10 Best Home Based Businesses You Can Start With

Home-based businesses can be very beneficial for those who have time but are constrained to remain at home. Some mothers, having given up jobs to bring up kids and men with less taxing jobs often feel the need to start a work from home business. Home-based businesses can go along way to utilize free time profitably. Listed here are 10 popular business ideas that you can start from home.

1. Freelance Photography Service - If you are passionate about photography and believe you can shoot pictures that people will like, you can start a freelance photography service from home. It is an ideal way to convert a hobby into a business. A meticulously prepared portfolio to show to prospective clients and the equipment update is all that you require.

2. Home Based Child Day Care Service - Home care child service will always remain in demand as long as there are working couples. Due to the absence of quality childcare, parents are becoming increasingly hesitant in sending their children to day care schools. You can easily pitch in to meet this requirement. It will require taking a course in CPA. You also have to register with the State and might require some changes to your house.

3. Home Based Secretarial Service - Many small enterprises and professionals find it difficult to hire a full time secretary. Home based secretarial services means doing secretarial jobs for a number of clients. Technological advancement in communication makes it very convenient to provide this service from home .All it requires is office equipment including fax, computer and Internet connectivity to deliver the work you have done to your client.

4. Cleaning Service - Another option in the shape of a cleaning service involves providing maids to those who need one and you can handle the administration part of it. Initially you can start with targeting residential premises and once your business grows and depending on your capacity, you can provide your services to commercial establishments.

5. Custom Gift Baskets - If you believe you have some talent you can look at creating custom gift baskets. A visit to a couple of craft stores will give you a fair idea of the type of materials that are available in the market and after that you can let your creative instincts loose. What ever you design and/or sell, keep a sample to show to future clients.

6. Professional Pet Grooming Service - Your love for pets can lead you to providing professional pet grooming service. Some local stores hold classes in pet grooming and many people are ready to pay well for quality care of their pets.

7. Bridal and Wedding Consulting Service - The wedding industry provides another opportunity wherein you can start a bridal and wedding consulting service. Weddings require lots of jobs that couples want to outsource. If you are good in planning and organizing small events, you can plan weddings for your clients and the services can include budgeting, scheduling, bridal registry, and all that it takes to arrange one.

8. Home-Based Answering Service for Small Businesses - In case you are looking for an easy option to work from home, you can start a home based answering service for small businesses. If you are good at it, the returns from this business can be immense.

9. Selling Arts and Crafts Online - The World Wide Web is a very convenient place for selling what ever you can. You can try to sell your art and craft online. It is hard to believe but there are an immense number of online buyers, ready to pay for ideas, arts, crafts, and even knowledge.

10. Selling on Ebay and Other Online Auctions - If you have a PC and an Internet connection you could even look at E-selling from home on eBay or other online auction. There can be lots of stuff lying around your house that you can put up on auction at such sites.

Written by Vishal P. Rao of Work at Home Forum.

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