posts: 1353

# Posted: 8 Nov 2007 20:33

There seems to be some bugs in Yahoo Search marketing. I have been able to spend less than 1 dollar over 5 months


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