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#81 · Posted: 14 Aug 2008 18:13

I agree with you Danny, Once you are very successful, then if your family and friends want to join your business, it's fine.

I twitter, Im following you.

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#82 · Posted: 14 Aug 2008 23:10

"This company is 21 years old, we are debt free and we have THE GREATEST (insert your thing here) that has ever been in the market....AND we are creating 100 millionaires in the next 24 months! You should come to our meeting at (insert local cheese ball hotel) this Monday night! We have a guest speaker who was a (insert really crappy job here) and now he earns over XXXX per month!"

Ha ha ha ha...

But everything you said is true. I have to agree with you. That is why I tend to request my refund for one of the affiliate programs system I got involved with, because I get lost in way too many steps that all seems to go in circle, and you know that a Circle will never have an end.

But, we'll try to stick on and do our best.

To be or not to be, Smart!
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#83 · Posted: 15 Aug 2008 00:06

I'll bring up one counter-point:

I think for long-term growth of a business you
are dead have to learn to attract
people to you.

However, you failed to mention the #1 reason
why most people quit MLM within 30 days:

They don't see a check!

Now, if you are taking someone brand new to
MLM and trying to teach them to market online,
it may take a while for them to see even the
slightest of results, much less enough for them
to make their money back.


Because the Internet is a land of anonymity, and
people like that. They can, for the most part, get
by with gathering info without really being known
outside of a name (real or not) and an email

The fact is that many quit if they do not see results
in the first 30-60 days. That is a lot of teaching, working,
etc to get someone going with an attraction marketing

And this is why the warm market is important.

For example, in my business, there is $400 in bonuses
plus residuals available for a new rep in their first
28 days. Many people simply are not going to "get it"
in enough time to make it happen (our team has found
some ways of short-cutting this process....but I'm
speaking as a whole for the industry).

A person, though, could step into their warm market
and generate some success, either through product
sales or some recruits. And its not always your
immediate warm market that will help you get there.

Dale Calvert recently posted on another forum the
importance of going through a process, and the
warm market is always the first step. It is the quickest
way to get things going.

Will they experience rejection in warm market?

Yes...but they will in attraction marketing too.

We simply have to train our new reps the reality,
past the excitement.

And while they are working their warm market,
which in my opinion should be funneled into
your marketing system (so they can see how
easy it is, if it really is, and how powerful it is),
and introduce them the same way.

Just my opinion...


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#84 · Posted: 15 Aug 2008 01:55 · Edited by: web20mentor

Brent, great reply. A few things....

1. I have NEVER been rejected with my attraction approach. Not once. I don't pitch so I don't get rejected. I add massive value to those that reach out to me. People call me and say "Danny, when are you going to let me join?" I'm not joking.

Now, regarding the warm market point you made, my question would then be this:

Do we execute an attractive model on everyone except our family and friends? So we use a more aggressive (and less attractive and less authentic) approach with them because we need to make fast money to hold us over until we get clients that really want or need what we have????

I think you see the interior challenge I have with that. And when looked at with a bright light, as I have just done, you see it for what it is.

Oh, don't misunderstand. I do understand why people quit with no income. I actually posted about that very thing earlier today:


But there are ways to teach a newbie how to generate an immediate income...actually several streams of income....which also increases your value to your market without having to toss the integrity out the window.

That post also deals with the reality of the role that social media plays in MLM recruiting.

Thanks for the post!

Great stuff!

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#85 · Posted: 16 Aug 2008 04:24

Have you write the post you said:
"Depending on the response to this post, I will do another one that will show you exactly what it means to add Massive Use Value."

it's the "how to do it" that most are interested of.

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#86 · Posted: 19 Aug 2008 16:23

An awesome forum thread Danny, I have learned a great deal from reading through it so thank you so much for posting it.

As you already know from our Goldmine days I am also an experienced practitioner of attraction marketing - in fact I used that technique long before it had that name for over 20 years as a freelance trainer and university lecturer. Was never out of work once and mostly had people queuing up for me to work with them.

Then the technique was often referred to as 'under-sell and over-deliver' meaning that there was never any chasing or hard-sell and I always gave more than was contracted to do for each client.

Hence by giving something that was unexpected and free who did they come back to for more work each time? Doing an extre fee 2 hours workshop cost me �250 but that often resulted in several �1000s worth of additional business so my CPA (cost per aquisition of each new contract) was tiny compared to many of my competitors.

