1. melissaathome

    melissaathome New Member

    I am not sure if you ever got an answer to your question. Yes, people are receptive. Why? #1 Health Care is important to everyone. Unfortunately, everyone can't get it. Some reasons include financial and others include previous health conditions. #2 our economy is in a terrible state right now. People are desperately needing jobs and can't find them. Those who do fear a layoff might occur and they might be first. Even "seemingly stable" industries like our Education is being turned upside down. People need money and owning your own business is the way to go. Ameriplan wraps it all up for us in a nice little package.

    Do we use the plans. Yes! and Double Yes! The savings membership we received allowed me to purchase $75 in dining gift certificates for $7.20 this past month. In addition, when you join you automatically get the family dental and vision plan with the company. I am limited on providers locally and have personally not used the plan yet. But, I had a lady call me once and tell me that she wanted to work for Ameriplan right now. I asked her if she wanted to hear more first and do the research. Her response, was "I am already a member and have the dental plan...it saved me $1500 on my last dental procedure. I'm sold."

    The company provides us with 250 post card leads monthly through the Freedom at Home Team. I use them, but rarely. I prefer generating leads on my own. That being said, the company taught me how to do all of that. You get a personal coach and unlimited training.

    As for the cash, Ameriplan is offering a great deal this month only for $10. You can't beat that. Even Avon and MaryKay charge more than that. Of course, there is no contract and if you decide it's not for you, you can quit anytime.

    Feel free to reply for more information.
  2. jlbear21

    jlbear21 New Member

    Melissa is absolutely right and I can attest to the savings as well. I used our AccessSaver membership which comes "with the package" as an IBO and my fiancee and I saved $25 on new tires for our car. That $25 savings went to having lunch while we waited for the tires to be installed. [​IMG] And you really can't beat the promotion that's going on to enroll for $9.95. I haven't personally used the medical services yet though, but plan on it to get my eyes checked for the first time in 6 years.
  3. HomeLover

    HomeLover New Member

    I've been with Ameriplan for about four years now. I like it because it does not have products to sell. Not many people are good at selling products. We have very needed services that save people money (which is what everyone is wanting these days!)
    The company is very fair; pays well and has a low start up. I've even been on an all expense paid trip to Playa Del Carmen.
    Like with any business, you do need to put the work in to get the reward. But it is definately worth it!!
  4. WAHMomma

    WAHMomma New Member

    I love AmeriPlan and glad I found a business that I'm proud to say I'm with. With all work at home opportunities there are pros and cons (cons usually voiced more than pros it seems like). But do your research, connect with an enroller, ask questions and make an informed decision for you and your family.

    Many of us would not still be working our AmeriPlan business if we weren't making any money and helping people in the process.

    You have to think of it as a long-term home based business and not a quick fix, instant money situation. If that's what your looking for than applying for "jobs" may be more suitable for you.

    Much success to you all!
  5. Elysium

    Elysium New Member

    Apparently Ameriplan is in the process of terminating a lot of people. Looks like it would be best to 'proceed with caution' on this one folks.

    For info, just google the words "Ameriplan terminated" and you'll see what's going on.

    Best of luck to those currently involved. I hope it works out alright. [​IMG]
  6. KarenSmith67

    KarenSmith67 New Member

    I was involved with Ameriplan a couple of years ago. The problem is that the doctors in Oregon (my area anyway) do not accept Ameriplan. When I explained this to the woman that sold the program to me, she responded with "well we can certainly send a proposal or make a phone call to your local providers and see if we can get them to accept Ameriplan". I commented that the medical profession is the WORST to work with when trying to get them to accept something they are not familar with, or that does not provide them a profit in offering the plan to clients. Needless to say, I did not continue with this opportunity, but I still get emails from them and see that the east coast is really good about being able to promote Ameriplan. I would NOT recomment this opportunity to those that reside in Oregon.
  7. PuckShmuck

    PuckShmuck New Member

    Hi Karen, I am very sorry that your experience with Ameriplan was not a good one. I am currently training to be an Health Benefits Specialist with Ameriplan in NY and one of the training sites listed these states as not having members or IBO's.
    Alaska (No IBOs or members)
    Montana (No IBOs or members)
    North Dakota
    South Dakota
    I asked what this meant and I was told that it has something to do with what's going on in those states. I'm wondering if maybe they have corrected the situation in OR since it's not appearing in this list. Just a thought.
  8. ana3621

    ana3621 New Member

    I just signed up for Ameriplan and so far I love it. There is a tone of support and the training is very helpful and you're never in it alone! If you would like more information emails are always welcome [​IMG]
    [email protected]
  9. dtoss80

    dtoss80 New Member

    Ameriplan is a good reputable company. I heard alot of people are having success. I'm already involved in my primary business.
  10. jaymeboyles

    jaymeboyles New Member

    I have been with AmeriPlan for four years and just mad National Sales Director, and getting super close to the Cadillac Club! It has been an amazing blessing for me and my family, and the incentives offered now are like none other I have seen!!
  11. mkl315

    mkl315 New Member

    I think I tried ameriplan once but didn't try to hard at it. Can any one share how long it took them to start making money with them, did it cost you anything to get started, how did you get your sales?
  12. hops4sirfinchie

    hops4sirfinchie New Member

    I just signed up 2 days ago!
    It seems a little overwhelming, but the upline is incredibly amazong and they happy to help with any questions!
  13. El Penguino

    El Penguino New Member

    Hello Ameriplaners,

    I am currently an IBO (not with Ameriplan) and I am looking for a second business to run along side my current one. Does Ameriplan allow an IBO to run multiple businesses simultaneously? Cheers.
  14. karen@apcareer

    karen@apcareer New Member

    I'm with AmeriPlan and absolutely love the opportunity but what is really amazing is the training and the support that u get. Our faht is really motivating. U can an will succeed with hard work. They don't sell lotions/ potions
    They are a 21 yr old discount benefits company , and that is what a lot of people are needing in this economy, considering that employers won't hire F/T cause they won't offer benefits
    They teach u everything u need to be successful. They offer amazing promotions on a monthly basis
  15. Bob81

    Bob81 New Member

    Ameriplan has been around for many years. I am sure it's good, reputable company.
  16. @HomeFree

    @HomeFree New Member

    I have been with Ameriplan now for just over a year. It is an amazing opportunity with a community of wonderful people. There is a huge emphasis on the idea that helping people and truly being available for others' is what will make you successful and that is so true! Have an 'Attitude of Gratitude' and you will be sure to go places. Ameriplan has been around for 22 years now...that says it all! The FAHTeam gives a clear path with an abundance of training and content which sets you up for success you just have to stay consistent with your efforts.
    Rebecca Wesley likes this.
  17. Vidal

    Vidal New Member


    I was involved in Ameriplan, and I will honestly say it is a great business but I was involved in network marketing in the past for over 20 years and I got burnt out of it so I stopped. I even receiving a commission check with them really fast, but having to motivate, recruit people is not for me anymore. If you like network marketing then this is a great opportunity.
  18. Tina Sassy

    Tina Sassy New Member

    Glad to see you making it! I see a lot of ads place at wahm.com for them. I also knew a lady that worked at our local bank and she and her husband worked it hard; even had it printed on their vehicles.

    I'm not for person to person or face to face; I enjoy online affiliate marketing much more! :O)

    Bountiful blessings for 2015!


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