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Joined: 24 Jan 2007
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# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 08:57

I have been in GDI for over a year now and I never have regretted

it.. They always pay on time and while there is cheaper hosting

no other provides the income potential and stability

that GDI does.. and website builder is easy to use which is good for people like me that still struggle with html lol

Global Domains International

Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 13:08

Can anyone here give any concrete statements about money actually earned with GDI?


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 1 Apr 2008 16:48

Lets see if this helps.
Concrete statement #1.
You Earn $1 for every site you sponsor/signup/refer. Then $1 for every site your signup refers down 5 lvls?

Concrete Statement#2
You have a very simple to use easy to understand website builder(or you can go commando and create your own site...see my sigline) With this you can monetize yoursite however you wish.

Concrete Statement#3

So that's the money part.
Here's what I do with GDI and I've been happy so far.

I promot GDI using the video and my site, I've found this to be decent enough with regards to GDI sign-ups. I then show my new sign ups how to use several free options to start building something online. It's not a real fast start business plan...though it can be. With the bonuses though you generally don't have to worry about that. I'm sure you've seen the GDI video, if not then you should take another look at it as it seams it would explain a lot of your questions. If not then let me know and maybe we can talk over the phone or something. I don't mind helping out.

incedentally with GDi the most i've made in 1 month(just GDI) is 600+, I'll have to get back and look at the actual month.

Incedentally with that month there were several other "programs" earning me money as well many of my GDI team members were a part of that money as well.

Talk to you soon,


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 02:24 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan

Hi Gilbert,
I appreciate your answer to my question.
And thanx for giving me a clue as to what you have earned with GDI.

Those 'concrete statements' however, are simply a rehash of the payout plan of GDI.
I was talking more about concrete statements of actual money earned with GDI.

You mentioned earning $600 in one month with GDI.
I wonder if that is AFTER, the costs of promotion, either in money, or time - which as we all know IS money!

I have about two weeks left in my GDI account.

GDI, looks to me to be a domain hosting site, with a matrix for income.
Eliminate the 50% that goes to payouts in the matrix, and you have a decent priced domain hosting plan.
Even so, that's a bit much for only one website hosting.

Unless I hear MUCH better, I doubt that I will continue.

thanx for your response,


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 10:57

With the exception of this last month all my marketing has been "gorilla marketing" that is to say free marketing. I just recently started buying rotation spots in certain places... the review is still out on those, but they are cheap(less than $12 a packages so even there the cost is nominal.

On average from GDI I earn near 350-400 a month. I have only been with them for a few months now but am very happy with what they offer.

GDI is probably not your best option for hosting, however it is IMHO a very nice avenue for income creation. Their marketing video's are golden and a lot of people sign up once they see them.
I have a downline of over 200 people, many who are also signed up for other "programs" I promote.

Again as I've only been with GDI for a few months I've really not tried to push anything on my downline....for two reasons.
1. I hate when that's done to me. I took a lot of care building trust with my downline so I never promote things I've not personally tested and have been paid on.
2. I really am trying to stick to the low cost no cost programs out there and there are not that many. Perhaps as I see certain people "blow up" I'll begin sharing other more expensive Programs with them, but as of this moment I'm not personally involved in anything else so I wouldn't ask my downline to be in something I've not tried.

I've said this before and I'll say it again, if you're looking for a hosting company, GDI is not the way to go as for the price you don't get a lot. The "thing" with GDI is that they offer a reasonable/profitable income stream, with very little overhead.

As for investing in time and money...well I take the approach of GDI/ being a business as such there are start up cost and growing pains. Could I have invested 100's into marketing and potentially boosted my start..well yes, but then I wouldn't be able to tell my downline how to take $10 and turn it into 1k+ a month.

One lat thing.
Be careful when asking for proof online... pictures can be doctored, and anyone can say anything, in the end always do your research and trust in your gut...and in a few (no promotional) reviews.
After all it doesn't take much for someone to lie to you...look for honesty and integrity online and you'll go far...look for money and you'll soon find yourself giving it away to someone else.

IF you need any help promoting GDI let me know I'd be more than happy to help you get started.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 18:31 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan

Be careful when asking for proof online...

Oh yes, I realize how things can be faked, esp. ONLINE!

But, I have ways, and questions that I judge the answer to, to help me draw a conclusion.

The one thing that helps me draw a conclusion is a simple RESPONSE!
Most folx, don't go through the trouble of substantiating their claims, or even attempting to (faking it).
They simply disappear when questioned!
(or throw up a gigantic smoke screen).

