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Is it possible to succeed in Network Marketing this days???

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#21 · Posted: 3 Nov 2007 07:55

Quoting: matanbl
Is it possible to succeed in Network Marketing this days???
what do you think' can any one make a lot of money???
I wonder what most of the population think or they just don't aware to it?

Tell me what you think

If you believe in an MLM people will know that your enthusiasm is genuine. If you can just let them know what attracted you to the biz op in your writing, you will get sign ups.

It also helps to get in relatively early. Try to beat out the saturation point. If a lot of people are already promoting a certain MLM at a place, find a different place to promote it.

Newbie Shield

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#22 · Posted: 3 Nov 2007 10:12

Yes, you can succeed! I do have to agree with the Champion.

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#23 · Posted: 3 Dec 2007 20:43

You can succeed in any business and there is a magical word that will accomplish that and know what that magical word is??


BUT just advertising without the proper tools you are a ship without a rudder.

Am I saying to spend thousands on ebooks, and videos, and CD etc?

NOPE not necessary, After years of marketing and researching I finally found the tools that help to ENHANCE everyone of your advertising dollars!

And it will not cost a fortune.

But if you want to sell

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#24 · Posted: 3 Dec 2007 21:24 · Edited by: robertlaf

Ken Evoy of Sitesell and Ann Sieg are having their 2nd webinar on MLM marketing and the internet and the advantages to using the internet for it.
The first webinar was great, very good stuff.

Here is a link to the 2nd one and the first one is on tape somewhere on the web, just google for it.

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#25 · Posted: 4 Dec 2007 12:36

Network marketing is getting better every day.

The trick is to find the right opportunity. Do the products really speak to your personal passion?

When I was a kid, I wanted so badly to become an Amway distributor when all they had was LOC. That was back in the early '60's. I loved that stuff... it would clean everything. But alas... my mother thought they were a scam, and wouldn't join.

Over the years, I fell in love with the business model... I really believe in the concept of residual income.

But I failed at every opportunity I joined... because the products didn't really speak to my passion. I was in it for the money, not for the love of the business.

Most recently, I've been coaxed out of retirement as a business has crossed my path that's turned my crank really hard... just like when I was a kid.

Why am I in business again? The products speak to my passion!

Shari Thomas
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#26 · Posted: 4 Dec 2007 15:52

I think its is definitely possible to make money in network marketing if you are self-motivated and stay focused. This thread has provided several great tips to help you succeed so I would pick some of the ones that speak to you and start from there.

The internet has opened up a whole new world of marketing options but I think it is still essential to form real relationships in order to make any kind of real money in this business. I am lucky enough to work with a company that actually provides qualified reps with customers but it is my interaction with those customers that keeps them coming back

All the Best!


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#27 · Posted: 18 Dec 2007 17:56

I definitely believe with the right MLM a person can be very successful. Admittedly, I turned away from MLMs for years since I found most companies either not trustworthy or too time consuming in terms of selling the products.

Similar to Shari Thomas' experience, who returned to the MLM business model after finding the right product, I recently returned as well and for the first time am seeing great success in combining investing and the MLM business model. Very fascinating!

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#28 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 14:10 · Edited by: kevin664

Network marketing can be leveraged
in such a way that you do something
once and you get paid forever.

The problem is, too many jump in
with both feet looking for quick

....... that's a no no.

Patience is the key along with
a good supportive relationship with
your downline.

Don't cheat your downline. Pass on
your successes to them and you will
ensure they will pick up the ball and
run with it.

The end result is endless residual
profits for you, but remember, it
does take time and patience for you
to realize that end.

If you would like to talk with me
about it, send me an email:

[email protected]

I'm always happy to help.

- Kevin Tyler Smith
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#29 · Posted: 27 Dec 2007 20:05 · Edited by: ateamfuntimer

The buzzword in all MLM's these days seems to be free. Im get hundreds of emails each day from this company and that company to join their free program. Its sems to me that MLM's are so focused on recruiting and much less on marketing a product. I might be wrong but id love to hear some feedback.

Recently ive taken this model to heart and created a free program to get into my primary business which is Coastal Vacations. Id say that alot of the people that have contacted me so far are looking for a way to recruit others to make .05 here or .10 there and use the old MLM model as opposed to seeing it as a way to make the commissions ive set up for them. Again they are focused on recruiting and not the product sales. Do any of you see this trend as well in your businesses?

This has definitely made my advertising take a different trend. I use to use all the traffic exchanges , write articles, as well as advertise in forums. I am still going to advertise my program in articles as well as blogs but do any of you have any idea on how to word things differently to have people that answer get out of the recruiting mindset and into the selling aspect?

Thanks for the input.

Adam Frederick
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Founder of A-Team CV FREE Apprentice Program
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#30 · Posted: 15 Mar 2008 19:50

I think it is possible to succeed at anything however most will fail. This is a industry that requires extreme focus and has a lot of distractions.

Greg Potter
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