And in many ways working online is no different from any other business (which, by the way have a similar failure rate) as many other people have said in this post.

In short, think of who you'd most like to work with and then become that person. Systems certainly are important and if designed well they should gradually take over more and more of the work for us giving us the leverage that allows us to pursue our chosen lifestyle.

For example, using social media effectively can attract targeted leads and traffic to us 24/7 and using other tools such as funded proposals like Magnetic Sponsoring can easily generate the cash-flow that all business owners need in order to keep going.

But at the end of the day as you say yourself so eloquently Danny, attracting people is just so much easier and more fun than chasing them. And as long as we maintain our integrity and respect those who seek our help we can create endless abundance for all who choose to make the effort.

To access all my free online marketing resources including e-books, training videos, mastermind calls, one to one coaching calls and MP3 audios just fill in the simple form at:[url=][/url
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#87 · Posted: 20 Aug 2008 00:18

To access all my free online marketing resources including e-books, training videos, mastermind calls, one to one coaching calls and MP3 audios just fill in the simple form at:bla bla bla

what do you understand by giving things for FREE? IT seems that there's something that gets in contradiction with your saying, so... are you lying?

As per found on your site

"Supanova Training Programs
Discount offer until 01.10.08.

It's About Time $37

The Profit Project $37 "

Ridiculous... my own opinion, how people lie to each other. Again, Ridiculous.

If you want to make money, please don't step in my pocket with lies... it's not right.

To be or not to be, Smart!
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#88 · Posted: 2 Sep 2008 16:27

multi level marketing is a great marketing plan for a company and offers alot of potential for the sales person. i think that it is great! But it seems that everyone has been burned by mlm companies atleast once. so there for it seems no one has anything good to say about them. i think that there are 2 problems with mlm. first problem with most mlm companies is their products. its hard to sell something that you can buy for a third of the price at walmart or where ever. or energy drinks and my god how many loose weight live forever drinks can thier possible be on the market. the second thing is the sales people. first of all most are looking to get rich quick ( thats not going to happen). next most lack self motivation and an exellent work ethic. and last of all most people can not deal with rejection. no one will ever last at any type of sales if they cant deal with the to letter word no[u][/u] but really in all reality it is a numbers game. the law of large numbers is a good place to begin on that thought. but now you have failed because you were selling a bad product and you lacked the sales ability and workethic to succed and now all mlm strucktured business are bad. sorry for being so blunt and to the point but its the truth.

Cease the day or either let it cease you!!!

Z. S. Enterprises
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#89 · Posted: 3 Sep 2008 18:13

Amen! Our microwave society needs some crockpot mentality

I absolutely LOVE this saying! It is really true - too many people jump in - invest money and REFUSE TO WORK!

I don't know of any traditional 9-5 companies that would allow anyone to KEEP a J-O-B with that mentality, yet people flock to the industry with the pie in the sky, get rich quick or lottery mentality.

This is a PROFESSION. It needs to be treated as such. HARD WORK will help your success, not luck. well maybe a little of both.

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#90 · Posted: 3 Sep 2008 20:22


To be or not to be, Smart!
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#91 · Posted: 4 Sep 2008 03:29

Doesn't the frame of mind or the thought pattern put us in the situation we are currently in? The only reason I say this is due to the fact that if you think you are a failure then this is how you will go through life. One will never succeed at what one does because in their mind they have already failed and will not work to the best of their potential to achieve success.
I could not agree with you more that our posture tells more about who we are than the spoken word. A person who holds their head up and walks with confidence will less likely be approached by those who are threatening or beggars'. Shake hands with a man/woman and see if they look you in the eye. I learned many years ago through a Native American Indian that if they cannot look you in the eye then they are not your brother and not to be trusted. It is a shame that deals made with online sites can't be done with a handshake. The snakes would show their true colors then.
When talking of the Theosophy Society that in and of itself brings another discussion to the table and I really don't see where it applies here unless you are using it to reference the unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in man.
The Secret has been around since I was a kid, (oh so many years ago) and I have yet to see results from it. According to the laws of the universe you can bring anything into realty if you want it bad enough or think about it hard enough and believe it is true. I am not here to judge, it is only to say that in the many years I laid in m bed seeing a brand new Lamborghini in the drive and a living room full of cash only to wake and see that neither had developed, and well I guess it goes along with believing in Santa Clause.
To all those that read this, think hard about where you invest your money. Research to the fullest extent all the best options and returns (no load mutual funds) to see where you can be set for retirement. Trust this from an old retired sailor (US Navy 20 years).
Best of luck to all.