That's proof enough for me!


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 18:35

With the exception of this last month all my marketing has been "gorilla marketing" that is to say free marketing.

I'd be interested in how much TIME you spend 'gorilla marketing'.
I am familiar with 'free' advertising techniques - some anyway.
I have found them to be TREMENDOUS time consumers (wasters).
I haven't gotten decent results.
But it has cost me hours and hours.

Not trying to demean your efforts.
Just honestly telling you my experience.

thanx again for your responses!

good luck 2 u,


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 8 Apr 2008 19:15

Well lets see if i had to place an amount of time on it I'd say I spend about 1-2 hours a day...BUT a good majority of that is forum posting, where I would have been posting anyway. I write maybe 1-2 articles a week. lately my focus has been on getting a guide together and taxes(I work as a book keeper at home as well)

No worries about demeaning my efforts, i'm happy with here my time investments are right now so it's no harm to me. I'd be interested in hearing what it is you've tried as I am making a marketing guide and the more pitfalls I can help people avoid the better.


Joined: 21 Jul 2007
Posts: 70

# Posted: 18 Apr 2008 07:08


Very interesting comments.

I see many affiliate programs and marketers are using GDI as part of their total package.

Looking back on things, if you can teach somebody to generate a moderate income with the "low risk" GDI option on it's own. Those skills can be easily transferred, don't you agree??? As your team looks to grow.

That is the amazing thing that clicked for me a while back. Quite frankly I didn't understand what a beauty it was and still is.

Kind Regards

Aaron Riddell


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 18 Apr 2008 17:04

Those skills can be easily transferred, don't you agree???

Hey there Aaronbiz,

If you can easily transfer the skills it takes to make money with GDI, please transfer those skills to me!

I was getting ready to drop my account with GDI but now one of the 'viral systems' I am with, wants me to use GDI for my website hosting.

GDI may make money but I really don't want to deal with it right now.
I feel like I am being forced into using GDI as opposed to better web hosting and domain name registration plans.

On the other hand,
if I could actually make MONEY with GDI...


Joined: 21 Jul 2007
Posts: 70

# Posted: 19 Apr 2008 06:11

Hi TJamMoney,

If GDI is part of your "viral system" I would assume if you promote the "viral system" itself this will lead to sign-ups including GDI sign-ups.

In practice I know it may not work like that all the time.

I have sent through a link to you by PM. When you have time Register as a free member and take a look around the members area.

You will find extra promotional splash pages you can use for your GDI recruitment, plus other bits and pieces to help grow your downline.

In regards to "the skills", these take time to learn, but once learned then applied successfully to say your GDI business, you can then transfer this new skill onto something else.

I wish you well,

Aaron Riddell


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 19 Apr 2008 21:02

Those skills can be easily transferred, don't you agree???

Hey there Aaronbiz,

If you can easily transfer the skills it takes to make money with GDI, please transfer those skills to me!

What I was trying to get at is, if possible, I would cancel my GDI account and sign up under you - if you could 'easily transfer' skills that could get me paid with GDI, that is.

I fully understand the 'these skills take time to learn' part.
I don't see that the skills necessary are any different than any other aff. marketing techniques though.

However, I could be wrong...


Joined: 21 Jul 2007
Posts: 70

# Posted: 20 Apr 2008 09:53

Hi TJamMoneyMan,

Send me a Skype (I just PM'd you) or contact me through my website email.

I would not recommend cancelling your GDI as I have no problem with giving you a hand with a few suggestions.

Aaron Riddell


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 20 Apr 2008 10:46


If GDI is part of your "viral system" I would assume if you promote the "viral system" itself this will lead to sign-ups including GDI sign-ups.

In practice I know it may not work like that all the time.

and practice is what counts!


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 25 Apr 2008 11:41

Hey guys
Sorry for the uber delayed response, I've been busy getting finishing touches done on my guide and such.

TJamMoneyMan, the "skills" you seek are nothing more than marketing skills and should be something you pick up or strive to learn if you are serious about marketing online with any program as the games is the same regardless of what ball you're using.

I hope Aaron is able to help you out and provide the education you're looking for.

GDI is the perfect "starter" program. It gives you a great exposure to all the different facets of internet marketing...or it should if your upline is doing what they are supposed to. (My team has suffered as of late because of this blasted guide, but hopefully now that it is done it will benefit them)

I've seen an increased trend in "funded marketing" using GDI as a low cost option and imagine it will only grow as a trend as GDI is solid in what it offers.

