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Is Yahoo Answers a Place for Website Promotion or Just a Community

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Joined: 10 Oct 2007
Posts: 58

# Posted: 10 Feb 2008 11:10

Dear Members

I went to It seems to be a online community. But i read in many sites and articles, that we can promote our site in Yahoo Answers.

Please tell me whether it is legal for me to promote my site in Yahoo Answers or Not..... Help Needed and Thanks in Advance..... ?!!!

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# Posted: 10 Feb 2008 19:10

Read the guidelines, your question will be answered

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# Posted: 10 Feb 2008 20:33

Actually, reading the guidelines isn't really that helpful. According to them, you can answer questions and leave a link in the source box.

If you have a website, this should be perfectly acceptable to answer questions related to your topic and leave a link to the page on your site that deals with the answer more fully.

Sometimes this is acceptable and sometimes you get banned for it. I think it depends on the topic your site is about. If it is about work from home, you will most likely get banned. It doesn't make sense, nor do they give you an explanation when you inquire - they just say what pcwork said - check the guidelines. The guidelines are obviously saying different things to different people.

In my opinion, it is definitely worth trying. If your site is about a particular niche, give good thorough answers to the questions that relate and then leave a link in the source box to your site (not an affiliate link). In many cases, this is acceptable and will bring you more targeted traffic to your site. For one thing, how is anyone to know it is your site you are listing? Avoid blatant self promotion. That would be rather obvious and is highly frowned upon.

Hope that helps.


Joined: 31 Jul 2007
Posts: 7

# Posted: 13 Feb 2008 02:58

No problem you can use yahoo answers as one of your medium to get the traffic for your website as long as you follow the Yahoo guidelines.

I have found it as very useful sources for getting traffic to my website and if you answer few questions on your topic with honesty then you will also get the good results.

Newbie Shield
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# Posted: 13 Feb 2008 12:33

Hi samueldarwin,

Yes you can use Yahoo Answers to get traffic. However, as HappyWife has pointed out, the moderators do not follow the posted guidelines. So, the guidelines are meaningless in practice.

The thing you have to watch out for is how often you post your link in questions and answers. Don't do it very often. If you want to avoid getting banned, alternate links with Authoritative sites such as Wiki. Some times it's best not to leave any link with your answers.

Even so, folks get banned frequently. All it takes is one person to report you. This happens quite often. I know because one of my accounts got banned. If you are lucky, you might receive two or three warnings first.

A better alternative might be to put your link in your profile and NOT include a link in your answers. If you are answering well, folks will visit your profile and perhaps click on your link there.

It is very easy to get banned at Yahoo Answers. I've heard many stories about bans.

On the plus side, if you are careful, you should be able to get traffic each week and perhaps every day. I did for a while and the traffic wasn't too bad.

~Newbie Shield~

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# Posted: 4 Mar 2008 01:24

One trick you can do (ok, maybe this is a bit of "gray hat" seo), post your own question under one ID, let a few answers come in, and then answer your question yourself under another ID. In the post that answers your question, put a link to your website in the sig or resource box. Then log on with your first ID and pick the answer from your second ID as the best answer.

Just make sure that the question is a good one and makes sense and that the answer is a good one and makes sense as well. If you just put up crap out there it won't work. Sort of the same way people write really crappy articles and they don't work either.

I had a friend who got some good hits to his blog by posting on Yahoo Answers. I'd say give it a try.

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# Posted: 16 Mar 2008 17:41

Great Tip dmitch31 Yahoo Answers is great for those looking for answers and those able to offer help, all round win win


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 387

# Posted: 16 Mar 2008 21:09

Once again newbie I think you hit it on the head.
I get at least 10-15 visits a week for answers I answered about 3 months ago. Very short answers too. I answered a few work at home questions "Can you make money online" "How can I make money online?" ETC, ETC.

dmitch...that is so low and shady I wish I'd thought of it JK

That is a very good idea though. I wonder if answers has the ability(or willingness) to track ip addresses and such?


Joined: 22 Dec 2007
Posts: 32

# Posted: 26 Mar 2008 16:09

Yea, you can advertise on Yahoo Answers. Just make it look like you are answering a question. I've been doing it for a while and the traffic has been okay. What it really helps is getting your site indexed faster in the SEs.


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