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#92 · Posted: 5 Sep 2008 17:58

Totally agree with danny. Futher more to become one of the 3% that are seing results you have to be a solution the the 97% thats need there problems solved..

I could go deeper but thats the foundation of MLM success

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#93 · Posted: 5 Sep 2008 20:26

Gavin Stephenson! You are the man! Glad you chimed in!

I checked out your new Chase Me Marketing! HOT HOT HOT!

Great job! I know you got some secrets in there that I am going to steal, too!


And, of course, your comment is dead on.

You know I will support anything you do. You have such a firm grasp on what I hold to be the most important qualities of a leader. So keep doing what you do!

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#94 · Posted: 6 Sep 2008 00:28


Totally agree with danny. Futher more to become one of the 3% that are seing results you have to be a solution the the 97% thats need there problems solved..

I could go deeper but thats the foundation of MLM success

Gavin Stephenson
Why Pay!! For *TRAFFIC* When You Can Get It *FREE*!!!

Please review your signature and don't confuse people with your FREE TRAFFIC (it is not TRUE); it is FAKE! People need to get out of their pocket $69 (today 09052008).

Revise your statement before posting it, pls. Lying won't get you far.

To be or not to be, Smart!
Vishal P. Rao
Joined: 23 Jun 2005
Posts: 1296
#95 · Posted: 6 Sep 2008 01:55 · Edited by: Vishal P. Rao

Please review your signature and don't confuse people with your FREE TRAFFIC (it is not TRUE); it is FAKE! People need to get out of their pocket $69 (today 09052008).

Revise your statement before posting it, pls. Lying won't get you far.

Before hurling accusations, take some time introspecting.

Why Pay!! For *TRAFFIC* When You Can Get It *FREE*!!!

Here's what it means - Why pay for traffic when you can learn how to get free traffic. It does not say I'll give you free traffic.

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#96 · Posted: 7 Sep 2008 18:57

Vishal P. Rao:
Please review your signature and don't confuse people with your FREE TRAFFIC (it is not TRUE); it is FAKE! People need to get out of their pocket $69 (today 09052008).

Revise your statement before posting it, pls. Lying won't get you far.

Before hurling accusations, take some time introspecting.

Why Pay!! For *TRAFFIC* When You Can Get It *FREE*!!!

Here's what it means - Why pay for traffic when you can learn how to get free traffic. It does not say I'll give you free traffic.

Well that was my point. His signature can be interpreted in many ways... as you said. But inducts people in Confusion.

Make it clear, and we'll know what you say. Make it unclear, and you'll STEEL.

And yes, I don't have any problems with his posting. I am just frustrated that through this statement, he's trying to get people's business. Not the proper way... my personal opinion.

And I think I have right to my own opinion, or...? Am I not in USA?

To be or not to be, Smart!
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#97 · Posted: 7 Sep 2008 19:13

sorry didnt mean i was going to give you traffic. just ment id rather drive traffic for free than pay for it.

Well that was my point. His signature can be interpreted in many ways... as you said. But inducts people in Confusion.

Make it clear, and we'll know what you say. Make it unclear, and you'll STEEL.

And yes, I don't have any problems with his posting. I am just frustrated that through this statement, he's trying to get people's business. Not the proper way... my personal opinion.

And I think I have right to my own opinion, or...? Am I not in USA?

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#98 · Posted: 8 Sep 2008 20:58

I will post the topic below again for you:

"So MLM has a 97% fail rate. Big Deal. So does online biz opportunity industry (affiliate programs like WealthMasters, liberty league, etc).

But why? (If you have failed at MLM, you don't get to answer here...we know you hate it and you want to make sure that everyone knows that your failure had nothing to do with your inability to gain enough mental leverage on yourself to do what was necessary to figure out an effective sales and recruiting approach...we have heard it 1,000,000 times already...we got it)

Regardless of how I feel about people's sudden lack of personal responsibility when it comes to failing at things, the sad fact remains that 97% are failing. So while I am not one to buy into people's excuse-making, I also know that the basic business model is pretty messed up if your getting results like that.


