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A profitable workable idea

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Joined: 26 Aug 2005
Posts: 3

# Posted: 10 Oct 2005 16:53

Hi all,

I was interested in getting
traffic to my Tianshi site and posted "I need help" elsewhere on this forum, but I have
since discovered that the key word being
"tianshi" serves very little purpose since only
those who know tianshi seems to be searing for

However, I am now very interested in finding a
fellow who is ready to build as many mini sites cos I am ready to write the contents.

The idea is we search out hot keywords, I write
sharp contents for as many mini content sites as
possible, based on hot keywords associated with
discount-afffiliate programs.

My partner gets domain names
based on the keywords, build and host the sites
and we optimise them for traffic. A lot of
people searching for discounted products on the
net everyday.

The sites make money through both affiliate
programs and google ad sense through a click
bank account in my partner's name. He keeps 2/3 and sends
to me 1/3 of monthly income when due.

I am unable to do this on my own because I am a
Nigerian. Some of us have created a very bad
image for my country, and credit card facility
is not available here.

Consider carefully this proposition, I
am the one who will have to trust you. I
promise to work very hard to make it worth our

Yours sincerely
We are not all thieves here, I beleive in honest
earnings and hope you do too.

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 663

# Posted: 11 Oct 2005 00:45 � Edited by: Vishal P. Rao

Hi Odidis. Although it's a good idea, it's not that practical. You see, it takes hell lot of effort to promote a single site on search engines. Moreover, even if you manage to get a top ranking, it's not guaranteed. So think about the effort to manage hundred sites


Joined: 26 Aug 2005
Posts: 3

# Posted: 11 Oct 2005 15:59

Vish, There is no easy way to make money, I agree, but I know a couple who are scooping quite a good income monthly doing what I propose.

Optimization is my least worry. Let me just get a partner with the same spirit who knows to use some building software and can search out low level keywords in the discount category and I will write the contents and we are in buisness.

I am convinced for there is a a profitable precedence runing right now, and I am itching to get started.

So if there is anone strong enough to partner with Odidis let him drop me his acceptance and ideas at [email protected]

Vishal P. Rao

Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 663

# Posted: 12 Oct 2005 01:00

odidis said:
I am convinced for there is a a profitable precedence runing right now, and I am itching to get started.

If you have enthusiasm and perseverance, you can milk any niche. And you seem to have them. Wishing you success Odidis!


Joined: 22 Feb 2006
Posts: 9

# Posted: 22 Feb 2006 22:08

The latest internet tools like autoresponders and flash movie presentations are some of the things that help us to promote websites etc. but until now they have always been so expensive! I think that good tools and resources plus good leads are a worthwhile investment for anyone wanting to promote a website. The programme I joined does all of this for me. OK I have to put some time and effort into it... and I am not a multi-millionaire yet but we all have to start somewhere.


Joined: 27 Nov 2007
Posts: 76

# Posted: 11 Feb 2008 05:28

Stay focused on what you are doing.

I wish you success


Joined: 8 Jan 2008
Posts: 179

# Posted: 27 Mar 2008 13:08

I wish you luck. Anyone how can perservere like you deserves success.

The most powerful, free online marketing software out there! Automatic article and optimized website generation - really awesome free program! Upgrade option.

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