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What are backlinks and how does google find them?

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Joined: 18 Mar 2008
Posts: 1

# Posted: 18 Mar 2008 15:47

I was just wondering what are back links and how do they appear in google or how does google see them.
Rick Menchaca

Rick Menchaca
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# Posted: 19 Mar 2008 19:12

Hi Rick,

Back links are links to your site from outside your site. For instance, in my signature you will see links to two of my sites. The link is from this forum to my site, so it would be considered a back link. They are also called inbound links, etc.

Google has what they call "spiders" (some type of software) that are zipping around the net constantly and finding and evaluating websites, etc. It somehow locates these links and rates them based on the quality of the source.

Links from this site to a work at home website would be rated higher than links from this site to my chocolate candy site because the topic is more targeted. So, it is better to get backlinks from related sites, forums, directories, etc., rather than just a bunch of links from anywhere.

Hope that clarifies it a bit.


Joined: 30 Dec 2006
Posts: 241

# Posted: 19 Mar 2008 22:21

Good explanation Happywife!

Backlinks are very powerful! They can bring a ton of targeted traffic if done correctly.

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# Posted: 20 Mar 2008 14:55

Google is generally very slow at recognizing your backlinks, however. At any given time you will have many more backlinks than Google gives you credit for. But that's just typical of Google. Yahoo's listing of your backlinks is much more accurate.

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# Posted: 21 Mar 2008 12:47

Search engines like google will recognize back links and help you to get better rankings. It is also important if you are trying to get ranked higher to use strong keywords in your back links. So basically one link will take you to another page and on that page you have a link directing them back to the other.


Joined: 30 Mar 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 15:55

I currently have a website in google. Should I try Yahoo as well??

Newbie Shield
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Joined: 22 Sep 2007
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# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 17:03


Yes, submit your sites to Yahoo here for free:

It may take 2-4 months. Don't remind them that you have submitted your site for a good 4 months. It is a human-run directory where Yahoo staff approves or disapproves your site submissions. They don't like to be annoyed and they usually take a while to list your site.

I've had exceptionally good luck with Yahoo and 100% of my sites are listed.

Each submission brings traffic to my sites.

~Newbie Shield~

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Joined: 30 Mar 2008
Posts: 44

# Posted: 18 Apr 2008 18:02

Thank you, I just submitted it.


Joined: 20 Apr 2008
Posts: 31

# Posted: 21 Apr 2008 18:56

You can also use ineedhits. It's pay, but it's cheap.


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