It's very simple. MLM'ers have not learned how to stop CHASING DOWN THEIR TARGET MARKET! For that matter, they don't even know how to assess who their target market really is!

And even if someone does know how to define who their target market is, many will then go into that market with a big pile of business cards and their nice suit ready to put on a show:

"This company is 21 years old, we are debt free and we have THE GREATEST (insert your thing here) that has ever been in the market....AND we are creating 100 millionaires in the next 24 months! You should come to our meeting at (insert local cheese ball hotel) this Monday night! We have a guest speaker who was a (insert really crappy job here) and now he earns over XXXX per month!"

That is called "chasing". THAT is why you have your 97% fail rate.


Learn to ADD MASSIVE USE VALUE TO YOUR MARKET. (first, you need to know who your target market is and where to find them)

Now, at first this can be difficult. But it's the difference between chasing a dream and being miserable doing it and having your dream chase you and having a blast.

Depending on the response to this post, I will do another one that will show you exactly what it means to add Massive Use Value.

I really hope that those that are still making the lists of their friends and family or just generally struggling (in ANY business) will pay attention." you have anything valuable to add to this topic? Or are you going to keep railing against people's signature lines?

#99 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 12:26

Thank everyone for the relevent posts (web20mentor et all). I am, like others new to MLM, but I've considered myself lucky to be selling a product in demand and fun. I think having a good product, and enjoying talking about it is much more valuable than trying to sign up a bucnh of people who are promised millions, and eventually become that 97%. I don't want people to be dissallusioned with what I get them into. I personally would rather make less money, and know feel better about myself as a person. I will only sign up people who I know will have a good chance of benefiting - and with those people, I am very positive and upbeat

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#100 · Posted: 9 Sep 2008 20:55 · Edited by: fbl3ssingm


I will post the topic below again for you:

"So MLM has a 97% fail rate. Big Deal. So does online biz opportunity industry (affiliate programs like WealthMasters, liberty league, etc).

But why? (If you have failed at MLM, you don't get to answer here...we know you hate it and you want to make sure that everyone knows that your failure had nothing to do with your inability to gain enough mental leverage on yourself to do what was necessary to figure out an effective sales and recruiting approach...we have heard it 1,000,000 times already...we got it)

Regardless of how I feel about people's sudden lack of personal responsibility when it comes to failing at things, the sad fact remains that 97% are failing. So while I am not one to buy into people's excuse-making, I also know that the basic business model is pretty messed up if your getting results like that.


It's very simple. MLM'ers have not learned how to stop CHASING DOWN THEIR TARGET MARKET! For that matter, they don't even know how to assess who their target market really is!

And even if someone does know how to define who their target market is, many will then go into that market with a big pile of business cards and their nice suit ready to put on a show:

"This company is 21 years old, we are debt free and we have THE GREATEST (insert your thing here) that has ever been in the market....AND we are creating 100 millionaires in the next 24 months! You should come to our meeting at (insert local cheese ball hotel) this Monday night! We have a guest speaker who was a (insert really crappy job here) and now he earns over XXXX per month!"

That is called "chasing". THAT is why you have your 97% fail rate.


Learn to ADD MASSIVE USE VALUE TO YOUR MARKET. (first, you need to know who your target market is and where to find them)

Now, at first this can be difficult. But it's the difference between chasing a dream and being miserable doing it and having your dream chase you and having a blast.

Depending on the response to this post, I will do another one that will show you exactly what it means to add Massive Use Value.

I really hope that those that are still making the lists of their friends and family or just generally struggling (in ANY business) will pay attention." you have anything valuable to add to this topic? Or are you going to keep railing against people's signature lines?

This is the most honest and valuable information you've ever posted on this forum [my opinion], and I own you a real THANK YOU! This for me, and for anyone else that looks for such discussion. Thank you.

I just have one concern, regarding one of your statements. I do not say that I have failed, and I will not SAY IT! I will never fail, because, as I said, I'm a very strong motivated persons and I know how to deal with such things. Please, do not make such affirmation, if you do not present a based content.

Again, thank you for your reply, and it really helped me understand something more.

As about signatures, I am not hunting for bad signatures, as I was interested in a real online business. I am still searching, and I know I'll find something.

Unfortunately, with profit lance, I'm a little bit disappointed and today I just got my confirmation that my money will be refunded.

I appreciate your post.

To be or not to be, Smart!
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