I agree with TJamMoneyMan in not liking "viral programs" forcing people to use a particular hosting company especially as GDI is rather light on the hosting end...though I would bet that as part of the viral program GDI is used as an income stream.

Best of luck to you both,


Joined: 26 Mar 2008
Posts: 35

# Posted: 28 Apr 2008 03:52

I get e-mails from David Parnell to join GDI...haven't done so yet lol but it does seem to be a legitimate opportunity though it's MLM...


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 29 Apr 2008 14:54

Ah yes the Stigma with MLM's. If I had a dollar for everytime I had to explain the benefits of MLM's and the downsides of them as well.

In theory they are VERY helpful to veryone involved...
But then in theory communism works to so go figure...

MLM is simply a vehicle, and much like any vehicle, your style of driving is either going to benefit you or cause you harm.

TO stick to the same analogy, you have to watch out for other driver's as well....And don't get me started on bad bus drivers(re:Mentors)


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Posts: 676

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 15:07

TJamMoneyMan, the "skills" you seek are nothing more than marketing skills and should be something you pick up or strive to learn if you are serious about marketing online with any program as the games is the same regardless of what ball you're using.

I agree Mr OpenDomain,
Why people present their particular 'skills' as something other than the same 'skills' anyone would have to learn as part of internet marketing beats me.

GDI will have to prove itself worthy.

I have grown weary of promises that won't come true.

I'm giving GDI another month.


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 15:44

I said it on another post but a large part of the current marketing paradigm revolves around lying to people, sad but it is true.

When I say lying to them I mean playing on their emotions and promising them things that, though possible in some cases, are not very likely.

It is very difficult to break out of that line of thinking.
A huge part of that is because when you do you have to have something that works besides the current line of thinking or you're not going to be in business long enough for it to make a difference.

I suppose what I"m getting at is this:
Learn why people odd/even price things(4.99),
Why they drive the sense of loss home (you only have 2 more hours to join)

Become a student of marketing and the world is a very different place.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 16:20

suppose what I"m getting at is this:
Learn why people odd/even price things(4.99),
Why they drive the sense of loss home (you only have 2 more hours to join)
Become a student of marketing and the world is a very different place.

hello again Mr O.D.
I guess I am already a student of marketing.
Anyone who makes any money, or even tries to, actually is imho.
Either marketing, or learning how, or NOT marketing (making money, sales etc.).
You see, I believe, and I have been taught this by some excellent marketers/millionaires, that even those who ONLY work for a living are in fact marketing - their job skills.
More acutely, is one who is on the market for a job, either now, or expecting to be, would do best to realize he is advertising himself in a job MARKET.

I have made my life as a self employed, sub-contractor musician, marketing my skills for hire as the market will support.

I feel this is just as much a business, as running a 7/11 or Mac Donalds.

I will admit though, that only recently have I began to fully realize and practice this.

I feel I am a student of marketing already, especially since I have made this realization.

And, I think most people realize why gas, for example, always has 9/10 of a cent extra onto a price that wouldn't look as cheap raised that extra 1/10 of a cent.

I'll also bet that anyone who has done more than one internet transaction, with the 'deadline' approaching, soon knows what a croc.
THAT ploy is!

I don't know why advertisers think these lies work.
I guess they do for the bean counters.
It probably gets them the numbers they crave and worship.

But I am quickly turned off by such lies, and am equally quick to drop anything I have bought into, that doesn't live up to its adver-hype/lies.
At least, MOST of the hype has to be true.

Plus, I don't see these hyped up 'business opportunities' lasting very long.

GDI has one month left to drain me of my resources.

I'll work it, but it simply has to be worth my time and money to promote it.

If you know of something that lives up to its' own hype, please let me know!

AND good luck 2 u!


Joined: 19 Aug 2007
Posts: 535

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 16:43

I agree with you in alot of things and am glad to hear that you are a student of marketing...I would be comfortable saying everyone here is.

I hope you find what it is you're looking for out there and if there is any way I can help I will be here.

Best of luck TJ.


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# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 19:30

If you know of something that lives up to its' own hype, please let me know!

SBI doesn't really have a lot of "Hype" but it does deliver what it claims, and then some.


Joined: 11 Nov 2007
Posts: 676

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 19:42

SBI doesn't really have a lot of "Hype" but it does deliver what it claims, and then some.

Hi there Happywife!

I am a SBI member.
I followed the SBI thread in this forum.
I am an inactive SBI member!

If you have some positive uplifting comments about SBI, that thread sure could use 'em!
(So could I - I was THAAAT close to working SBI!!)

TRME will give a new signup, of US citizenry or permanent residence, $25 immediately, with no catch involved.
And $10 per referral after that - to get people in on the same deal.

I've made over $200 EZ money doing that at least!

No hype, just facts...

Silver Member

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Posts: 1002

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 20:03

I am a SBI member.
I followed the SBI thread in this forum.
I am an inactive SBI member!

If you have some positive uplifting comments about SBI, that thread sure could use 'em!
(So could I - I was THAAAT close to working SBI!!)

Which thread, specifically? If you point me in the right direction, I'll check it out.

Are you saying that you joined SBI and then never used it? Why in the world would you want to spend the money on becoming a member if you weren't going to follow the program?

You have to put the time and effort in upfront, just like they claim, but if you do, you'll have a business site in the end that doesn't need much maintenance to keep up.


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Posts: 676

# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 21:16 · Edited by: TJamMoneyMan

there's a thread here at the forum that I participated in, about SBI.
If you use the search function, I am sure you will find it like I did.

Yes, I never did anything with SBI, but it didn't cost anything to join.

That MAY be the issue right there.
Now, I don't expect ANYTHING for nothing, but SBI is promoted as a free plan.
To WORK the plan, would require money though.
A reasonable amount to be sure, I would add, but I have to feel that SBI, or any other business opp. is going to be worth my time and money.

One problem people mentioned, about SBI, as well as other free, or low cost plans, is that often people are not very motivated, and you can wind up with a downline that is not very active.
People also complained about high attrition with SBI, attributing that to the same cause.

I would work ANYTHING, looonnnggg and HARD, if I thought there was a payoff worthy of the effort.
Hell, I work more than a few jobs that are NOT worthy of my efforts.
I would certainly work SBI if I thought it would be.
(which holds true for ANY online business opp. by the way!)

I got involved with SBI because I believed it would be worthy of the time and money it would take to make good income with SBI.
The experiences I heard at that SBI thread convinced me otherwise.

If you have had different experiences I would love to hear about it.

That particular thread is probably the best place to do so.

C u there?

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# Posted: 30 Apr 2008 22:03

We obviously are talking about two completely different things.

The SBI I am referring to is SiteBuildIt. It is not a free program. It is a site building package that includes all the training, tools, domain, and hosting to build a business web site that gets free targeted traffic from the search engines.

The only thing I have ever heard people complain about with SBI is the price. It's $299 for a year, but most people who use it discover it's actually a bargain.

With all the initials we use to refer to different programs it is easy to confuse the various ones.


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Posts: 676

# Posted: 1 May 2008 06:06

The only thing I have ever heard people complain about with SBI is the price. It's $299 for a year, but most people who use it discover it's actually a bargain.

With all the initials we use to refer to different programs it is easy to confuse the various ones.

Alphabet soup!

If your SBI can actually make money, I'd love to hear about it...

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# Posted: 1 May 2008 18:08

I gave you a nutshell explanation here...

The SBI I am referring to is SiteBuildIt. It is not a free program. It is a site building package that includes all the training, tools, domain, and hosting to build a business web site that gets free targeted traffic from the search engines.

...but I'll send you a PM with more information. I've explained it in detail several times already in this forum, and I don't want to take over this thread since it is supposed to be referring to GDI.

If you are seriously interested and want to ask more questions about it, you can either reply by PM or start a new thread on the subject. Fair enough?


Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 155

# Posted: 3 May 2008 17:26

After 4 previous failures in MLM, I joined GDI 15 weeks ago and I've been on the worldwide leader board all 15 weeks because I use the Residual Wealth Factor team marketing "system".

I am on pace to be making $10,000 a month in residual income in another 7 months.

I'll be happy to keep you updated on my progress when I return to make posts on this forum in the future.


Joined: 11 Sep 2007
Posts: 155

# Posted: 3 May 2008 17:44

I joined Global Domains International 15 weeks ago and I have been on the leaderboard all 15 weeks because I use David Parnell's Residual Wealth Factor marketing system. You can even see my testimonial on the capture page.

I'm Timothy McGaffin II.

I previously joined and failed miserably in 4 MLM's but since joining Global Domains Interantional and consistently marketing with our confidential ad sources I have appeared on the GDI leaderboard all 15 weeks so far.

I am on pace to be making $10,000 a month in about 7 more months.

I've known about GDI for a long time and never liked it because you only make $1 per person but when I found the Residual Wealth Factor marketing system, I knew it was going to work to produce duplication in my downline for everyone who takes action.


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